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Everything posted by boyst

  1. PTR, promo the robot, is a great guy and worth that of twice of most of those here. Yes, I'm defending him because he is a damn nice dude.
  2. That's such a bull **** addition. Lurk more. Speak less you halfwit asshat
  3. How many matches on tinder? How far can you throw a spear?
  4. Mental illness is a serious thing, even when it's identity disorders. PS. I'm still a Vietnamese grandmother who fought for the Viet Kong in WWII
  5. Group got blew up and wasn't aware for his game in Seattle. He seems intelligent and able to understand the scheme's etc I think our biggest issue early will be the lack of leadership up front. Glenn didn't help much, Miller is a leader but benched, groy has big leadership roles to fill. It's rough
  6. This is another red herring to these arguments anout kneeling. They weaken and water it down so much that it's laughable. When simply put one doesn't outweigh another.
  7. You know what I meant. Pilots have to have so many hours in the air
  8. The flyovers are part of routine training hours. That people complain about that is hilarious, when it's also advertising for the military
  9. If these players were to start talking about being vegetarian, or supporting the rights of Aboriginal tribes in Australia or anything where they just beat the drum over and over again they would be the same results. That those who hate America and freedom, like you, don't see that is not surprising. It's that people just don't give a damn what dumb jocks think
  10. Canine you're smart enough to realize this isn't about disrespecting the flag it's about stupid social causes in a false narrative issue being pushed into the sports realm that people just don't want to have to deal with The low fruits like to claim it's about the flag because that's all they can cling to, when you're only so far off the ground I guess it makes sense. But it's not about the flag and it's not about disrespect for most people, it's about just being annoying petulant children playing a children's game
  11. They can always pick the paperwork up, it wouldn't have surprised me if that happened
  12. And a 3 day weekend. Where if it went horribly he spends 3 days in jail vs. 2. But who are we kidding. He will be free in minutes
  13. Damn right Skippy. I've sent you some girls I've dated, nice try though
  14. Disirregardless of one website I can promise you another will disagree. Internet 101. Http://wordsmith.org/English/dictionary/reper_&_&%%_.html
  15. I am not concerned with the respect of the flag in this argument. Not my interest. My interests would be: 1) it's a bogus argument by the kneelers that's inaccurate and anlie 2) it's a pathetic demonstration of protest that doesn't and won't result in positive repercussions 3) most importantly they're at work and it's not just something that is arbitrarily a 1st amendment issue. The flag, the anthem, all that gobblygook people throw in on it are red herrings that detract from the premise of the protests which has been proven invalid and therefore wasteful and unnecessary self grandiose posturing to gain attention.
  16. In 89 all of that was essentially struck down by SCOTUS. Basically, and imo unfortunately, those laws are now antiquated relics of decorum much of this country has lost but the flag code was neutered and rendered useless with that verdict. I live in Canada, dumdum
  17. Learn2law and enjoy freedom Btw. What's the punishment for breaking this code? Enjoy SCOTUS.
  18. Representations of the flag aren't violations of the flag act, plus it was a supreme Court case that overruled that code as illegsl
  19. And are those the ones running their mouth or acting like fools? Sherman is shrewd af and does his schtick as his brand. Nothing else. Dude is a genius and makes his stuff work.
  20. Show me on this doll where those who love America hurt you.
  21. This has nothing to do with 45 because this is all about ignorance and fascism... This is about stupidity and people who actually have an IQ low enough to qualify to play in the NFL. You're obtuse, you're impossible, and you're just downright silly with no possible way to have an adult conversation. The levels which you support your thought maintain that of a Fourth Grade premise and it's insulting to those who would actually be able to carry on a conversation about this. So I just ask that you let this be, because it's well beyond your grasp and I'm fairly certain that you could recognize that. I'll let you borrow what crayon paste and glitter for your reply
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