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Everything posted by jaybee

  1. If Nathan Peterman or any other quarterback we've had makes that play, darn near this entire board would be saying to get rid of them. For whatever reason Josh gets a pass on this site. People are afraid to admit when he makes bonehead plays. Instead they blame the fat guys up front or the offensive coordinator. Make no mistake about it if Josh doesn't improve next year we are in deep trouble. So far he does not look like a quarterback capable of winning a championship despite his off the charts athleticism.
  2. Not sure we are any closer now than we were at the beginning of the season in knowing if Josh is that guy. Fortunately he didn't get intercepted today and that was luck. The fumble.. I guess it could happen to anyone. But that throw out of bounds? What the hell?
  3. I don't spend much time on this form but I make it a point to come here a day after every game to read these thoughts, Virgil. Many thanks for taking the time to do this. Reliving a game like this is great for the soul. Many thanks and happy holidays.
  4. I've gotta believe we'll be eight to ten point dogs in that one. I just have a bad feeling that we are going to get killed but I hope I'm wrong. All three phases of that team are better than ours, especially the offense. But they do have to play the game.
  5. According to the internet which I don't find particularly reliable I found that the five highest-paid quarterbacks are Jimmy Garoppolo, Matt Stafford, Derek Carr, Andrew Luck and Aaron Rodgers. The combined record of these five quarterbacks through 15 games is 28 - 46. Yes there have been injuries to some extent. So based on that quick data point perhaps a quarterback does not mean as much as many would make you think. I don't know if we have a good quarterback or not at this point but there is much more to winning football games than having a good quarterback apparently. I fully expect 100% negative, disagreement and inflammatory replies to the post since that's pretty much all we do here. Enjoy!
  6. So what happens if Allen plays at the same level next year ? Its very possible. Do we draft another? Do we suffer 4 years thru his rookie contract....because we drafted him high? Hand the Keys to Matt ? Would love to see him develop but you've got to be concerned if you've watched him so far.
  7. I am 110% behind him. A hundred and 10% behind the Buffalo Bills. All I am saying is he does not look like a good passing quarterback. Good running quarterback... Yes. Good passing quarterback. So far, not even a little bit.
  8. He is number 2 in yards per attempt since they started keeping stats in 2007. That's the good news. The bad news, he's completed less than 25% of those passes..... that were over 10 yards per attempt. Yeah he is a good athlete but he has a damn long way to go to be a competitive quarterback in this league. I call whiff so far. His wobbly off-target passes cost us the game today hands down. I want him to do well but it isn't happening this year. Hopefully next.
  9. Having a decent running threat is useful to a quarterback in training. Makes the transition easier for Josh. I don't understand why there's a let's trade him thread every couple days on here. Really doesn't make much sense if you think about it. At any level.
  10. Josh completed eight passes. When the story line is what a great running day a quarterback had what it really means is he did not do what is most important at the QB position. Throwing the football. Tom Brady never was a running quarterback. Aaron Rodgers is not a running quarterback. Peyton Manning was not a running quarterback. These are some of the best quarterbacks of all time. They know how to play the position and throw the football. Running the football and completing eight passes is not the stuff Championship quarterbacks are made of. If Josh does not learn how to play his position in this league he will not last. He will run and he will get injured badly just like RG3 did. Josh's performance in yesterday's victory was fairly similar to what Tyrod Taylor did when he was here and everyone on this forum wanted to run him out of town. I realize my opinion is not popular on this topic but it is the way I see it and frankly I am not here to make friends, just to call them as I see them. Also, I hope Josh progresses. He has great athletic ability and if he can become an accurate passer we have something.
  11. He will be traded in three years and be a backup quarterback for a couple years and be out of the league by 2024. Probably sooner. He is an excellent athlete but a very bad quarterback.
  12. Hey, the kid is optimistic. He is a good fan. There is nothing wrong with this. What is wrong with you people?
  13. I'll have a window seat near the bar, thank you.
  14. Well, I've only seen two Kansas City games this year. In both of those his name was called several times on good heads-up defensive plays. The suckage of your defense is not in large part his lack of ability. I wish we still had him.
  15. 3) Coach Belichick 4) Coach McDermott 5) Tom Brady 6) Derek Anderson We have played the Patriots tough for many years in a losing cause. I don't think we get killed as bad as everyone thinks but we'll find a way to lose. I just have that feeling.
  16. I am uncertain what it would hurt to start him at this point. Our chances of making the playoffs this year are slim and none. His starting schedule has been sporadic. Start him three games in a row where he prepares for each opponent and see what you have. Maybe a light goes on, maybe the OC doesn't call plays that are not suited to him. Worst thing that happens is he explodes which gives us a better draft pick. No no no I am not a tank Advocate and never will be. But the season is lost and starting our 35 year-old old Mentor probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense at the end of the day.
  17. Excellent post. Could not agree more. Very refreshing to see a well-thought-out and articulated post rather than everybody sucks, and fire everybody blah blah blah. The peanut gallery will roast you good but I thank you for the Post.
  18. I will cheer him on. He's the quarterback of my team. He is a good kid, has done everything right and has worked hard. Unfortunately it has not translated on the football field. I wish him the best.
  19. Good little eater there. I think I am just about ready to pack it in not only on this team but in football all together. After 50 years. I just can't take it anymore.
  20. Composed thoughts? How about decomposed thoughts? Pretty much the whole team, especially the coach and GM are the equivalent of decomposed matter. Did not expect the team to be good but they far exceeded my expectations. The whole mess is a compost pile.
  21. Thats the main reason he's the #32 ranked QB in the league. The numerous pressures are this ^^ more than the O-line. Cleveland is a good example where Tyrod was pressured on 42% of his passing attempts. Mayfield half of that at 21%. Same O-line blocking but Tyrod waits too long just like Josh. Internal clock issue. While this board doesn't think so, I'm afraid we're ruining this kid where his bad habits will become normal. He is not a starting caliber QB and McD entirely screwed the pooch at managing Josh's development; and the whole QB position on our team for that matter. JMO.
  22. They probably search their phones for a quarterback app! Lol.
  23. The game will be broadcast on big Fox. So they should have good announcers. Also you can listen to the radio call if worse comes to worse.
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