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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. This was a great pick up that Beane pulled off I hope he can get him to stick around for another year even if they do win the big game . Him & Von for the next couple years wouldn't be a bad thing .
  2. Oliver, AJ, Rouseau, Ford, Mika, Floyd, Jonathan on the D & i predict Von will get his first sack of the season this week . I also thing that D. Harris & Murray will have a big game this week & each will have at least 1 TD .
  3. Im hoping that Williams can be that guy, it would be awesome if he can be a play maker maybe not as good as Millano was especially being his rookie year but if he can show that type of potential & use this year to get better as the season moves on then having him & Millano would definitely be a plus . I've read that he has been all over the field reading the oppositions D pretty good for being thrown into the fire, with a full week of prep maybe he can show that he was worth the pick & the Bills can get another diamond out of the late round picks the Beane has been known to do ...
  4. Once Von gets back to full speed & as long every one can stay healthy for the remainder of the season this D can still be one that other teams will cringe when they have to play them . GO BILLS !!!
  5. I believe they put the shorts in with he first & only one that pertains to this subject to discourage putting this video up to show exactly what this skank is all about that resides with in our gov't but the only video clip that i a m concerned about is the very first one . In silence you can here a lot if you keep your eyes & ears open & your mouth shut !!
  6. Where was this guy when he was on the Bills squad ??
  7. My question exactly were either deemed able to return ?
  8. No i wouldn't they are having a hard enough time with the weapons they already have & where is the money for him going to come from ? I would if possible get another LB to help with Millano's injury OH wait they already have . The WR room is one of the strongest on the team why is every one always trying to bring in more WR's when they aren't using what they have ?
  9. The team can do what ever it can with the amount of cap they have available but if they don't have much which the Bills don't have a lot of room left well then there is the answer they can't just print more money for cap space like some do .
  10. None of that matters the US should NOT be giving ANY money to countries tied to terrorism PERIOD !! Especially those that chant death to the US WTH are they thinking ??
  11. I'm not one to listen to a lot of news because it's either full of personal agenda's, lies or things that some would rather have us all distracted from rather than hereing anything to do with anything that might resemble the truth . But i have heard in small snippets from scanning through the channels something about Billions of dollars being given to Iran again from this administration that has basically funded Hamas in this attack against Israel ? Please tell me this is not something that could have happened again there is no reason on earth why America should be giving them money - is there ? Please no here say opinions & leave the agenda thing on the side lines too ! If at all possible I'm one asking for real hard facts if there are any to be had in relationship to this post Thanks ...
  12. Was there any other CB's still available & if so who that could be installed in this scheme quickly ? I thought Elam did so good last season in the Miami game when they put him up against Hill i even heard he ran stride for stride with hill on a couple of occasions in that game . Now he's not worth a flip how did that come about ? And Cosell even said on 1 Bills live he was the most athletic & physically gifted CB they have to fill the loss of Tre so what are the Bills staff seeing that these people are not ?
  13. Let's hope that he can get it done & all the while that Williams can pay attention & possibly be the guy they thought he might be when they drafted him to learn & possibly fill in until Matt can come back to the team weather it be next year or earlier good lord willing ...
  14. Well that wouldn't be a bad thing if it wasn't a constant every single monolog thing with these so called comedians but that is what they did like the dossier for 4 full years every single night & every single day . GET OVER IT THERE ARE OTHER THINGS IN LIFE DON'T OBCESS OVER 1 FREAKIN PERSON ... P.S. - And seeing as you disagree just go back & look at any of Colberts monologs while Trump was in office i'll bet you can't find 1 that he doesn't mention some kind of slam on him . I must have only caught the ones that he did because i never saw one that he wasn't .
  15. That is the plan or agenda ... I in some regards hope he doesn't run because i don't want to relive another 4 years of B**Ching & whining about him . Then having to listen to ass hats like Colbert & others (You, BT, Tibs,) constantly claiming to be comedians using their platform for bashing rather than comedy then the possibility of more millions spent to prove lies like they did in the bought & paid for dossier which all involved in that should already be in prison but are not .
  16. HELL NO !! He is going to be one that the Bills need for the future once Von & others decide to retire i say lock him up now for the future of the team . With all those here saying how many draft picks Beane has missed on & now one proves to be a good pick & you ask if you want to trade him seriously ?
  17. Well at least i'm willing to think of that as a good possibility but you won't admit it about any of the others that are as bad or in some instances worse & especially this jack ass in office now . If you think the guy you apparently voted for is some kind of freakin saint man you are delirious beyond compare .
  18. No but Clinton was, Obama was, Bush was, and every one of them did criminal type acts in their time so why not this guy whats the difference . Is it different to allow FISA warrants on a made up bought & paid for BS dossier ? Is it different to go into a war on the premise of "weapons of mass destruction" when Hussien was your puppet for how many years prior to calling him the bad guy ? And lump Osama into hat to !! Clinton not only disgraced the office but was applauded by the American people for getting a #### ### in the oval office then lying about it and no telling all the BS he pulled as the Gov. of Arkansas . But Turmp supposedly inflates the price of a property which realtors do every day & then a very known to be liberal judge deflates the price of a property which is most likely intentional & even a 5th grader knows better & he's the baddest guy ever . Continue on !! If you can't see the forest for the trees you for sure can't see the BS & i'm not saying that every thing he has done or said has been above board because it hasn't but let's call BS - Bs when it's known to be just that ...
  19. Great clip from Bill !! Thanks for posting we need more of this kind of stuff in todays world !! Call out the BS artists !! Only focus on the useful part to use on the narrative as usual .
  20. Yep trump made the US a POS country had nothing to do with GW Bush, Clinton, Obama, Or G Bush it's all about Trump ... And he was only in 4 years the others all had 8 but i guess it only takes 1 term to completely do what all those others fixed or did so well by selling out American Business to other countries in their terms . That F N Trump what a POS !! 🙄 Really you hate that much that you can't even see what came before that ...
  21. As long as Iran continues to keep getting funds from ?? Hamas will continue to do what they have always done .
  22. Yep if they got rid of him and that POS HC this team would be Super Bowl bound just in those 2 moves alone ...
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