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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Well no, it's actually true. Although I do exaggerate to some extent. After posting I did think about that movie though. Hilarious.
  2. Yeah, but take a girl to a ball game and get a few dogs. You smear packets of that red stuff on your hot dog, and her 'hoo-ha" dries up like the Sahara Desert.
  3. I don't like my wife's tailbone. It protrudes a little bit. We're gonna get that puppy sawed off as soon as we save up a little money.
  4. Discrimination means being treated differently than others based on the group, class or category to which a person belongs. If everyone by law (except the mental midgets in Indiana) is prohibited from discriminating against homosexuals...how are religious people being treated differently. Idiot.
  5. My state pension pays 60 percent of the average of my 3 highest years salary. My wife and I also have 403B plans that we have been maxing out since 2006. I hope we will be in good shape. All the student loans and our house will be paid off just before we retire. Also, not that we've been able to accumulate a good bit of liquid assets, I'd like to start to dabble in the stock market.
  6. A Hoffman red hot or snappy grilled with good yellow mustard is as good as it gets, IMHO. And I lived in Chi-Town for a few months and had plenty of Chicago style dogs. They are a close second though. Exiled, have you ever been to Hot Dougs? Incredible dogs/sausage, and French fries cooked in duck fat. Love that place. I used to wait in a line that stretched around the corner to get a dog and fries there.
  7. I'd turn my wife into the sex crazed woman she was when we first started dating. We literally used to "do it" 6 or 7 times a day. Now I'm lucky if I get some action once or twice a month. I suppose having children completely killed that. Also, my wife is beautiful and has a great body. However, she now dresses like my Mother. I wish she would wear sexier clothes once in a while. Hell, show a little cleavage.
  8. I had a Maine Coon named Oscar that my girlfriend gifted me back in the day (I hate cats), but he had to be euthanized due to severe diabetes. The vet wanted me to pay $100 bucks/week for insulin treatments, IIRC. Made my decision pretty easy....the fat bugger had a pretty good run for 9 years. I want to say he was 28 pounds at his heaviest. Mean sucker too.
  9. No I do get it, but what you are failing to comprehend is that EVERYONE thought Sammy Watkins was the best WR to come out of college football since AJ Green. Further, it has been reported that Sammy was the TOP player on more than a few team's draft boards. Your claim that Whaley and our scouting department somehow should have known that OBJ was going to be comparable because he warms up by catching balls one-handed is completely asinine. The fact is, we do not know what both players will have achieved 5 years from now. Therefore, you cannot possibly assert that Sammy's play will not justify the trade, at this time. Maybe one of our QB's gets it together and Sammy goes for 1,500 yards and 15 TD's this season. In that scenario, will the trade then be justified? Please define what he has to do to justify the trade.
  10. 09 Subaru Impreza, 21.6 MPG combined (not too much highway driving here in VT) It's a gas guzzler for a sedan, but an absolute tank in the winter time.
  11. I have read and understand everything you have posted. I just disagree. I happen to believe that the new offense, run-first or whatever, is going to open up things for Sammy to flourish. I expect him, now healthy, to have a great season and be one of the best WR's in the NFL. Again, why don't you put your money where your mouth is since you're so sure, and make your signature your post about Sammy never living up to the trade? Also, I'd still like to see some of your posts, pre-2014 draft, where you were trumpeting about OBJ and how he would be the best WR in the class. Even if you were privy to all 32 teams draft boards, I highly doubt any of them had OBJ over Sammy.
  12. Fun, but completely unrealistic. If Flowers lasts until 50 I will steal the card from Jim Kelly and run to the podium myself.
  13. If you're so convinced, make your post about Sammy never living up to the trade your signature. And make sure you leave it there until you are proven right.
  14. I'd have to see more. Based solely on her face...it's a rare no for me.
  15. If they draft Mariotta, and I don't think they will, they are in a unique position to let him sit and learn behind an already "established" QB until he is ready. Remember when this used to happen?
  16. We'll have to agree to disagree, my friend. I may be a homer, but in time I believe SW will prove to be the best WR in an incredibly strong WR class. A once in a generation talent. Definitely in a whole different league that Benjamin, and worth the trade. Hell, he nearly single handedly won us 2-3 games last year.
  17. You may be onto something there, Mead. TRBJ, do you like to watch gladiator movies?
  18. 1. Bills do not take a TE. 2. Agreed that they will take a front 7 guy in round 2. I think LB and would love Paul Dawson but I don't think he will make it to 50. 3. OT in round 3. 4. I think they will package picks to move up for a Safety. 5. No QB.
  19. So what type of season does Sammy need to produce to help to mute this idiocy? Anyone who watched all the games last year saw an ELITE receiver on a team with horrendous QB's. If you (and others) didn't notice that, I don't know what can be done to save your poor Bills fan soul. Yes, you are right.
  20. Until you can quote your own posts (from before the 2014 draft) which state all of those things about OBJ you should give it a rest. Seriously, the hindsight draft expert act is growing tiresome and stupid. Just one fan's opinion.
  21. Richardson and Lotutelei (picks 12 and 13) may be the only first rounders who deserved to be drafted there. Yeesh!
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