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Everything posted by boyst

  1. Tim McVeigh is singularly the funniest comedian of American descent in at least 20 years.
  2. Willie Nelson Saturday May go see him Friday too but would have to blow off a date. Don't wanna do that. Sunday and Monday will be farm work, with my ballerina coming to see me Sunday I hope.
  3. Tab made a comeback. Still.may be out there, too
  4. @Bob in Mich this old House had a Whopper of a show on installing gutters. Halfway through it. Real page Turner.
  5. Lest we forget Huma has strong ties to the middle East and very much backed and supported by terrorist groups. Her parents are highly suspect individuals. That fact is too easily glossed over.
  6. Hruge exprosion in nortt korera, reports say they brew up their nucrear test srites and fracrities
  7. Our of curiosity, as I do upon my thrown. It has been over 16 days by my history that I cisited an adult website. I was curious He would be a fool to throw something at me.
  8. Ok I had to read it twice again and still didn't see it. My bad. I'm an idiot and will wear the cone of shame.
  9. Metallica is here in October. I have been watching tickets and they're way too high right now. I always buy last minute and usually get a steal and once in a while settle for crappy but very cheap nosebleeds Still, waiting a few hours before the concert on StubHub, etc you get aaaaamazing finds. I sent my sister to see Timberlake and made her wIt until 30 minutes before the show. She paid 1/3 what she would have paid for face, and 1/4 a week before.
  10. Willie Nelson this weekend I cant manageb Friday otherwise it'd be Allison Krauss, Elvis Costello and Willie. So Saturday will be Willie with others I don't care about
  11. It's sad, and I'm not going to bother explaining the whole premise of why I created a thread. It goes well beyond the stupidity that you serve, but seriously go !@#$ yourself
  12. Would it matter to your argument? You don't look to discuss these items. Your mind is made up. Pretty much everyone's is. The problem here is people won't let this go because they think it's some Noble cause It's becoming a game of chicken and it's sad.
  13. Triple-digit IQ club here which makes this easy to say, because your believe basically is saying that all the police forces across the country are united to be racist in Target blacks
  14. That doesn't make them a hypocrite though. As pointed out, than how do millions of police operations and activities happen daily without thousands of dead black people? Your argument is just invalid. The entire premise of this argument is retarded and a social cause meant to distract and divide us as a culture between those with double digits between those with triple digits. It's...just plain horseshit.
  15. If I threw a drink or shoe at you is it also hilarious?
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