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Everything posted by 34-78-83

  1. Teammates often spoke of Moulds having legendary basketball skills, so that makes sense.
  2. Being off some of the teams draft boards is part of what allowed him to fall to where we picked, so it depends how you look at it. Then he got onto a team with a head coach that, at the time, refused to play rookies, which also hindered the rate of his development as a pro to a degree (he wasn't mentally ready right away either, as noted by some missed assignments early on that drew Kelly's ire). in 1998 (gotta at least have competent quarterbacking too, not 1997 Collins) he put it all together and turned into what he was, one of the greatest Bills receivers of all time. Clearly, he was a far superior player to all the other mentioned WR's except for Harrison from his class. Loved the guy. It sucks that he had off the field issues for sure.
  3. Way too much PTSD here from the drought. TB is a shell of his former self. Still very good at the 2 minute drill and that's where it ends. Bring it on!
  4. CB is quick-witted (although once in a while sometimes a little "dad jokey"), knows the players and the schemes and concepts the team uses in high detail, knows the NFL rules at a very high level and has a lot of passion for the game. I really like him in that spot. Wishing Murph to have a full recovery. His successor is here I think though.
  5. Condolences to you and don't worry one bit about how your post looks. In honors her in your way.
  6. Not only would I take it, Its the most preferred option I could possibly think of. Seriously with this? Nothing would make the season more complete.
  7. Yes, yes you have... You've seen many worse tackling teams this season alone! https://www.pff.com/news/sig-stats-tackling-efficiency-by-team
  8. bet you, ... money (100). Right, yes, I think he will take less (or a longer term) to stay here and remain a cornerstone of this team.
  9. Fair point Simon. I wouldn't totally agree that they dominated both sides of the ball THROUGHOUT the game, but certainly I agree that they did early on and at various points in the game. I think our defensive scheme to take away the middle of the field led to part of the issues you mention. I also feel like we were able to run at them at key moments (from a keep the chains moving perspective), and elminate guys like Chubb in pass protection. Cover1 has some good reviews of the film from that game. Josh certainly was the biggest factor late.
  10. If Tua HAD played in this game it could have been competitive, but (and this is for the thousands of clowns over at Finheaven or wtvr it's called, who have little to no understanding of the actual game of football and seemingly never will) make no mistake, Tua is a limited QB who, when healthy, CANNOT consistently hit the outside throws (mid to deep outs, etc.) without absolutely perfect timing in a clean pocket. He just can't. And his incredibly speedy receivers are often sitting and waiting on his deep throws. Teams have been taking away his bread and butter (the middle of the field, crossers) for what 6 weeks now? That's the real him. Limited. He is not an elite QB and never will be. Plus he gets rag dolled out there far too often. Could they win in the playoffs with him in the future? Sure, but its going to take flawless execution by the team. With that said, Tua is a great person and a good player, and I am so glad his team finally is taking the correct approach with him and showing some level of care for his health.
  11. They all have their roles, and different advantages vs. specific defenses. Why is it all or nothing with most of you? (and on the internet in general)
  12. Hyde back practicing AND Damar released from hospital means that MANY of our guesses as to what this "news" Croom predicted would be correct!
  13. wanna bet? I'm willing to throw 100 on it. To be paid out once signed/extended.
  14. Nothing says he has to be getting 20 mil. If you're unsure on his play, watch film reviews that people do professionally or semi professionally. There's a ton out there. You not noticing him certainly won't be any factor in the equation. So when he's back, have some faith that your team brass knows what they are up to.
  15. I'll bet (willing to put my $ where my mouth is...to a degree...as well) the Bills will do everything in their power to keep Edmunds, as they should. I imagine he'll take a little less to stay. I also imagine Josh will make an adjustment to help with it.
  16. After everything that happened to the kid? To me and my family, this would be GREAT news. To each his own I suppose. I'd love for Hyde to be the news of course though just like everyone else.
  17. "THEY MAY HAVE BLUE GATORADE THIS SUNDAY" or this? LOL slightly out of order.
  18. You actually came the closest to being right on what this stat means, and it IS indeed significant. Defenses play the sticks hard on 3rd down, knowing that a ton of offenses have routes built in to get right to the sticks, or underneath them with check downs. The Bills have routes designed into the offense that often go 5-10 yards past the sticks, and some even further, and they stress to Josh to hit these if they are open. It gives the offense an advantage vs. the typical coverage in place, and Josh has the cannon to make it happen.
  19. We did note the overall subdued nature of the crowd all around us as well. However, it made sense after thinking a little deeper regarding the emotional toll it has had on so many (staff, players and fans alike) all week long. There's only so much in everyone's tank, so to speak.
  20. Even this ^^ " 9 offensive touches" is misleading. He's had I believe about 10 to 20 offensive snaps per game in the most recent games since we acquired him.
  21. Really need the heart reaction for this one! Cheers.
  22. Jones also had the key block that sprung one of Hines TD’s
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