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Everything posted by boyst

  1. Use this thread to quote and reply to political bull **** on TSW. If someone gets politically charged, stupid or just gray area; quote them here. First up is our friend Logic, whom we all know lacks all sense of it but finds it humorous.
  2. No matter what ya do, snowflake is already owned by the TDS'ers. Take your schpeel to ppp
  3. When they could sleep walk for 16 yrs under a surveillance state they could do things like this. They're not used to working for a living nor having to use their intellect to keep up. At this rate, I'm fairly certain that gator could beat them at Connect 4
  4. Where can we see more of this? I've been too busy to keep up with recent events [DR excuse}
  5. You should have ally info enough to complete the form. I'd still use your birth year and make up a date, as well anything else I am 1/8 Hungarian and 7/16 German, 1/16th french 5th generation on one side And 3/4 German 8th generation with 1/4 mutt mixed in. I know my history fairly well, and blonde hair, blue eyes whilst hung like a horse means I'm German af.
  6. Rande, submit it under my info. Government already has my DNA on file, so I got nothing to lose. I actually.know this from cattle, but, yes. I had a bull that would make white Charolais heifers but have a painted look to his bull calves. Researched it a ton, talked to professors and cattle experts across the world a few weeks and learned a lot. The most pure bloodlines of Charolais cattle will never be purely white, they will be strawberry-ish once grown with some painted brown about them at birth going back to early bovine roots.
  7. Why the !@#$ do you open your mouth if you can't take criticism. Jesus Allah Judist Christ snowflake. He's trying to talk you off a ledge of seeing Stormy Daniels bring down the president... And you're too stupid to consider anything else but your own "real news." Trump will not be impeached. You're seriously contesting 26CopyPaste for the most grandiose pompous dbag
  8. And see, just like that. Low hanging fruit can't help but hang with each other at the low levels. Make this board great again, get the politics out of here, too many butt hurt nancies crying in TDS.
  9. ?My gosh if only that wasn't funny it'd be stupid. I wish I had a smart ass reply but I'm feeling under the weather. Well done. Who cares? This **** doesn't belong on PPP. I'd care just as much about his political views as his favorite flower or favorite Smurf.
  10. If you're gonna fix spelling, why not fix grammar?
  11. What's up? Engage your PPP **** where it belongs, you retard Grow a pair of balls, don't just keep them in your mouth and take your Trump Denial Syndrome and retarded comments to somewhere here where you show you lack logic and instead sufficiently supply 47 functioning chromosomes
  12. On game day it is a 45 minute drive. Get out of here with that bull **** you !@#$.
  13. Surprised. YouTube is a terrible company, disirregardless. Their ethics and business practices are a joke. A company that started itself breaching copyright law and ignoring indecent material now censors the most menial things whilst pandering the most grossly negligent.
  14. Listened to it a second time. This will get pulled fast, you watch
  15. I didn't fight the urge at all, I enjoy Joes threads. His MO is obvious and generally I partake in his stirrups. I love these threads as I love chaos.
  16. It's amazing. When they get the right spot it feels incredibly painful and pleasant. He got my glute min yesterday and I screamed as it released. It's a great therapy so long as you're able to relax and get maximum benefit from it
  17. So many took the bait. So cute. Replying feeds the trolls. Good job nitwits.
  18. !@#$ that, I'd be cheering him to jump. Do a flip, mother !@#$er.
  19. We are going in circles and you present a full stop because you won't concede that the coverage of this is highly bias and generally misleading with a heavy emphasis on political spin to be against the Trump
  20. Negative. Official news is an actual statement saying that due to war games blablabla Your tweet source doesn't have solid information.
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