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Everything posted by boyst

  1. You will be forced to care. If you don't you're insensitive and racist also supporting hitler
  2. Nothing to do with 45. Sorry TDS has caused such tearing and pain to you. But, the NFL doesn't need to make a scause stance. That's bull ****. The NFL.has much bigger issues than some dumbass Kaepernick who ha sthe intellectual capacity of a flea causing them a headache. The NFL !@#$ed up not smacking this in the face when it started.
  3. Ever known anyone in advertising? They're the biggest bunch of pacifist pussies out there. They think only in ways that they can provoke and press agendas whilst believing their cause is great enough for socirty and the advancement of social issues that it is absorb. Ad execs cant cast all white because thats raysis. Can't cast all black because that's too scary to the inner city old ladies. Can't cast Asians because gender appropriation of cultural identities in the Anglo saxoan Paleo diet standard something bull ****. Ever notice that they brand so not to offend and be inclusive? It's marketing to reach all demographics. It's cheesy but it works.
  4. Which means all.of this is a moot point If 98% of the population that served didn't care. 1% found it offensive. 1% found it just. ...we would still have the media flaming this for ratings and shoving it down our throats like the narrative and distraction it is.
  5. There is no conclusive way to determine this...
  6. Polling 100 troops doesn't change the fact that 10 find it offensive and the 100 don't. Why does this not sink in to anyone's thoughts? Group think and hive mind do not exist.
  7. Ratings are down. Disguising that with the metrics used hilariously ill contrived. Approval ratings of the league are tanking, ratings of interest are down. People watch but people don't care.
  8. Under thar cba they have rights but this isn't one of them. It's gray area and the NFL is wise not to challenge it. It'd be a PR nightmare and the owners have no balls because they just want to make.money. And as long as they make money they don't care one bit, but they hurt last year and now sick of it. But, under the CBA they don't have the ability to protest if the NFL stopped them. The CBA hasn't changed yet the NFL just slapped them silly, so they have no protection. This isn't your common employee/employer relationship. It's contract.
  9. 1 person says half full. 1 person says half empty. Neither has to be right. Who cares who served when it comes to this. Their rights and opinions are no more noble than anothers
  10. They're at work. They don't have that right to peacefully protest
  11. Brady Quinn is wrong. For one This thread will go down hill quickly. I just want to chime in on this since everyone wants to know my opinion. Essentially, I think we will all agree. Doug Flutie lost us that game.
  12. I need to update you about latest goings-on... Remind me, because I'm sure you're still in bed But, golly, life has been good...
  13. I liked the pictures the most. I forgot. We're you army or marine? I know you served. It forgot.
  14. Dude, I love Florida Georgia Line, too!!!
  15. Birddog had unmitigated anger. Real news does not. That's why he is somewhat tolerable. Him engaging with the low fruit is rather annoying. But, he can't reach higher than he already stands on his milk carton... So
  16. You're a Joke brah Real news knows colons. That is to say, the men at the truck stop know his colon.
  17. If only he blew up more Americans the dude would be legend. Like Adam lanza or Cho.
  18. This is going to be epic. The joy and tears of happiness that the meeting won't happen is hilarious. Especially since best Korea just blew their **** up.
  19. There is nothing new that would be learned. Science and criminologists are well beyond this dude. Profiling is so ridiculously fine tuned that this kid is just a drop in the bucket of life.
  20. Tacos, beer, practicing making a son with some 20something year old, and a few others I come across, Willie Nelson, farming, sleep, and gormet meal cooked by a chef followed by personal entertainment from a ballerina Edit:. That's essentially my normal weekend, too.
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