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Rocky Landing

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Everything posted by Rocky Landing

  1. With the exception of Davis, these are all pretty bold takes.
  2. Ascending: Isaiah McKenzie: I believe he has earned the trust of Allen, and with Dorsey as the New OC, he will get more opportunities than he did last season. Groot Rousseau: We saw flashes of elite play early in the season, and then his production seemed to fall off into what some pundits referred to as a "sophomore slump." With another full training camp, and Von Millar in the house, he will develop into an OC's worst nightmare. Descending: Dane Jackson: With the departure of Levi Wallace (due to black and gold shorts...!), it's easy to assume that Beane, and McD have lots of faith in Dane. But, I suspect that there's a plan A, and probably a plan B that don't include Dane as the solid #2 that many assume he will be. I also am of the mind that Tre White will be active week one. Ike Boettger: I assume he will remain on the team as depth, but I don't believe we will see him as a starter again in '22. Shocking: OJ Howard: I don't think he will surpass Knox. But, I think his athleticism makes him a perfect fit in Buffalo's offense, and we will see some really exciting plays from him. Von Miller: He just will. Packing: Zack Moss: In '20, he was the best running back in pass protection in the league. But, he was underutilized in '21. I have to believe that there are teams out there that would see value in him, and Beane could use him in a trade. Matt Haack: Just get rid of him already!
  3. Not even sure where this belongs. I don't want to grace it by giving it its own thread. Cam's a free agent, so I'll just leave this here. It's pretty ugly:
  4. Remember this time last year when there was a big, hypothetical debate on whether we would be down for a trade between Allen and Mahomes? Someone should find and bump that thread.
  5. This study seems somewhat anecdotal to me. There are too many variables from one player to the next to really apply this study to Tre White’s situation. That being said, from the “evidence” I have read regarding Tre’s injury, I would bet a month of my avatar that Tre will be active week one of the regular season.
  6. Does anyone know the justification for some teams, including the Dolphins, starting two weeks before us?
  7. Yes. The worst part of an ACL tear (assuming there aren't other related injuries that have gone along with it-- MCL, meniscus, etc.) is the rehab. For several months, training, and conditioning become much harder, and some people might lose strength. But, reports have suggested that Tre's ACL was a clean tear. If he stays on top of his rehab, and takes advantage of what I assume are state-of-the-art rehab facilities at the Bills' Sports Performance Center, there is no reason he shouldn't return to full form.
  8. The average length of a cornerbacks career in the NFL is only 2.9 years, so I suppose Tre White is on on borrowed time in the first place? https://www.statista.com/statistics/240102/average-player-career-length-in-the-national-football-league/
  9. Love that picture. But, also we seem to be at the stage of the offseason where Bills fans just be looking for old threads to bump.
  10. Never drink, and drive, and speed, I always say.
  11. Crowder, Howard, and Saffold are all offensive upgrades. Re-signing Bates, and McKenzie helps Allen. Plus, Bates, Brown, Davis will continue to develop. The run game will continue to develop under Kromer. That helps Allen also. I would be pretty shocked at a trade up for a linebacker, no doubt. But if Beane, and McD see, and have met with someone that they thinks makes a significant impact on defense, I'm not going to complain about it. We are once again drafting predominantly for backup positions. Josh Allen scored 15 points in the last two minutes of regulation against the Chiefs. The Bills were ahead when he left the field. It wasn't the offense that lost that game.
  12. Boettger at LG? I’ll be surprised if he starts the season. He’s rehabbing an Achilles tear.
  13. I would assume the rumor is coming from other teams that don't keep such a tight lid on things?
  14. Christian Wade, Efe Obada, Duke Williams-- I'm a sucker for these "feel good" stories. I root for them, follow them on social media, talk about them around the craft service table, hoping... but they never seem to work out. So, who's the underdog story going to be this season? (Please don't tell me Isaiah Hodgins. I'm bored already...)
  15. IMO-- Yes, and no. I doubt the Ravens have the buyer's remorse you're suggesting here (I mean, the guy was 2019 MVP for Chrissakes!), and it is by no means out of the question that Jackson can develop into a much more effective packet-passer. In fact, some of his numbers from last season (cut short by injury, of course) would suggest that sort of improvement. But, I think you're definitely spot on on suggesting that the Raven's FO would be wary of the sort of deal that he probably hopes he's going to get. If I were Ravens brass, I would definitely want to see much more improvement in term of being a pocket passer, as well as improvement in self-preservation with his running acumen. He ain't no Josh Allen! (Full disclosure-- I am what most would call a "Bills Homer") There used to be this pundit-driven narrative that the way to shut down Allen was too "keep him in the pocket." There may be some lazy pundits still peddling that nonsense, but suffice to say that in '20, and beyond, Josh put that notion to rest. Leave him time in the pocket, and he will slice you to ribbons. But, Jackson (who I think you have to admit, is a better runner) certainly has yet to prove that. So, all of that being said, I would imagine that any contract that he and his Mom would find acceptable would have to be some sort of long-term agreement. And that puts them all at a bit of a conundrum, doesn't it? The timing couldn't be worse! There's no question in my mind that the guy is hella talented. But, there's also no question that he's an inherent risk. Poor guy was born about 20 years too late!
  16. I loved him too. I remember a play (I don't remember the opponent) where Fitz completed to a receiver ahead of TO, and TO sprinted ahead of him to lay a perfect block to get him another ten, or so yards. And that was at age what, 36? Great player, and I was thrilled to shake his hand.
  17. I will say that I am not particularly worried about Tre White. That may only be because I've had my own ACL replaced twice. Maybe he misses a game, or two. But ACL replacement has become utterly routine, and with state-of-the-art rehab (which Tre is most certainly taking advantage of) there's no reason he won't be 100% upon his return, IMO. But I know you don't place the same draft value on G as you do CB. I know Beane's draft philosophy in a nutshell is to fill holes in FA, and generally draft BPA for the future. But I don't know that he always holds to that philosophy in the first round. I'm curious, though: what position do you consider the Bills' greatest need at this point? Even if that need is OL, I wouldn't think you would advocate for taking a guard in the first. All that being said, my hope for the first round is to get their highest rated CB they can afford, and if they have a vet in mind they're willing to trade to help make that deal... well, there are players I'd be disappointed to lose. But, if the Bills snagged that "future ... CB1" you were referring to earlier this season... that could be special. I guess I also have higher hopes for Saffold, but more for his run blocking. If the Bills' run game improves, as it did at the end of the season, that alone takes pressure off Allen. I think the addition of Kromer is also an upgrade.
  18. I think there were mixed feelings amongst fans when he was in Buffalo. That year also represented quite a drop-off in production compared to his previous three years, and he may have felt some dissatisfaction with himself-- who knows. But he definitely had a look of trepidation when he saw my hat. And this was in Los Angeles.
  19. I met him once on an ESPN gig. He shook my hand, but was very suspicious of me in my Bills hat.
  20. Don't forget that in Allen's rookie season, we had a bottom three OL, probably the worst WR corps in the league, and Late Nate Peterman as the "vet mentor."
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