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Everything posted by ToGoGo

  1. To play devil's advocate, why aren't the Jets or Bears better? They did have deep playoff runs over the last decade but nothing like the Patriots.
  2. One suggestion is that we're small market and we sell-out no matter what. The NFL knows the Bills won't make much more money whether they win or lose. Makes you see this in a different light: @mikerodak Per @DanGrazianoESPN, Giants coach Tom Coughlin told his players before Sunday's game that the Bills would beat themselves with penalties.
  3. What's happened over the last 10 years or so is that whenever somebody accuses X group/corporation of conspiring to do Y, they are immediately grouped in with lizard people/UFOs/JFK/etc. The truth is governments/intelligence agencies/corporations and many other groups work by conspiring against the public and are actually caught all the time. They have turned "conspiracy theorist" into a slur in order to discredit ANYTHING remotely close to one. It's very dangerous propaganda and it worked. The NFL fixing games does not seem insane to me, especially when it happened in the NBA less than 10 years ago.
  4. There's something up with him. Even after making the 51 yarder he seemed unsure of himself. He seems prone to the yips like what happened to him in Miami.
  5. It seems far-fetched, but the same thing that doomed us versus the pats doomed us today, which is penalties in crucial situations. I've said it many times before, IF the NFL is fixed, it would be via refs calling penalties at critical times. It would not be the players because they're paid too much, but refs, who as johnnygold pointed out, are part-time employees. And it would not be by calling a lot of penalties since that shows up on the box score, but calling penalties at CRITICAL times since that is not kept as a statistic in any way, shape, or form. It happened in the NBA folks, not making that up. It could happen in the NFL. HOWEVER, when Donaghy did it, it wasn't about who won but about the spread. I believe we were 6 point favorites here so I'm not sure why the Incognito call would have to be made.
  6. Even then, it was coming away with 0 on two red zone drives that ruined us. How is it possible to come away with 0 without a turnover? Just a disaster.
  7. Taylor did look good in the 2nd half. He was overthinking in the 1st half. Started using his feet in the 2nd. I think he did enough for us to win today.
  8. It's his third year and the team's record should not be a reflection on him until he was the top guy. 6-10, 9-7, TBD.
  9. Blowout win, bad game, blowout win, bad game. I'm seeing a pattern. I watched the All-22 of the Giants during the week. I thought the only way they can beat us is if Eli throws the short timing routes and we don't defend them. Well that's exactly what happened the 1st half just long enough to fall into a 16-3 hole. What the f*ck is Ryan and Thurman thinking after the Pats game? Do they not know that the Giants are going to throw short timing slants? I'm an amateur observer and I figured it out.
  10. Best summary I've seen yet. After a game I close my eyes, clear my mind, and try to figure out the "story" of the game and why we won or lost. All I could think about was that we were the better team and we came out there unprepared. We got outblocked in the run game and kept making dumb mistakes at inopportune times. I'm not one to blame the coach usually, but I think this ones on Rex.
  11. Really, really unlucky day. The INT, the fumble, the missed FG, the Bradham whiff, the penalty on the Giant's FG. Football gods were not on our side today. Sure a lot is on us and the playcalling, but some real funky stuff happened today. We're a better team than this.
  12. I was thinking the same thing. How can a receiver hold on to the ball with two DBs grabbing at the ball. Whistle needs to be blown. I don't care what the rules say, that shouldn't be a fumble.
  13. I think he's just thinking too much out there. He's not playing by instinct.
  14. Right on; This is a test. They made good 2nd half adjustments against the Pats, let's see what we can do here.
  15. Awful half. But we can come back. We need turnovers and Tyrod to get into a groove. And get the ball to Harvin.
  16. "Clinging to". You've now started off two different replies with something that makes me roll my eyes. It's true Rex has changed the culture. Positive charisma is the most powerful drug on the planet. However, just because Rex has changed it quicker (with an improved roster) does not automatically discount Marrone from changing it too. "X being successful does not make Y a failure." I'd argue that specific positions on offense underperformed, but the team overperformed in general. Relying on the defense, bungling in-game decisions, and other little things have nothing to do with my definition of changing the culture. "By any means necessary" is a part of my definition. "Only in specific ways" seems to be part of yours. I'm talking in general, but you keep "clinging" to specifics. You keep attempting to take a win away from Marrone and paint him as 8-8 in order to help your stance. The truth is he's 9-7. Our opinions on the Patriots and Chiefs games don't really matter. Another truth is that he had the first winning season in nearly 10 years. Of course we wouldn't have Roman and maybe Tyrod or Harvin. And the offense may not be as exciting. But my point is that I think Marrone would have found a way to improve our offense with some of those better players (like KW, McCoy, Miller). I think we would still be 2-1 right now with Marrone and Schwartz, but perhaps not as fun to watch. He had a winning season despite that stress. With an improved roster and the same stress, I don't see why we would have been a worse team. If you're arguing that the stress would have snowballed and he would have had a breakdown that ruined the season, well that's a unique viewpoint I haven't heard yet. It's interesting and something I can consider.
  17. Or just fringe ideas in general. You go back in history and some fringe ideas are nonsense, but many more move into the center like "the earth is round" and "yards per attempt is important" as you mentioned.
  18. It's a stretch, but I agree with his overall premise.
  19. Come on guys, it wasn't a "wow" post. He has a point. We're biased towards certain players. Manziel has only played a couple games and everyone thinks he's a total bust (or just wants him to be because they don't like him personally). A lot of people have used the "only 14 games" card with EJ. He's got a valid point there. I guess saying Manziel will be good in 3-4 years is questionable. I think Sammy is an incredible talent, and normally you should be patient. But the way Evans and OBJ (and Benjamin before the injury) have produced, you just expect a bit more. A poster was snarky when someone mentioned Watkins might be prone to injuries because he works out too much (pretty harmless speculation IMO) and that's what jaybee was referring to. And I agree 100%, the general consensus on this board, and nearly every mainstream board, is based on popularity. I read his post over a 2nd time and I don't see what he said that deserves a response like "wow" which is better used on a post advocating Eugenics or domestic violence or something.
  20. Even that's not iron-clad. It was based on Twitter reports. John Wawrow released a report stating Cassel might start two days before Tyrod was named starter. You can't trust most reports because they all have agendas from front office execs, GMs, coaches, agents, players, etc.
  21. He's 30 and is a converted CB. Not a lot of years left. And he's only played what, 2 NFL games at FS. Nothing wrong with getting a good young player who's natural position is FS.
  22. Wouldn't mind a FS in the first round to replace Graham who's getting old and out of position. Other than that, BPA all the way.
  23. You don't like the guy personally. If you can't separate your emotions from Marrone then there's no point in debating with you.
  24. 4 previous seasons before Marrone: 6-10 6-10 4-12 6-10 Let's go further back: 7-9 7-9 7-9 5-11 He turned it around. If you don't give credit for the Pats win, then you should consider we lost to the Chiefs because of a fumble at the end zone.
  25. Our future looks tremendous. Now that most likely QB is not a major need, what are our needs for draft and FA next year? Safety? Tackle? Nickel CB? We're looking really good.
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