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Everything posted by first_and_ten

  1. That's an awfully specific dream 😂
  2. You use "frustrated" and "pissed off". I say "suffered". Seriously? LOL. Because I used the word "suffered" instead of the words you used, I'm not a Bills fan? I enjoyed the ride back then, but like many Bills fans, we suffered through 4 Super Bowl losses. What if I said you're not a fan because you got "pissed off" over the 4 losses? LOL. You gotta do better than that. So you're ok with going 13-3 and getting blown out at home in the divisional round? Good for you, but I'm not. I don't care about Prescott and his team. I would never try to say that Prescott is better than Allen. If that's what you're assuming, you're dead wrong. Geesh!!! I did not say that Allen wasn't fully committed!!! Re-read my posts and then come back when you're more prepared for this conversation. He did, and I hope it's true. But doesn't everyone say that?
  3. I stated why I felt this way in my post. Go back and read it. I do not question his will to win. I think he has distractions this off season that he did not have in the past. What's wrong with pointing them out? But again, my point was to say that maybe the Diggs drama will help this team in the long haul. I hope this is the case. He could prove me wrong and cause all kinds of drama too. I was not judging Allen. He is their only hope for a Super Bowl. I just HOPE he's as committed as he was after his rookie season. I hope I've been clear.
  4. I wasn't talking about 2020. In 2022, he had no realistic shot at the MVP, unless you want to include predictions made before the season started. Yes, then some said he would win it. I'm basing my statements on the fact that he turned the ball over way too much to have a shot. I can never understand people who watch the Bills through rose colored glasses, like you. Guess what, a person can be an avid Bills fan and still be able to have a realistic view of their performances. Again, you cannot seem to get the fact that I was not "bitching" about him. I merely pointed out that I noticed some things that might cause him a distraction going forward. Re-read my posts. To say "We got Allen and we got Diggs. That's it" is laughable. This team has loads of talented players. No team can be compared to a time when there was no salary cap. Honestly, to say that makes me question your football knowledge. I'm sorry, but seriously? The comments on this forum have nothing to do with what I said. Please don't conflate my comments with that of others. I'm glad you know that I do not hate Josh Allen. I'm a big fan of his. To be honest you seem to have a "he can do no wrong" attitude about him. Also, any player's offseason has a bearing on their play. How hard a player prepares, works on his weaknesses, etc. impacts his season. I do agree that we have no idea what might be happening in his preparation for the upcoming season, but I can comment on what I have seen. Like I have stated, I hope he has a great season. I merely said that what Diggs did might actually help them in the long haul. I remember when some of the Bills had to straighten out Jim Kelly. go Bills!!!!
  5. Exactly. It's not that we are not fans, right? We want them to win. Thank you for your support.
  6. Great post!! Maybe Kincaid can be that "Beasley" always open guy this year.
  7. I've been a Bills fan for over 40 years. Had season tickets during the Super Bowl years. Don't try to say that I'm not a Bills fan because I have an opinion on a certain topic. How long have you been a fan, 2 years? And yes, he had odd's on him to win MVP, but no real knowledgeable person thought he had any chance to win it. No one with the most turnovers would ever win it. Just because I didn't think he was ever a serious candidate to win the award doesn't mean I'm not a big Josh Allen fan. I am certainly a fan, and I would give anything to just win one Super Bowl. I suffered through a lot of lean years and then suffered through 4 Super Bowl losses. Dak Prescott was second and he's been roasted because of it. Mahomes had 12, Burrow I believe had 15. I wouldn't say anyone had a ton of turnovers, even Josh didn't have , in your words, a ton. Yes, turnovers are part of his play, but go back and look at some of them. Even he admits many of them were preventable. He has to do better and he's the first to admit that. Kudos to him for saying that. I'd like to know how you turned my comments into me hating Josh Allen as our QB. I think he is probably going to go down as our best ever. I just questioned his total commitment based on what I see in the off season. This is why I think your take on my take is dumb. Because I questioned his total commitment this off season, not his ability as a quarterback. He's been great for the most part. Without him at his best, they have no shot. My initial point was saying that maybe Diggs was trying to make a statement concerning the commitment of the coaches and maybe even Josh. I said this spat may end up helping the team in the long haul. Look back on all my posts. I am not a troll.
  8. I would argue because of the nature of the sport, the bargained days of are a good thing for the players. We want players to be as healthy as possible when the season starts. I think it's possible that Diggs didn't show to make a statement. He saw the same offense as he saw in the Cincinnati playoff game and wants change. Ken Dorsey was badly outcoached by Cincy. I have no doubt that Diggs wants to win, badly.
  9. I said he may not be as focused as before because of all the distractions. Didn't you read where I said that I hope I am wrong? Allen HAS to show up at the voluntary OTAs. If he didn't, that would be a story, every though it's voluntary. Diggs not showing up for voluntary OTAs proves my point. He's making a statement. He wants a change somewhere. I think now they are listening. This may help in the long run.
  10. My whole point was not to say Allen was a bad quarterback, but that I'm not sure he's as focused as he was before
  11. Like I said, you've taken this conversation on new path. I never said Rivers was a bad quarterback. Why are we talking about Rivers? By the way, Rivers has not won a Super Bowl
  12. Bills have never had good quarterbacks not named Kelly or Allen. You might make a case for Ferguson. So really, you've gone way off topic
  13. That is a good point except for Philip Rivers who was a no show for the most part in the playoffs. Also, Eli Manning kind of sucked, but won in the playoffs because of great defense and some clutch throws and great catches, but I do give him credit for those wins, just that he wouldn't have done it without that great defense. Favre was great and at times was terrible. He won one Super Bowl. I'm not sure The Bills will get even one with Josh Allen, because of the talent in the AFC.
  14. Those were voluntary. Why people like to criticize players for not showing up to voluntary practice has always perplexed me. But anyway, we will see this year if it was selfish or a desire to win. I saw a guy in the Cincinnati game who was upset about losing. I didn't see that same passion in the rest of the offense that day. I still think this whole thing might end up helping the team. Remember the bickering Bills?
  15. This is such a dumb take. He was never really in the MVP race. Josh Allen had the most turnovers in the NFL in 2022. Let that sink in, THE MOST!! I never said they weren't allowed to have lives. I'm just commenting on what I have observed this off season. To be the best at something, it takes hard work. It takes commitment. As I've said, I hope I'm wrong. Also, if you want to have a conversation, don't start off by calling the other person dumb.
  16. Both could be true, Josh could be all in to win, but does he work as hard as he did after his rookie year? I have no idea if Diggs was in France, but if he was, so what. I'm not talking about one trip. I'm not saying they can't take a vacation. I'm just wondering about Josh's commitment when he's at every golf tournament. As a matter of fact he was at the tournament in Rochester and was interviewed on TV. All he could talk about was all the tournaments he was able to see and would see. He even lamented the one he would have to miss because of training camp. Then I see the rumors about him and Hailee Steinfeld and how they are seen about the town in NY. Does he still have the work ethic to get better, like he had when he made a meteoric improvement after his rookie year. I have no doubt he wants to win, but it takes a lot of work to stay at the top of your game and to even improve. I hope he proves me wrong.
  17. As I said, this might work out better than we think. Time will tell. I'm sure you will be cheering him on when he is catching touchdowns. Voluntary OTA's are just that, voluntary. Why would he show up to voluntary practices and do this? It wouldn't get his point across. If mandatory practice is so important, why did they cancel the last day?
  18. Diggs did show up, and left for what may turn out to be good reasons. Josh Allen shows up for all the pro golf tournaments too. That's my concern. Is he as committed?
  19. I'm not taking anyone's side. Not sure why taking Diggs side over Allen would be some kind of sacrilege anyway...kind of a weird statement there, but anyways, I hope Josh proves me wrong.
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