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Everything posted by TheBrownBear

  1. Other than the big play to stevie, our receivers have gotten zero separation today. Definitely need to upgrade the starting receiver spot next year.
  2. same thought just popped into my head. Especially with the way the fish are playing today.
  3. mckelvin was also initiating contact far past the five yard window. Looks like the ref just said 'eff it' and let them play that one out.
  4. I think it's a chicken or the egg type scenario. I mean, can we categorically say that hicks, don smith and al edwards were crappy returners, or, just maybe, did dehaven's schemes have something to do with how those guys looked? I'll just say that our return units always sucked under dehaven and improved dramatically under bobby april. Now as soon as april left and dehaven returned, the return units are again crappy. By the way, I'm not advocating replacing dehaven at all. He's done a marvelous job with our coverage units and that is, imo, the most important responsibility of a special teams coach.
  5. We haven't had a chance to return any kicks. You're right on the punt returns. Spiller has yet to impress me as a punt returner (or at all really). He just seems to lack that instinct to find the small seams in a defense that parrish and mcgee had (and fjax has on O). You may be on to something with dehaven too. If you recall, our return game was always pretty crappy during the super bowl years.
  6. the op reads like some raving schizophrenic's word salad rant. Still, props for your passion for the Bills!
  7. It was common knowledge that sanchez's alleged rape investigation was completely swept under the rug by the DA's offiice. LA district attorney is a SUC alum and the office was stocked with SUCsters at the time. Don't forget about Roid Maleuaga's 'usc owns the police' remark at the time of his brutal assault arrest. Who knows if sanchez really did rape that girl...but it's easy to jump to that assumption when you consider the characters of the guys at usc during that period.
  8. Agree. This is a big game, but it's silly to call it a defining moment. What if we win and still don't make the playoffs? Honestly, I'm more interested in seeing how we fare following our next loss (or even a 2 game losing streak). How do we handle adversity over the course of the entire season? We know we can win at the Ralph, but can we handle our business on the road (only 1-2 so far)? I will say this, on an emotional level, it feels like a must win game. Especially, with the tough road stretch to follow.
  9. First time picking the Bills all season. Bills 20 Jets 17
  10. Google is your friend. http://online.wsj.com/article/AP6b63bd2f5fef4681bbbdc5a37e47de70.html
  11. Sunday's game has got to be an intimidating prospect for maybin. After all, he's facing the same guys who have lit him up on the practice field for the last two years.
  12. Ralph is cheap. It's hard to win in this league (when you're wearing white). Then again, I've heard of white. Maybe we should wear it.
  13. 4 of our 8 games have been televised here in san diego. Amazing. It's nice being relevant.
  14. Honestly, the only afc team that scares me is the patriots. I can't see brady ever laying another turd again like he did in our first meeting. If we make te playoffs and avoid the pats, I like our chances.
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