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Teddy KGB

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Everything posted by Teddy KGB

  1. It was good 20 years ago, the “beef” doesn’t taste the same or maybe I was just a kid and liked it more
  2. He’s gonna have to stop “smoking that stuff” when he moves to MNF
  3. The comedy is in your meltdown. Big T keeps dunking all over you.
  4. Gard didn’t smack anyone. You beat someone up at a bills game ? Was he wearing a Mccoy jersey ?
  5. You guys all broke yet ? send me 100k. I’ve got cryptowalnuts for sale
  6. You juggled two girls in different rooms in the same hotel on Valentine’s Day ?
  7. Carr much better than other two imo. Put Carr on a good team and he will eat.
  8. I go with the magnesium citrate when I need to take a nice dump.
  9. they must work. “Crypto guy” is everywhere.
  10. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🥴 why did you assume JB was a rapper ? who doesn’t watch curb your enthusiasm ?
  11. I’m not the one who let the moment get too big for him. That was Sean
  12. I hope someone tapped his nose with a newspaper and said bad Sean bad.
  13. Isn’t he a kook whose not playing football to get his “mind right”
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