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Everything posted by ToGoGo

  1. The missed deep ball early in the game was a miscommunication. Brown started to run a post and Allen threw a fly. It was probably on Allen.
  2. I think we proved today that we're in the 2nd tier of teams in the NFL. I mean, if we beat our easy schedule, that proves that we're consistently better than those teams, right? And if we beat the "middling" Cowboys, that means we're better than middling, right? And if we lost to the Ravens by one score today due to a poor offensive performance, that means we're a lot closer to the best teams than the worst teams. And if the guy running that offense is 23 years old, then there is room to improve and eventually become a 1st tier team, right? I don't know, maybe I'm just Einstein or Tesla. Frankly, most QBs don't show up on the scene ready to destroy elite teams with elite defenses. You need to take some lumps and bruises and learn from your mistake and slowly get better. That's what Josh is doing, while dealing with added adversity from his supporting cast. And that's truly the difference between fan favorites like Mahomes and Jackson. They don't have to deal with the drops and poor pockets. One of the reasons I defend Josh so much is that I know what it feels like to know you're great at something, but people don't respect the adversity you have to deal with. All the while you see people doing better than you while giving less effort due to outside circumstances, and getting all the praise. What's worse is when the doubt comes from those closest to you. With me it was friends and family, for Josh it's much of the fanbase. It's tough, but that's what makes you stronger than the others. Frankly, Jackson didn't impress me today. I think Tyrod had more to his game.
  3. There's a reason he was afraid to look past his 1st read. I don't think it's wise to put everything on Allen's back. He didn't play great at all, but drops and terrible blocking didn't help.
  4. This wasn't a total team loss by any stretch. But the offense was classically out of sync. Each of the following happened at different times: Can't handle the blitz + wrong play calling + Josh inaccurate on deep balls + bad drops by receivers + missed block assignments + refs favoring the ravens All combine for a loss against a tough team like this. I'm not convinced the Ravens are better and will 100% beat us in the playoffs. But Josh has to be better, and the offense needs to all click at the same time.
  5. Unfortunately, in a difficult game like this, refs working in the Ravens favor is enough to break our will.
  6. I think the media is being exposed this game with the love of Lamar Jackson. He's like #6 in terms of "story of the game". It's clear the NFL has sent a memo that they want Lamar promoted as the next great thing, whether he is or not.
  7. You know, the fault with the idea of "good teams overcome the refs", is that even the greatest dynasties of all time play close games decided on 1 or 2 calls. You can never become a championship team unless the refs are either absolutely fair or are on your side. If the refs are 51% on the other side, then those are the same odds as Vegas, where the house always wins.
  8. Concerned about the offense. Don't like Allen's confidence on the sidelines.
  9. Off topic, but we're currently in the absolute dark ages of color commentary.
  10. Just don't want a replay of the Jags game. Great defense, brutal offense.
  11. We need to get past their 30 yard line. Can't have 3 drives in a row stall here.
  12. Why do their TEs keep getting open? How is that not your #1 assignment on coverage?
  13. Alright, we're proving the Ravens offense can be stopped. That's good. On Josh, this is a big time test against a big time defense. He hasn't faced this kind of pressure before and he's struggling a bit, and to top it off he is dealing with an ankle injury. On the bright side, this is how QB's become great. By overcoming massive adversity. 2nd half adjustments will decide this game. Who is the better coaching staff? Will Josh step up in the 2nd half? I will judge him more on that than the 1st half. We're still in this and proving we can play a top playoff team. Let's finish them off in the 2nd half.
  14. That's assumptive. I've watched the 49ers, Seahawks, and Pats games this year. I stand by my statement. His reads are limited. The entire offense is dependent on the threat of him running. He's obsessed with the middle of the field. I agree that his stats are great. But I believe things will balance out sooner or later. I do not see a franchise QB. I see an athletic guy in a premier winning organization being put in an excellent position to succeed. I put most of this success on the Ravens organization, and not Lamar Jackson, who is playing above and beyond in the position he was placed in. What's the point in debating and "researching"? As if football fans who look at advanced stats are a bunch of scholars or something. Let's see who's right tomorrow.
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