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Everything posted by NoSaint

  1. My stance would be pretty constitent- really great play, game winning play, major injury start up the thread. Dropped pass in the first quarter, maybe just a snide comment in the around the NFL thread.
  2. Probably needs two threads in that case!
  3. But what if it's a relatively unimportant play in an unexciting game? Seems like a definite maybe on the need for the thread.
  4. That brown catch(?) was a hell of a play regardless of the review Horrible game management by Hugh there- called timeout before challenging a call then challenged it losing his last timeout. With the penalty on the touchdown before I'd probably just kick onside from the get go though.
  5. Which is of course a silly evaluation
  6. Good to know- didn't it used to just be game thread and around the NFL, nothing else?
  7. His contract is fully guaranteed But ignoring that, if a player wants to bet on themselves, that's not the teams fault. Any vet could take less for higher guarantees. Most want top dollar.
  8. As a dude on a rookie deal I have much more empathy for him holding out
  9. Let's see if 4th and 21 goes any better here
  10. Browns first drive, 4th and 19, punt blocked, steeler td. Very brownsy
  11. Hopefully you don't get to 28 for this project
  12. If you were at all honest in your sympathy you wouldn't have to qualify it. Just a "sorry, I didn't understand what happened" is all that was needed.
  13. I think the simpler explanation is that they saw him come up bigger than most in game changing situational plays. And likely not just in the box score but in how he actually managed them as a player. Extending drives and scoring on the goal line are HUGE parts of the game that they always excel at and are a major factor in why they win at the obscene rate they do.
  14. For his football career it may end up tougher-- turning 29 this season and Achilles often being a tough one to come back from. Tons of credit for him beating cancer and coming back but this ones a tough road for an explosive player. Might be his transition to being the heady veteran instead of all pro game changer
  15. Sounds like he wasn't cut for the fight so much as disrespect for authority
  16. Send 4 WRs and a big back on the field. Spread the defense and either sneak or pound it but don't run into a pile If he can "win" those plays at a slightly higher rate than most -- "and 1" plays on 3rd, 4th and goal line are HUGE impact and this high value
  17. The real nightmare would be if pats win the division at 9-7 and we finish 8-8. It would literally be the billsiest outcome EVER.
  18. But who's going to give a haul for a 30 year old back with another year of heavy use?
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