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Everything posted by TheBrownBear

  1. I'm shocked. They won the fourth quarter 14-7. Seemed like they were playing for their coach's job.
  2. Brandon Staley is getting the Lane Kiffin treatment tonight, no?
  3. I voted to let him walk, because I'd like to see an increased role for Shakir, who I see as a more versatile player with a higher upside. Having said that, I'd have no problem retaining him as a WR4 on a team friendly deal.
  4. I hope he's got something left. We're going to need something from him with Epenesa being injured.
  5. I'm on a roll / I'm on a roll this time / I feel my luck could change
  6. Miami and Tua absolutely suck without a healthy Tyreek Hill. Beat the Cowboys this weekend and the division is square in our sights.
  7. I was thinking EDM. Hope this guy spins some bangers for Josh and the O.
  8. Lost a lot of respect for Mahomes after seeing him whine to Josh in the post game handshake. What a little B.
  9. He'd be in a straitjacket like the rest of us.
  10. It's starting to feel as if he's checked out.
  11. Putting the DV issue aside for the moment, I thought I read here awhile back that Von's knee brace was potentially coming off after the bye? Hoping the added week off might lead to a healthier, more confident and effective Miller.
  12. They are taking the opportunity to really pile on at this time because of 6-6, which is as much McDermott's D's (and injuries) fault as Allen's. The last two games against NYJ and Philly were probably the two finest games Josh has played in the last calendar year.
  13. Watched two shows this morning each with a segment piling on Josh. Orlovsky must feel like he's taking crazy pills sometimes having to continually point out objective truths to his co-hosts. I'm not sure why some of these dudes have such a hard-on for hating Allen? Yeah, he's not perfect, but no QB is. Do they literally only watch reels of his turnovers or something?
  14. I wish, but this is "my lived experience", dude. Maybe I'm just living in a bubble of it in my personal life since my wife is friends with the founders of BLM, but it is seemingly everywhere around me, including with most of the young folk I work with.
  15. Thank you for articulating what it feels like to be a disaffected liberal Democrat. There is a growing authoritarianism on the left that is both disheartening and a bit frightening, and there are large swaths of under-40 types on the left who strongly identify as anarchists and/or Marxists, especially young women. My wife, her friends, and basically every late-millennial early Gen-Zer she teaches in her college program ascribe to this new way of thinking. Shutdown, shame and eject any heterodox thought that could possibly challenge current social justice dogma. Go watch the Evergreen State or Yale Halloween struggle session videos. That is the type of illiberalism that is inculcated in young progressives who are now taking the reins of power in our institutions. For anyone not already indoctrinated in their church, this should alarm you. When I rant about this stuff, it has nothing to do with Trump or implicate any sort of support for him or right-wing politics in general. Just because they happen to be correct about Woke insanity, doesn't mean I believe they are correct about much of anything else. As far as I'm concerned, Trump has fascist tendencies and I do not trust him with what remains of our democracy. I will continue to support traditional liberal Democratic ideals, but I won't sit silently while the party is hijacked by formerly fringe weirdos.
  16. The play to Diggs at the 14+ minute mark is what makes Josh Allen a true "unicorn." Really amazing play by Josh that I didn't fully appreciate in real time on the broadcast.
  17. Holy cow! I hate to be a wet blanket, but somebody's been passing out the special Kool Aid to board members over the bye. We just came off puking away a completely winnable game against a very overrated Eagles team that just had their doors blown off by the 49ers. The way this team is playing, 9-8 will be a real accomplishment and that will leave us two games out of the playoffs. Yes. I agree that some of our young guys have flashed, but we are 6-6 and nearly everything (big picture-wise) has been trending down for this team over the last 13 months. Add to that an aging roster, bad cap situation and a ton of holes to fill and it's very very difficult for me to pump sunshine at the moment. Having spewed all that, I really hope I'm wrong and the optimists get to pull this thread up and dunk on me at the end of the season (and further in into the future).
  18. Pretty certain that would elevate this to "worst signing of all time" status.
  19. So, will he still be able to lead this week's players only meeting?
  20. That's part of it for sure. The fact that we actually overcame all of those ridiculous calls to find ourselves on the cusp of victory not once, but twice, only to piss it away.
  21. I agree, but we are getting further and further away from that ideal as we lean into our tribalism and identitarianism. Now, back to football...
  22. January 7 - February 10, 2000. There were three separate actions during those 35 fateful days that cemented the "curse." Johnson over Flutie, Music City Miracle, and then unceremoniously dumping Bruce, Thurman and Andre on the same day. My wife believes that the curse will last 40 years like the Israelites wandering of the desert. I sure hope not.
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