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Everything posted by boyst

  1. He's a funeral director, iirc. And also teaches mortuary sciences, maybe. I was drunk and not sure if they were !@#$ing with me
  2. Or the content blows ass and not worth the read. Quality sells. bull **** rags don't.
  3. Many public schools are going to strict dress codes, so much so that they can only buy from certain sources. It's abhorrent, actually. But public schools are getting uniforms quickly. Indoctrination is so simple when kids are young and it's so easy to have a school system line their pockets with some graft when they get to approve the source and material you're allowed to wear. School systems are becoming prison systems.
  4. It's political corruption that allows a lot of this, but well done you. Particpation of opinion is always valuable
  5. Without full political injection: The report being released by the IG.
  6. The Horowitz report setting up indictment for much of 44's intelligence arm/DOJ. As foretold by our prophet, TransGreg, this would come. The day of reckoning foretold a day ago that violence and danger would beseige us the next few days to distract us from more corruption and the likelihood of Obama being a treasonous piece of ****.
  7. I am 100% all for that but there is way too much distraction going on for anyone to grow a pair of balls and do anything about what's going on because it's too god damn easy to be a victim and the payoff is too good damn high. Great post
  8. What do I write them is not good enough? He was already break the law, several laws... Look, take a deep breath. Make a hashtag. It'll be ok.
  9. I'm not gonna pay the NYT to keep trying to hear it but I heard Laurel at work and yanny at home
  10. There is bigger news today. Probably won't hear much about it But I'll do my part #hashtag
  11. That's pretty interesting. Is there any type of incentive to use that schools curriculum or attend it post GED through the program? Homeschooling has come a long way since just the late 90s when I was finishing my tenure in public schools. My HS was just ranked top 5% in the nation (again). Neighboring Ottawa Hills is always top 1%, usually top 50ish. Of the thousands here you're one of the most interesting people on this board and one of the first I'd choose to meet. You've done a lot of things in your life that seem genuinely interesting and your personality shown here is one of quality substance and integrity that I'd be curious to see the alignment with in physical presence.
  12. Is there a way or need to do AP type courses to count as College courses? Where I grew up the HS touted free college classes for qualifying students as young as freshman. It was a perk of public schooling
  13. So, let's break some info here... The stuff he had was like currency on the Deep Web Trans Greg @Deranged Rhino can confirm this I'm sure. No doubt this guy was a creep, but what's important to remember is that this type of information could be used as a type of currency and was one of the first cryptocurrencies. It's very easily accessible on the internet, it's sent to anyone willing or asking, and there's an entire subculture with it. You'd be amazed at what people will trade for this
  14. I don't plan on it. And I don't see women as !@#$toys. I don't see them negatively at all; hell, my friends say I'd be a great father with the right woman I wouldn't run all over. I have so much of my life in perfect order and so much that I'm always on top of that by the time it comes to committing myself to a relationship or a woman or even those intricate feelings, I just can't. For Christ's sake, we all know my past... The path that took me on such a weird devolving Road at such a young age is a lot of the reason why I'm so !@#$ed up today.
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