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Everything posted by TheBrownBear

  1. Let's give Von more than a handful of snaps over two games coming off an ACL, before we give up on him and declare him "washed." He was invisible against the Jags, but showed some improvement last night, imo. He's coming off injury and a lot of time off. He's going to take a few more weeks to get back up to speed, and he's going to need to play some snaps, even if they are less effective than what AJ or Johnathan are currently giving us, to get there. If he's still invisible in December, then hit the panic button and begin to think of ways out of his contract.
  2. Sure, bring him in and watch him catch 1.5 passes per game, while eating into Kincaid's 3 receptions/game, and then we can all go insane about Dorsey for a bit until we yet again convince ourselves that Renfrow is just another in a long line of offensive pieces that just isn't good enough.
  3. Well, we did beat the piss out of a very good Miami team two weeks ago. Not sure specifically what happened the last two weeks, but the overall evidence points to us being a good, albeit flawed, team.
  4. It's a tough spot there given the area of the field, a 5 point lead, and the Giants having all three time outs. I think you have to play the first set of downs normally and commit to picking up a first down with your best set of plays and then work to burn clock/timeouts after that. If you don't get the first, then punt. If you do, then run three times and kick a 40ish yard field goal with 1:10 on the clock and the Giants exhausted of timeouts. What they did was try to split the difference and then they were caught in no man's land on 4th down. It was definitely a mistake by McDermott, but I feel like he's been good with his clock management for the most part over the years (compared with a guy like Andy Reid), so I can give him a pass for a bad game tonight.
  5. It's what happens in every game where we don't come out with the intent of establishing the run game.
  6. Such a disappointment. He seemed to be progressing from season to season, but he's backslid. JAG and totally unreliable hands.
  7. Sean making it easy on Daboll by taking the timeout. I never understand this and it always backfires.
  8. Great call by Dorsey there. Maybe he was just setting it up with the inept 2nd down call.
  9. Either Dorsey is dumb as a box of rocks or he's on the take. Maybe both.
  10. Just sneak it you freaking moron, Dorsey. I hate this bum.
  11. This Okereke guy has been amazing. Gotta tip the cap to him.
  12. Interesting that he held onto the ball and braced himself as he was going to the ground. Hope that is a decent sign.
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