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Everything posted by 34-78-83

  1. Despite his brief resurgence the other day, overall the only club left in Brady's bag is the 2 minute drill, which I admit he is still amazing at. Beyond that, he's deteriorating physically and it shows if you've been watching their games this year. And it's going to be yet another year later. I'll take another wasted year for the Phins any day, I stand by it. He is toast in the pocket and against quality defenses.
  2. McD is quite clearly a great leader of men. Indisputably so. Nobody could ask for more in that area. He cares genuinely for his guys and has their backs. I find that McD's special gift above all other head coaches currently out there is his ability to evolve. He looks inward for continuous improvement, on a week to week, and year to year basis, and he never fails to improve. What many don't realize is he also has become one of the most analytically sound decision makers in the game, according to those sources that analytically measure such things, like when to go for it on 4th down, etc. It's truly amazing. You can certainly tell organically that he's improved in that area, annnnnd... He (at least at the point of a week or 2 ago when I heard one of the Bills reporters citing the rankings) was ranked 1st of 32 NFL head coaches. Such decisions are something that many of us criticized him for in the past, until he did something about it. As recently as 4 days ago, I had Tomlin in my mind for clear cut coach of the year (who has done more with less?) but with new circumstances applied, I could easily see it going to Sean.
  3. Stop being reasonable. Clearly, he sucks! (Said nobody that matters in the NFL, ever). He sucks so bad that he's been 31,47 and 95 on the NFL top 100 players list, as voted by peers. https://www.buffalobills.com/news/tre-davious-white-named-1st-team-associated-press-all-pro cuz All Pro is just a popularity contest, right? idiots
  4. Oh I'm with you. We've already established that Tre won't be back to his full speed til likely next season, but he still has excellent technique. Under over coverages in our zone scheme will help hide the speed issues too, and you're right about the outside leverage but the recovery speed normally would be a little better. I'm just picking on Simms basically for saying the Bills WILL NOT be able to run vs Cinci
  5. Does Simms being "right" about Tre get cancelled out by him being completely wrong about our ability to run vs. the vaunted Bengals run D? Just checking.
  6. We literally always play in a 4-2-5 alignment (well ok, 99% of the time)
  7. Tre's technique out there looks excellent. He's a half step slow right now but beyond that , no issues. Baldies breakdowns from 2 weeks ago confirms some of his very good play. Simms has gone full Burrow of late and everything that comes with that. (Maybe Josh broke up with him)
  8. Do you think Brown can get the knee bend and leverage he needs on the inside at his stature? I still think he can develop at RT - if we recall back when players were developed (lol) O-lineman typically took 3 years. With SB being from a tiny program in college and his boatload of athleticism, should we not allow him another season? Tough part of course is you have to let him play out there in order for him to develop
  9. Morse being out is why the offense has stumbled. It’s not really much more complex than that
  10. I can't remember a player on the Bills having so many pancake blocks get called as holding penalties. Maybe Ruben? Possibly Ballard? I feel like Dawkins is running away with that one.
  11. it's actually a fair point to bring forth. Not to excuse our drops which generally cannot be excused... It's of course impossible to put it "in a lab", but I do wonder how say a WR like Garrett for the Jets would do catching JA fastballs in the snowy wetness that was Sunday as compared to receiving not quite so fast balls from White? With that said, JA doesn't gun every throw the same. But I wonder if even more touch needs developing by JA on the slippery type days...
  12. In general I agree with this. Only difference is I disagree at times that he's not seeing it. I've seen him multiple times look through his reads, get to a read where Knox or someone else is wide open for a short gain and move on to the next read, deeper down the field. He is seeing these shorter open reads and choosing not to pull the trigger. At times it has worked out and other times, we end up punting.
  13. a few posters called this one yesterday! Nice re-add of run stopping DT depth.
  14. Not really. He'll still be out there, and will be of value to the team...just maybe (hopefully) not so much in clutch type situations. We do run 4 and 5 wide at times. A lot of times.
  15. yep they need to run the broadcast through EQ normalizing or compression. Since its on a delay already (6 seconds or wtvr it is?) I feel like this is possible
  16. Love this take overall... Especially the comment about limiters or compression so true, LOL! ... and you're right about Brown he does his homework better than most of them, even though most see him as a useless homer.
  17. The nice thing is our QB, owner and GM agree, and think of McD as a great leader, mentor, program manager and one of the best coaches in the league. Who the F cares what 5 or 6 trolls/dumb dumbs think about him? Mike Tomlin (and prior, Bill Cowher) had literally an army of haters on the internet. Clearly, both are/were incredible head coaches... If you come here for information about team developments, this is a great place If you come for education/accurate hunches and opinions on the Bills or football in general, do your research in what posters to read that qualify for that. Its a wee fraction of the community as a whole (that's the nature of an open forum).
  18. How about you f$#^&*g appreciate the kind and gentle education/proven rebuttal of your takes you're getting from some of your fellow bills fans on this site and just simply throw them a nod? Do you simply HAVE to be "right" against all odds and facts. A lot of people on message boards should give it a try! Like "hey man, you know what? I was off on that and you proved it. Thanks man! Happy Holidays. Go Bills!"
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