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Everything posted by TheBrownBear

  1. It's what happens when you're the better team.
  2. Bernard is a ball hawk Bernard is a ball hawk
  3. Diggs is so damn good. We are lucky to have him. Allen with a great throw too.
  4. Also, we play so much better with a little pace.
  5. So, when does Diggs officially go insane? When we hit .500 on Thursday night?
  6. Watch the Pats offense, for as talentless as they are, the offense runs smoothly and Jones gets it out on time. We look so dysfunctional in comparison.
  7. Knox is f'ing useless, but Josh should have gotten it to him quicker.
  8. Gotta go for it here. What's Dorsey got in the bag of tricks? Smart call!
  9. Murray with the biggest play of the game so far!!!
  10. Good to see we got that one nice touchdown drive out of our system.
  11. Dang it. That's a touchdown he just missed. Wide open. Josh is off.
  12. Missed a field goal in a gust of wind. Also, you can always pull up the play by play in the ESPN box.
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