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Everything posted by eSJayDee

  1. When you're down by 24, the thought of getting 4 scores, ie 3 TDs & a FG is EXTREMELY unlikely. Who knew we'd score 3 straight TDs w/ time to spare.
  2. I've seen it, too. Doesn't seem to correlate to where the TD was scored from, so I assume it's based on kicker/team choice. For a right-footed kicker, it's easier to kick from the left hash.
  3. As previous statistics/studies have shown, once/if he becomes a Patsie*, his fumbling issues will likely/largely disappear. (It's a lot easier holding onto a flat football.)
  4. The only reason you don't hoe roads is because it's just too damn tough!
  5. I don't think you manage to trade Cassel. We got him early in the off-season &, as I understand it, basically got him for about the value of a box of athletic tape 9ie it was an exchange of draft picks). At his salary, now, I don't think he's worth even that. Though I'm not found of the idea, we probably could get a mid-round pick for Manuel.
  6. Just saw this video of a college guy doing this in practice. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2521368-texas-longhorns-k-nick-rose-nails-80-yard-field-goal-at-practice?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=programming-national Wondering if it's legit. Hang time is only ~3.6 seconds (I wouldn't think you could kick a ball ~85 yds w/o more time) & you don't see the start of his approach (ie he could be taking more than the 3 steps you'd have time for in a FG attempt). Sounds/looks like there's also some wind, but nothing tremendous. Anybody know anything about Nick Rose? Is this legit or is it doctored?
  7. I'll concede, maybe calling him "elite" might be overly generous, but he was a starting caliber RB who rushed for 1000 yrs 2x. Certainly not a bottom rung, borderline journeymen.
  8. He might very well be able to - for one week. When he played ~20 yrs ago, he was elite, so it's quite possible that if he kept himself in shape, he would still have the abilities of a lower echelon player. However, as a "weekend athlete" not much younger than him, I can emphatically state that a ~50 yr old body does NOT recover like a ~20 yr olds. Further, what I recover from (actually, I'm pretty much in a constant state of one thing or another being semi-injured ) is in NO way at the same level of what I can only imagine is the wear/damage inflicted playing an NFL game.
  9. The main strength of our Dee is the Dline/passrush. Not saying we aren't strong beyond that, but I don't think you'd call it elite, especially absent 3 DB starters. As none of these drills are "live", I'd have to think this GREATLY minimizes the effect of said pass rush. As such, I don't think the strength of the defense would have much effect on QB effectiveness/appearance.
  10. I saw a few months ago, when the allegations 1st came out, where someone did a statistical analysis that it was virtually guaranteed that it gave them an advantage WRT reduced fumbles. I don't remember the specific #a, but assume relative to average it would amount to maybe 3 fumbles lost /yr (as per above, it had to be fairly significant). I've always considered a turnover worth about 5 points (roughly speaking at least, that holds true). So I think it's quite plausible that their cheating allowed them to win an extra game or so /yr. Certainly significant IMO. Of course, we don't know HOW significant it was cuz they they got away w/ it.
  11. You talk about "ouliners", but he only played 4 games in '14. Statistically, they'll ALL ouliners!
  12. If they're on snugly, the work great. If they're a bit loose/misaligned, they can/will leak. I would not use them in a concealed wall & would be hesitant to use them on anything that would be (particularly) prone to movement. I've used them for temporary repairs & I even installed a solder-free toilet valve that thus far has been trouble free.
  13. What occurred to me is that just cuz he wasn't tendered, doesn't mean that they don't intend/hope to keep him. I'm assuming that the Tender Offer is higher than the League Minimum. Since he (presumably) wouldn't draw much interest, perhaps they're hoping to sign him later & save a couple hundred K or whatever.
  14. I believe they originally went w/ distinct K balls as kickers & punters were using balls that were "broken in", allowing for much more consistent, if not better, kicking & punting. With the recent (dramatic) improvement in punting (& kicking) I wonder if they haven't altered that requirement.
  15. Actually, it seems that the going rate for mediocre starting QB is around $10m now ($20m for elite). Although he didn't even play up to the level of mediocrity, he did start 12 games, w/ little indication there was any inclination to bench him, in which case I think he did indeed live up to his $5m.
  16. I don't really think you do need to truly "understand" offenses to effectively defend them. I'll use the analogy of curing an illness. To "cure" an illness, all you need to do is identify the symptoms and alleviate them; you don't need to know the underlying cause. To defend well, you merely need to identify what an offense is going to do & counteract it; you needn't know how, or why they're doing it. Same holds true for offenses - you merely need to diagnose what a Dee is going to do & device ways to attack it; you don't need to know how or why they're doing it.
  17. Doesn't the guy guiding the plane in look a bit like Marrone? LOL.
  18. Remember, a blocked kick is not only worth (saved) points, but I'd think it's also worth yardage as well. A KO specialist is used perhaps 5x/game on avg & is worth I'd say at most 5 yds/kick, or 25 yds/game, prolly closer to 15. You'll have approximately 2 successful FGs (ignore XP) / game. If you can manage to block, say 20-25%... If an avg FG attempt is roughly 40 yds (ie try from 30), that means that if a blocked FG is brought back to the spot, that's roughly 8 yds relative to a successful try (assume an avg drive start after a KO of the 22. (Further, I would contend that on avg, blocked kicks result in an avg drive start beyond the point of try (or even a potential return for TD.) So improving your kick blocking is worth roughly 4 yds/game, in addition to the 1.5 pts. Again, I just don't think it's very doable, w/o modifying the rules to how they were before. Mario Williams is a very good rusher & is very tall (for that matter I'd bet he prolly has close to a 3' vertical); I don't think you'd find anyone much more (theoretically) capable of blocking kicks than him.
  19. If there was someone out there that could do it much better than it's being done, I'd think an attempt would be made to find them. They could just amend the rules back to how they were allowing you to climb on your teammates. Granted, kickers are MUCH better than they used to be, but I recall Sherman White blocked numerous, maybe like 8 kicks, one yr. Ted Hendricks was very successful at it, too.
  20. Problem seems to be resolved. Thank you.
  21. I'm unable to save the "turn off beeps" feature from the Shoutbox. (I'm okay w/ it, my dog is NOT). Changing the theme appears to fix the problem.
  22. Yes, he's very good, but so are many/most other kickers nowadays. Hitting 90%, which is roughly what he does, is the norm. Coupled w/ the fact that he doesn't KO & no, sorry, not worthy of Pro Bowl recognition.
  23. The decline in yds/drive & plays/drive might be partially due to our improved Dee & ST. Which of course, makes the lack of improvement in scoring all the more damning.
  24. We don't need to draft a RB. We've got 3 decent ones (Jackson, Dixon, Brown). Teams have productive run games w/ inferior talent. Our problem is we don't open holes. Our blockers, interior in particular, just don't cut it. Whether or not an improvement in "scheme" would help, IDK, but regardless, I seriously doubt the improvement would be substantial. When you need to run, it all comes down to your guy beating their guy & our guys don't seem to be able to do that as it's most obvious in short yardage situations.
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