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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Indeed. I was at game with my Father...I can't remember who we were playing, but I was like 10 or 11 years old. A group of guys in front of us sparked up a joint and began passing it around. My Father is a "live and let live" kind of guy, so he didn't say anything. Well, one of the guys turned around, and with a smile on his face, said "here kid, want a hit?". My Father grabbed the joint, dropped it on the ground, and smooshed it with his boot. The guy did not say a word (my father is a pretty large and intimidating guy), and my Father calmly went back to watching the game.
  2. Certainly makes it less of a need, but Spikes is a short term answer. We need another young ILB, IMO.
  3. summit of a large pile of prosthetic limbs. He then pushed the down arrow on the elevator, and when the doors finally opened...
  4. I doubt the OP is concerned about his stripped screw getting cancer.
  5. Try calling Crutchfield customer service. I have found them to be very helpful. For example, I was looking for a moderately priced home theater system. I spoke with a representative, told them what I was looking for and my price range, and the guy turned me onto a Vizio unit that I am tremendously satisfied with. I didn't even purchase the product from them, as I found it cheaper elsewhere, but the were very courteous and knowledgeable. 1-800-555-7088 FWIW...I have had great success with Alpine car audio products. Reasonably priced and they perform well.
  6. No, Katie was not present, but if she were I would have sent her to get me a warm washcloth and a wooden spoon to bite down on. <South Park>
  7. http://www2.tsn.ca/draftcentre/feature/?id=18342 Ottawa in 1996 Boston in 1997 St. Louis in 2006 TB in 2008 Islanders in 2009 Edmonton in 2010 So 6 times out of 19 years. In 2005, due to the lockout, all teams were entered in the lottery.
  8. I took a dump today the size of a hoagie roll. I nearly needed anesthesia during the delivery. If that doesn't inspire people, I don't know what will.
  9. Agreed. Wisconsin's program is built through good coaching, great defense, and strong fundamental players. If guys like Jabari Parker, Karl Towns, and Ben Simmons were beating down his door, I highly doubt that Ryan would turn them away. I found his post-game speech re: officiating and "rental players" to be extremely classless and disrespectful. Surprising from an extremely well-respected head coach who runs a solid character program. I'm sure he regrets his comments even if he truly feels that way.
  10. +1 Again, I think 4th-5th round is his appropriate place given his ability as a pure passer. He really needs to sit for a year or two (or three) behind a seasoned veteran.
  11. Hopefully Gilmore and McLovin stay healthy, but if something happens I am more than confident in Corey Graham to fill in. I actually thought he played better than Leodis last season.
  12. My Father and I have already decided that if the Bills make the Super Bowl, we will be there in the stadium to watch the game.
  13. Exactly. It's meant for entertainment purposes, and I think people need to watch with that in mind. I'm sure when Gruden was a HC, and a QB was brought in for a pre-draft visit, the interview looked a lot different. As a previous poster mentioned, I pay closer attention to how the player interacts with Gruden. His personality...the way he carries himself....the way he responds to constructive criticism.
  14. You'd be surprised CGF. These are some seriously twisted individuals here at TBD. A lot of bizzare proclivities out there. Caulk a doodle doo.
  15. I think Gruden offers up a fair amount of criticism to go along with praise for each of the QB's. For example, he really raked petty over the coals about his weakness with protection calls. It is meant for entertainment, however, and people wouldn't time in if Gruden was overly negative. Petty certainly has a lot of arm talent, but he does not seem ready to run a pro-style offense. He's a project, and would be a decent value (IMO) in the 4th or 5th round. He'll likely go much earlier than he should.
  16. I blame that dagg-Nabb rock and roll music!! Those whippersnappers and their gyrating hips dancing around like gypsies!! <coughs deeply and bangs walking cane on table>
  17. Does the caulk come in different colors? What happens if the caulk gets in his mouth?
  18. I was at this game too, CGF! My wife was 7 months pregnant with my son and she came with us. Didn't Jarius Byrd have 2-3 interceptions? I remember the crowd being at least 1/2 Bills fans, and singing the Shout song as we walked down the ramp from the upper deck. Panthers fans were looking at us like we were crazy.
  19. That is absolutely hilarious!! Good for your Dad.
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