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Everything posted by ToGoGo

  1. You reap what you sow, Cletus. If you're going to mock me, I'm going to call you out on it. If you think that's worth fighting over, well that's your call. I would say everything I said to you in person.
  2. I threw something out there that's a little outside the box. You clearly disagree with it, but rather than stating why you think so, you decide to make fun of me. Now when I call you out on it, rather than man up about it, you try to act like I'm being paranoid and a troll. At this point I have no choice but to assume you don't have the ability to give a logical retort. I believe that everyone has the right to state what they think without having to be ridiculed for it. I'll stand up for the right to say what I want all day, and I will attack anybody that tries to make fun of me for it, including you.
  3. If you disagree with what I said why don't you give some reasons why. And if you're going to mock me you should be a man about it and not pretend you're not. Until you can explain why you think I'm wrong that you resorted to mocking me, I'm going to put you on my "idiot" list and I don't care what you think of me.
  4. I just threw it out there. You can try to mock me for thinking outside the box but you just sound like an idiot. And I never said Brown would be in on it.
  5. It would ring alarms bell for you in a corporate environment, but the NFL has a different culture. Bryce Brown is not guaranteed a spot on a team at this point in his career. It's either sign somewhere for $400k-$750k a year or go back to the real world and find a $40k a year job. There is no choice. It's the same dilemma faced by college athletes. Play for free in the NCAA or sit out a year and hope to God an NBA team drafts you. It's an "offer you can't refuse".
  6. Why are we dismissing this so fast? Because it might help the Pats? The video is genuinely a little suspicious. Why would some guy in the background be in such a hurry to grab the ball? It's a legitimate question.
  7. Leroi is a mouthpiece for the Bills front office. If he's close with the team, it's time TBD starts asking why the Bills haven't shut him up or stopped feeding him insider info. I take everything he says with the same level of distance I give a report from Carucci or Wawrow. Their job is to influence the fanbase.
  8. Why would he be stupid? There's 32 employers in the NFL, are you really going to say no if they probe you during an interview? And who's to say what other incentives they offer. Perhaps money under the table, maybe a promise of a good word to other teams in the league, etc. It was shown in the OTL article that the Pats do things like this, especially to teams like the Bills and Dolphins. Why are we trying to convince ourselves that Bryce Brown isn't telling the Pats everything he knows about the Bills run game?
  9. Clay has potential to be the 3rd best TE in the league. As for Chandler, he's always been pretty good. One of our top receivers every year despite average QB play. Never forgiven by the fanbase due to the Atlanta fumble. A little slow and stiff but big and tall with good hands. Perfect #2 for Brady. While Gronk gets all the attention, Chandler is reliable on the other side. He's going to have a career year. Bills fans ALWAYS say year after year how we're not worried about something the Patriots have yet the Patriots always pull something out of their ass that we weren't expecting that beats us. We should be worried about everything the Pats have and could throw at us. We need to be prepared, not dismissive.
  10. This is exactly what they're doing with Bryce Brown and it is something Bills fans should be concerned about. Belichick's motto has always been get as much information about the other team as possible and limit as much information about his team as possible. Greg Roman's offense is all about run plays and complex blocking schemes. Belichick is ALL OVER Brown right now asking him a million questions. Which is why it's weird Whaley cut Brown right before the Pats game even though McCoy is banged up. Let's hope the Bills fed Brown wrong information about their Pats strategy on purpose right before we cut him in anticipation of the Pats bringing him in. Now THAT would be genius. Otherwise this could be a really dumb move by our front office.
  11. It's always been free-flowing and unscripted. That's part of the appeal. Bill Burr is not for culture snobs, he's for a more blue-collar crowd who don't need polished anything.
  12. This is so annoyingly condescending, yet you have no clue what you're talking about. He's been doing the Monday Morning Podcast for a while now. It's a huge hit and one of the reasons his fan base is as strong as it is. It keeps him relevant and can be really funny at times. His answers to emails are gold. I don't like what he said about the Bills either, but good god man, get off your high horse.
  13. Yeah, he always does that. Probably just to break the monotony.
  14. NBA partnered with Fanduel. Legalized sports gambling is a few years away. Every league is going to do it.
  15. I love Bill Burr but just because he's funny it doesn't mean I'm just going to giggle when a Pats fan disrespects us. He's exactly the type of fan we need to shut up with a win on Sunday.
  16. He doesn't seem remorseful at all, that's what gets me. Where's the shame of doing something so stupid and torpedoing your career and future earnings? I always thought he was a d*ck after the Prince Amukamara video came out.
  17. "Bills won their Super Bowl" "Who cares, we have 4 rings" "Who cares, we own them" They have the same arrogant demeanor as Duke fans. They'll never give us credit even if we blow them out.
  18. I agree with the OP. Your job as moderator is to fix stuff like that, not to say nonsense like "spelling discredits the content". Not only are you wrong about that statement, but you're wrong in how you are behaving. I'd frankly expect more responsible behavior from a global moderator.
  19. There are fans who felt like we overpaid him when we got signed him. Then he was quiet the 1st half of his 1st year here, so they developed grudges against him. Then he became a Pro-Bowler and ever since they've begrudgingly accepted him. They come out of the woodwork whenever he has a quiet stretch of games. They would rather be a hater than admit they judged him too soon, their ego can't handle that.
  20. I said it after that Chargers game. Nobody could have predicted the Wilson hit would affect him like it did.
  21. Another thing, this is Tyrod's 2nd contract. This is the contract where QBs get PAID, like Tannehill and Wilson this past year. Tyrod is pretty much at minimum. His agent knows that if Tyrod kills it the next 3 years, he'll only get one more big-time contract. They're trying to squeeze some more money out while they can.
  22. Tyrod's agent might have called Florio and gave him an idea for an article. Didn't Russell Wilson play for chump change for 3 years? Let the man play a couple games before we pay him more money for no reason.
  23. Why release this information on opening day?
  24. I mean, it's just like the OTL report said, they find loopholes and when you close the loopholes they find new ones. It's a forever game of whack-a-mole with them. In the 4th quarter the DE had his helmet fly off when an OL barely touched it, and it wiped away a big Antonio Brown catch inside the 20. The next play the same DE gets a sack and his helmet flies off again. How does your helmet fly off two plays in a row unless you're purposely loosening it in the 4th quarter to draw penalties? It's endless, it's shady, and they are the guy at the YMCA that nobody likes. The liar and thief that you can't catch cleanly, and when you do they talk their way out of it. Everyone knows that guy and eventually you just stop playing with him. Two options to fix it: 1. Harsh and severe punishments for even minor rule violations to the Patriots. Three strikes rule. Minimal evidence required. 2. Start playing shady ourselves. - I really hope we don't and it's a game we'll always lose to them. Don't play scumbag games with scumbags because they've been playing them their whole life, and unlike you, they don't feel bad afterwards and will go places you may not.
  25. Would explain why we cut him and didn't keep him on the 53. Teams always know ahead of time.
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