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Everything posted by ToGoGo

  1. Watch the play again:http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/2015092001/2015/REG2/patriots@bills#menu=gameinfo%7CcontentId%3A0ap3000000534130&tab=videos Pats motioned Gronk and Amendola outside. Duke thinks Bradham is supposed to double Gronk with Gilmore. but Bradham and Gilmore yell at him to help double Gronk. While they're yelling the play is snapped, Bradham bumps Amendola and Gronk runs in untouched and gets an easy reception. Meanwhile Duke ended up helping to double Amendola. Total blown play by Duke. Can't blame Rex on this one.
  2. Why don't you take a breath and think about how dumb your post was.
  3. I always liked Thad. Undersized but a tough competitor.
  4. Some guys just don't have it. Better to bring in a veteran leader instead of trying to turn someone into one.
  5. There is no stat for "penalties at crucial times". IF games are fixed, that's the way they would do it. I'm just saying.
  6. I remember AW freaking out on the sideline and the announcers just said "oh man......so anyway Tom Brady....". What? How about "I wonder what happened that set him off like that, let's take a look at the replay to see if we can figure it out". The announcers were weird yesterday. Why weren't they even interested in taking a look at some of the early penalties or unsportsmanlike flags?
  7. Antiquated and underpaid part-time employees. Perfectly susceptible to gamblers. Players cost too much now with their salaries to throw games, but refs would probably do it for a few thousand. There's rumors as many as 9 NFL teams were investigated for being connected with gamblers in the 80's. Sport's dirty little secret. There's a reason no team goes near Vegas, they're terrified of being associated.
  8. No, of course not. Brady just figured out the defense that stumped Luck after about 4 passing plays. Out of curiosity, did anybody here watch Brady at Michigan? Did he show his savant level abilities at reading defenses back then?
  9. How does Brady always know where to throw the ball as soon as the ball is snapped?
  10. Follow the money. It's funny how all of their sports teams became good at the same time.
  11. We could've use him today to calm down the team in the 1st half. Remember Aaron Williams freaking out? Freddy would've calmed him down.
  12. Why is this a positive for Brady though? When it's a major negative for everybody else?
  13. You know, this happens EVERY TIME we play the Patriots. If you look at the 1st quarter box scores of every game the past 10-15 years, we always seem to take a 7-0 lead and then our offense gets shut down for most of the game. I don't know of any other team that we have this problem with. What could the Pats possibly be doing after that 1st drive to shut us down like that? I also have a little conspiracy theory about the NFL. In order to promote parity (or to make sure a gambling spread is kept close), I believe the NFL tells refs to slow down a team's momentum early in the game if it looks like the game could lead to a blowout. That's precisely what happened with the Thigpen punt return in the 1st quarter. Everything was going right for us. Great drive down the field for a TD. 3 and out for Brady. Big punt return for terrific field position. But uh oh, there comes the yellow flag. How many great plays did we have called back today with penalties? What about the Pats? Why does it feel like our penalties happen at more crucial times? It's been like this for 15 years with 6 different coaching staffs. How could six different coaching staffs with different personnel continuously have the same problems year after year: penalties in crucial situations, failure to stop third down plays in the 4th quarter, and red zone inefficiency. Why is this always magnified against the Pats? I swear sometimes I feel like their are very powerful forces out there working in favor for the Patriots. Forces stronger than Goodell or Kraft. Possibly related to gambling. We live in a world where an NBA ref was busted for getting paid to ensure certain sportsbook spreads. What naivete to think something like this doesn't happen in the biggest sport in the USA. And in a city known for it's rough mafia. Also, is it possible to hack those tablet computers teams keep their playbooks on now? If North Korea can hack Sony, why can't teams hack just one tablet computer.
  14. Not just that, but it felt like our DEs were paralyzed as soon as they ran into the Patriots OL brick walls. We just could not got any pressure on Brady. I can't wait for the All-22 to come out to see how in the hell that happened for 50+ pass plays.
  15. You know, and this might come off as an excuse, but I think the entire game would've been different if the Thigpen punt return wasn't called back in the 1st quarter. For all our bravado, I don't think our team's confidence is at a level yet where our momentum can be taken away and yet we still stay confident against a team like the Pats. I feel like all the air got sucked out after that penalty, the weird Henderson stoppage in play, and then the Pats storming down the field for a TD.
  16. Glad he's OK. A guy who truly cares about winning. We need players like him.
  17. I think Watkins is a phenomenal talent and always supported Whaley in that trade. But he just seems like a passive personality to me. He doesn't play with the fire Woods and Harvin play with. Where's the frustration from Watkins about barely getting any targets? How is he cool with OBJ being a superstar and getting 10 targets and 125+ yards every game and Mike Evans getting double digit TDs? Where the hell is his annoyance with his role? Why isn't he screaming for Tyrod to give the best receiver on the Bills the ball?
  18. That's the thing. They had all week to prepare for that. Belichick is always going to find a way to stop your biggest strength, that's his MO. Yet Taylor stood frozen in the pocket for 3-5 seconds and as soon as a DE touched him he went down. Sure he scrambled sometimes, but at other times he was thinking too much. Tyrod just wasn't ready for this game or at least the level of gameplanning needed to beat a team like the Patriots.
  19. His game plan every week is known to anyone who even just skimmed through his dad's book: Defend their biggest strengths and attack their biggest weaknesses. So simple and fundamental, yet so overlooked. I had a feeling coming in that the first thing he was going to do was neutralize our interior pass-rush, and he did. Did not expect us to self-destruct with the Brady timing passing game however, although that was naive of me.
  20. Wow. Gleason just totally sold out our fanbase to look cool around Dan Shaughnessy. That's bad. It's like your "friend" who talks sh*t about you with the popular kids.
  21. We need to make sure the Pats sideline has plenty of stretchers and oxygen masks. And warm Gatorades. What douchebags.
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