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Everything posted by boyst

  1. This is comical. Cult of personality **** right here. Well done.
  2. But that faggot Hogg had a die in at Publix. And that matters a lot
  3. I'd drop **** on them or push a cart and get their hair tangled etc
  4. You did so with the intent to instigate so it was a jerk move. If you did it whole heartedly it would be different but I support the move
  5. Best moon walk was Michael Jackson
  6. 20 of 80 I'm !@#$ing autistic. ??? Lindsey is one I met? She seemed like a "nice girl" who picked up on being a nice person. Btw. A friend no one met... A girl who's my best friend probably 54 of 80. Bwahah
  7. He cancelled 2 shows a few months ago with the flu He came out once. Walked around the set without pause and went back behind stage after 12 minutes of delayed start. Came out 20 min later. Went to strap guitar, as he bent over he paused. Took his hat and threw it like a frisbee to the crowd and walked off stage
  8. Willie came out twice and walked off stage. No word what's going on but an hour past show start...
  9. I'm 12 minutes away from my son Willie Nelson taking the stage. I can do anything.
  10. Every thing Boston. Hate it all Boston Celtics. Boston bruins, NE Patriots*, Boston clam chowder. Baked beans. Gieselle bunchen, bill belichecl, Larry Byrd, Matt damon, been Affleck, Boston market, Boston pops.. !@#$ them all with 1,000 bags of dicks.
  11. Yes. You're all my children. I bless you. Worship me. I will buy anything to support lesbians. But only pretty ones who are hot
  12. Libs eating libs. Bwahaha Nice to see politicians realizing journalists are Savage and cannibalize
  13. Recap for those at farmers markets who can't view it, please?
  14. He has them framed. No, just a dick. He would rooster block me at the gym all the time. In totally d bag ways against bro code Her name was Katie...
  15. Everyone can me too. I know about 6 women of prominence across the country that I could #metoo in a heartbeat causing them to lose their jobs. One is a lead anchor on TV news in the evening and if anyone found out about her stint in adult films ... Yikes. Others flat out are extremely lucky they we're never outed for their bull ****. I am tempted to out one of my own county commissioners, a dude, for being vile scum, as well.
  16. My employer gets money from the DoD. So, everything beyond that with your premise is flawed and ridiculous. As ridiculous as every morning we have a prayer in 16 different religions, must say the pledge of allegiance for all member countries of our make up and then drink a beer for America. But, 99% of internet statistics are meaningless and those that aren't sourced go even higher. The players are all about themselves, too. As a marketing ploy their face is their money maker. Having themselves be seen without the facemask is yuge. If that means more time in front of the camera protesting or answering questions about it that can be as powerful of marketing as standing for the camera. The NFL is a different beast. We know NBA players and baseball players because we can see their faces. NFL players are hid behind masks and most fans wouldn't recognize 80% of their own team I'd wager. The entire dynamic of this and marketing the player vs team is amazingly complex and fascinating, as well.
  17. Gabby Gifford's. She was shot because there was a riffle target poster made with her photo on it and Republicans are evil gun worshipping Nazis and made someone who wasn't a republican shoot her. And if it was me I'd carry one especially in DC.
  18. He's a huge germaphobe. He has spoken about it many, many times on Stern. He cannot stand shaking hands.
  19. Quoting for truth in to ensure that it might be seen just one more time PS, I set a reminder on my phone just in case for you.
  20. You know that tortured him, being a germaphobe that he is
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