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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. That's a pretty impressive Bills fan "resume."
  2. 3 of the final 4 is really good, although this year was rare in that 3 #1 seeds made the final 4. I usually do 3 or 4 money brackets, but this year I just did one vs my wife. Wager is date night of the winner's choice. I had Kentucky/Duke in the final game, but I already beat my wife b/c she had Nova winning it all. I entered a different $100 pool where you get #s for each game...similar to super bowl squares. I already won my money back, and would have won $650 if that Wisconsin bastard sank both of his free throws at the end vs Kentucky. Hopefully I hit big tonight.
  3. If the winner's score ends 0, and the losers score ends in 4, I win $1,600.
  4. Recently discover a local rye whiskey from a distillery called Whistlepig. It's fairly pricy at $65 per bottle, but boy is it smooth and delicious. Makes a great Manhattan, but even better neat or on the rocks.
  5. When/where was your first Bills game (home or away)? While I started loving the Bills and watched all the games on TV at a much younger age, my first game was 12/10/89 at Rich Stadium against the Saints. I was 10 years old. I remember not being able to sleep at all the night before, as I was so excited and anxious. I went with my Father and my Uncle who shared a block of 4 season tickets. My most vivid memory of the game was when we first walked out to our seats. It was amazing to look down at the field and see the REAL Buffalo Bills warming up on the field. It was surreal. My Father still describes the look on my face at that moment as one of the happiest moments of his life. It was cold and snowing hard that day, and the crowd was relatively sparse, but we were prepared with the proper clothing, hand warmers, and plenty of hot chocolate (beers for the grown ups to stay "warm"). I remember Marlboro was running a promotion that day, and as we walked in I was handed a plastic bag which contained a winter hat, a scarf, and a mini pack of cigarettes (imagine that). We lost a close game 22-19 to the saints, but James Lofton caught a 40 yard TD bomb from Jim Kelly, and Pete Metzellars caught a TD pass in the 3rd quarter to keep it close. My Father kept his seasons until I was in graduate school and his health began to decline. I went to at least 2-3 home games every year from 1990-2006. I thought it would be interesting to hear others' experiences of their first game...especially the "old timers" who got to see their first game at The Rockpile.
  6. Anorexic heroin addicts are bringing sexy back. I said left. Who has time to commit to one hair style?
  7. lol...what I meant by "not overwhelming" was that I could still taste the beef. Unlike some marinades where all you can taste is the marinade. Good stuff. I liked the liquid smoke in the mix.
  8. A woman at work sells fresh eggs. She brought in a few dozen last week, but after looking at them I was kinda turned off. They were all different colors, shapes, and sizes. Something about them skeeved me out. Aren't they supposed to be sanitized or something?
  9. Perhaps? I'm not sure who I murdered and buried in the side yard while in dreamland. Who has time to keep track?
  10. Cletus, I tried your marinade on a sirloin last night. Tenderized it, and soaked it for almost 20 hours. Tasted great but not overwhelming.
  11. Last night I had a dream that I had a body buried in my side yard. The city came by and started digging around in my yard to run a new water line to my house. I was worried about being caught. What do you make of that? Championship!!!
  12. Where did you get the Heady Topper? I live in Vermont and have to drive 45 minutes to get it.
  13. They engineer super powerful strains of marijuana in their dorm room.
  14. Ham, cornbread casserole, and green beans. Deviled eggs all day! My favorite.
  15. Even HS athletes would know better than to say "f&$k that n#%a in a press conference. How does losing a final 4 game make this justifiable? It's called class and character, and I bet you'd never hear one of Coach K's players saying that. I'm not saying let's crucify the kid, but it is what it is.
  16. I think I jinxed us...sorry guys. Bryant just announced his commitment to Indiana on live TV. JB must have made a final run at him near the end and felt he had a chance. Oh well
  17. Announcement supposed to come after this weekend's tournament. If we don't have hope, what do we have? Keep your fingers crossed. Bryant could be the savior of this program. Doesn't this recruitment remind you of the DC2 recruitment? Leading up to his announcement everyone was saying he was a Kentucky lean. I thought it was over. He gets to the microphone and out comes the Cuse hat! Go get him Hop!!
  18. McCullough's girlfriend is pregnant...due in April. I wonder if that had an impact on his decision... I heard today, FWIW, that there has been a bit of a pendulum swing in the Thomas Bryant recruitment. I got a text this morning "Bryant to Indiana? Not so fast..." I replied "so you're saying there's a chance?" The reply was "50/50" It was shocking to me because the last I heard Syracuse had moved on. I don't know what took place, or if McCullough leaving had an impact. I hope to god we land this kid.
  19. SelmonSmith6378 Anyone care to hear my review of Smurfs 2?
  20. Que? http://getbillstickets.com/individual_game_tickets
  21. Dang Cletus! That sounds tasty. I'll have to try that...thanks.
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