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Everything posted by boyst

  1. eating tide pods, too. funny, god and guns are both banned in schools.
  2. actually, i can't stand my reps. and my senator, Burr, is a douche.
  3. where, prey, tell, did i blame the victims? the ny times is cute. your education on the facts of that article is even cuter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_shooting the awesome wikipedia is always a source of fun. thus, the you're wrong. sorry, i'll leave the mic here for you...try again? or should we try another game?
  4. i'm a lot of things but you and other folks complaining about this are silly. sorry big daddy is here and gonna keep you boys in check.
  5. i don't want to get things worse and without a definitive plan we cannot be assured it would be better. the gimmick of "excelsior" is schticky. it doesn't fly in reality. eutopia will never occur. 100% serious. and, you're a dolt. you don't care about statistics, as stated, so when i provide stats that show (and they do) that mass shootings are on not on the decline, you'll interject. sorry to burst your bubble, but you're lightly not that bright for an electric company. and you took me seriously that i'm a sociopath? and then question if i had the stones to say that to a parent? ****, as a sociopath, that's exactly what you'd do. that's not a sadist. you need the dsm9 edit: oh, and, no, i wouldn't waste my time telling that to a parent who just lost their child that was murdered. instead, i'd remain quite unless provoked or infringed. disirregardless, you act as if i've never had hard times or known struggle or dealt with death/murder/suicide/etc. we all have. 3 classmates murdered. 2 close friends suicide. 4 or 5 classmates died tragically within a year of graduation. several of my employees have either a) been murdered b) died tragically c) died on the job. life sucks, but you'll never make it out alive. so i don't live in fear. awe, i can't be mean to you because i made a promise to a friend. but, bless your heart, sweetie. keep trying!
  6. Gesundheit Again, buddy, I do appreciate this opportunity but you are having entirely emotional response. There is no way to have an honest discussion when emotions are running this high. Because we've been treating such things as dangerous, and that we have to appreciate unique differences without offending somebody. We have to tolerate those which are stupid or obscene. We have to accept those who disagree with us without confrontation, even if civil.
  7. He doesn't have tinder, I see him more as a blackpeoplemeet.com kind of guy
  8. https://ucr.fbi.gov. Start there for the facts. And pictures (find Waldo) I will tell those parents exactly that. Get over it. Today was likely the worst day of your life. Tomorrow will suck just as much, the next day won't be fun, nor the day after that. But, you'll go on with your life always missing a part of it, sure, but you'll go on with your life. Every parent in this country should feel happier knowing their kid is in school and safer there than on the commute to or from school, on a sports field, at a mall or store, walking the block, etc. Facts trump feelings. Emotional responses to horrific events don't change anything. Sensationalization and pandering of such events by the media only scares the sheep. I don't walk on all fours, I can promise you that. The sad truth is, I would bet by Friday of next week we have a 4 or 5 other half dozen majorly reported news stories of horrific events in this country. Not that it will be anything different than normal, it's just a lot better to cover those than it is cover other news that's inconvenient to agendas. So, you offer no solution. Just some platitude and emotional dribble. Yeah, wish you'd not have clicked here, either.
  9. No it's not retard. Not when you swing back on TBD and get disciplined over it. It 2as worse when Beerball was moderating and allowed great bias in political discussions. Ask Rob's House. Want to know something cute? I'm the god damn devil reincarnated, clearly. And if you don't know, you will. Someone like Justice or some other asshat will help clue you in on part of that aspect but here, a moderator allows this to happen, Allows my colorful responses and generally realize that I don't cross the line. I'm that damn good at walking the line and pushing people over it... And I do it for fun, too. I realize what's at stake, so does everyone who has a clue and they realize I honestly just don't care. Likely Birddog, is my guess. Birddog was a good speller, intellectually sound enough and generally able to correspond with others in a fashion that made him appear sane. Nonetheless, he wasn't, as he flew off the hinges and called the sheriffs office on me, which was funny. But, he always did talk down to people in half truths and convenient quips of useless blurbs.
  10. Exactly. Nothing to see here. We are living in a safe world, safer than ever. **** happens, it sucks, get over it.
  11. Nothing is going on. And the headlines are just cute jibberish to work up the masses in to an epidemic. America is actually safer than it has been in a very, very long time.
  12. He's a funeral director, iirc. And also teaches mortuary sciences, maybe. I was drunk and not sure if they were !@#$ing with me
  13. Or the content blows ass and not worth the read. Quality sells. bull **** rags don't.
  14. Many public schools are going to strict dress codes, so much so that they can only buy from certain sources. It's abhorrent, actually. But public schools are getting uniforms quickly. Indoctrination is so simple when kids are young and it's so easy to have a school system line their pockets with some graft when they get to approve the source and material you're allowed to wear. School systems are becoming prison systems.
  15. It's political corruption that allows a lot of this, but well done you. Particpation of opinion is always valuable
  16. Without full political injection: The report being released by the IG.
  17. The Horowitz report setting up indictment for much of 44's intelligence arm/DOJ. As foretold by our prophet, TransGreg, this would come. The day of reckoning foretold a day ago that violence and danger would beseige us the next few days to distract us from more corruption and the likelihood of Obama being a treasonous piece of ****.
  18. I am 100% all for that but there is way too much distraction going on for anyone to grow a pair of balls and do anything about what's going on because it's too god damn easy to be a victim and the payoff is too good damn high. Great post
  19. What do I write them is not good enough? He was already break the law, several laws... Look, take a deep breath. Make a hashtag. It'll be ok.
  20. I'm not gonna pay the NYT to keep trying to hear it but I heard Laurel at work and yanny at home
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