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Everything posted by NewEra

  1. The myth “I’m” “pushing”…… lol no. I was simply informing you that a coaches facial expressions and demeanor has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
  2. And the myth has nothing to do with a coaches facial expressions and sideline demeanor…..yet you decided to use them as your evidence 🤣 keep it up!
  3. Do you think the term “new coach energy” is representative of the coaches facial expressions and excitement level in the sideline? 🤣 🍿 watching you chime in to combat every post that you quote even when you have no clue
  4. We were the better team. We had more passing yards, rushing yards, better 3rd down % and had 5 sacks (to one). 3 turnovers to 0. 3 plays almost stopped us from being the better team- almost. We made plays when we needed to. The chargers did not.
  5. What a friggin stud- that GW sack was ridic I thought Zion Johnson, who I had heard wasn’t playing as well as the LAC would’ve hoped, played very well in limiting Ed’s effectiveness all game. His GW sack came on the other side.
  6. Nice punt- now let’s go McDermott and the DLINE!!!!
  7. Great result- McD rolling the dice there. Stick missed a wide open TD
  8. lol….. most feature backs are 1000 backs if they play 17 games. You haven’t seen this RB play in a year. We don’t know what he is. The entire NfL thought he was a washed up bum
  9. Comparing RB TDs to those of the bills is like comparing apples to oranges. Josh Allen leads the NFL in TD runs since joining the nfl iirc. Not just because we don’t have good goalline backs……but because Josh Allen and he’s unstoppable. Our RB Tds (and playmaker tds in general) will always be less than due to having the best red zone threat QB in nfl history. juju was fine with Mahomes….as is Rashee Rice. They swapped one for one….. yet somehow their playmakers are the problem now this year? Rice has a 81% catch rate this year. He has 7 tds. Juju had 3. Juju had 58 yards per game while rice has 53. Not much difference…… like I said- IF the chiefs and other SB champs do have better playmakers than we do, it’s not by that much. Not enough to say that’s why we couldn’t win a SB
  10. Why is it the year of the playmaker? Because there aren’t any QBs having stand out years. Possibly because of the lack of playmakers (as well as injuries) I just don’t see how you can say that our playmakers aren’t up to par with the chiefs of last year, the rams the previous season, the eagles of a few seasons ago and the pats of any season. The TB team had better playmakers for sure….the first chiefs title, for sure had better. That’s the only statement I have a problem with. If they aren’t “equal too” or “as good as” those previous champions, they certainly aren’t far behind. Definitely not far behind enough to be the reason we can win a SB
  11. I predicted 10-7 with a WC birth. I hope I’m wrong! Let’s get that division. I thought Cook and Kincaid would transform our offense into something we haven’t see before. I’m kind of right. We haven’t seen an offense like this before…. Now we just need the staff to better implement Kincaid into the offense. Cook = 🔥 I thought leonard Floyd would be a massive addition. I was right! Our DL has been the pulse of our team imo. They’ve invested heavily on the DL over the years and I think that we’ve finally hit pay dirt. I feel they’ll only get better as this season goes on. McD has schemed very well when he’s refrained from zero blitzes. I thought Harty and Sherfield would make 7-10 big plays combined throughout the season, some in clutch moments. Harty had one vs KC and another big 3rd or 4th down conversion earlier in the season. Sherfield has been a small factor in the run game. Both are Jags- I was wrong. If we didn’t win the Super Bowl, I thought it would be because our OL, more specifically Spencer Brown, would get Josh killed. I was wrong. He still gets beat often, but Josh often sees it immediately and turns a negative into a positive. Brown has been a force in the run game and, overall, has been a good RT. Not average or just ok. I think he’s been good. Big props to Spencer Brown. I was wrong. I thought the opposing Ocs would put TB43 under a microscope and continuously pick on him, especially in 3rd downs. When Milano went out, I was hoping we’d play Dorian Williams all season and let him take his lumps. I called Tyrel Dodson, Tyrel Dobson because I thought he was a bum. BOY WAS I WRONG!! Credit to McD, Babich and the entire LB room for digging deep and turning a potential gaping hole into a strength. I think our LB unit has been better than good all season. Very impressed and couldn’t be happier. I don’t think I will never call him Dobson again. Our LB unit is in good hands for the time being. the second we traded for Rasul Douglas, I knew our fortunes were about to change. Love this guy. He’s been just what this team needed. I look forward to him being our CB1 the next couple years+ I thought Cam Lewis was awful and didn’t want to see him on the field. Wrong again. He could be a starter for us next season.
  12. yeah, there are several words for someone sharing an opposing view on a message board. Oh **** forgot about that. Check your dms
  13. No clue how things work in the Buffalo area. I would assume that, if it were to be blacked out, it’ll be blacked out and shown on WRGZ or w/so it’s called (the local broadcast)
  14. Yeah that was part of it too. I knew I was moving to a city without a bills bar and might be relegated to watching games at home. With my BBFS telling me if would be just our luck to have 💯 of the peacock only games, I decided $20 was worth it. as it turns out, my old Bills bar is only a 2 hour drive and a nice way to clear my head and relax in solitude. I won’t be making the trip today due to the holidays, so I’ll be getting some usage out of that $20
  15. Because I know the bills tight ends are good. Knox isn’t great but he’s a proven playmaker. He’s a TE getting paid more than Juju. Kincaid is good. Not very good yet, but I think that’s more based on his usage. They aren’t allowing him to run downfield as often as he should be. Your old cane QB KD had visions of Larry centers when scheme for Kincaid. 1 yard routes. That’s not on Kincaid. Brady didn’t use his TE very much at LSU or Carolina. hopefully he can figure out how to get those 2 involved. Brady has unlocked James Cook though. He’s been excellent. He’s a top 5 RB this year. Some would say top 2-3. He’s a weapon. regarding your last sentence- agree to disagree. I think we have 2 special playmakers in Diggs and cook. I think Kincaid just needs to be unlocked and we have 3. I think knox and gabe are above average #4,5 options. All behind a now very solid OL. I think the playmakers still have 3+ games to change the narrative that they aren’t on par.
  16. I don’t cry about it. I think to myself- it sucks that I had to pay $20. Then I accept that this is the model of the times and it’s likely to continue. I would never cry about it on a message board. But then again, signing up and cancelling only took me 2 minutes. If that wasn’t the case for you, I can understand the inconvenience. My mother, who’s 76, wouldn’t even be able to sign up for peacock. So I can understand why someone who isn’t tech savvy would be frustrated Personally, I’ve spent $20 on countless bad meals that I didn’t even enjoy. I’ll enjoy the game and it’ll last 3 hours. I’ll then also have access to peacock for a year. For about the price of a game of bowling or a potentially bad meal.
  17. Point well taken. Not sure if that point was brought up previously, I was just replying to a quote on page 1-2. I can understand the frustration i dont agree that it will become overkill. I think it’ll be more frustrating and it will weed some fans out. Not enough to stop them from making more money than their losing by alienating some
  18. And gabe Davis was huge for us during playoff runs. Doesn’t mean he’s great. it seems as if your overly obsessed with WR2. Andy Reid wasn’t last season when he won a Super Bowl with zero good WRs. 0. Who was the eagles WR2 when they won the SB? who was the patriots WR2 when they won in 17 and 19. who was the chiefs WR2 when they won both of their SBs. tampa had a great wr2 You can include Gronk, ertz and Kelce in there…. But that just negates your argument the bills not having a good WR2. We have a very dangerous TE combination. We have a better RB than all of those teams too. None of the SB champion RBs on the teams mentioned are as good as James cook. As a runner or a reciever. I don’t believe history reflects what you’re suggesting. I get your point and I know how’ve you’ve felt about our WR sitch…..and I agree with you that it’s not up to par, but I believe we’ve invested in 2 very good playmakers in Cook and Kincaid. They aren’t WRs per se but their potential in the passing game is ridiculous. our offensive potential is on par with nearly all of the champions in recent years imo.
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