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Billy in 4C

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Everything posted by Billy in 4C

  1. Moorman was by far the best player in the preseason. Very suprised by this. Looked pretty terrible last week though - there must have been some locker room stuff after the game - maybe a disagreement on philosophy or something.
  2. Honey Badger would've been the #3 pick in the draft this year if he was eligible. He was defensive player of the year at age 19. He can instantly be a pro-bowl starter year #1. No chance he slips to the second round or mid-20s like people are saying. Just watch, he "gets it together" over the next year and goes top 5.
  3. I'm glad they decided to work all game in the spread offense because they clearly need work in that area. Fitz still has accuracy issues, Thigpen is probably the worst 2nd string QB in the league and VY simply can't throw and doesn't have any progressions besides gluing on a WR and forcing it or running. At least VY can run the ball. If Fitz is our QB, we can win 7-9 games. If he goes down, maybe 4 or 5. This position needs to be addressed. They will start crowding the box like last year until we can stretch the field - right now we have no QB that is a threat.
  4. For fans that didn't go to the game yesterday... The lines to get in the stadium took 45 minutes to get in within a half hour of kickoff because of the new metal detector wand rule. AND the stadium was only 1/2-2/3rds full. For the opener expect at least an hour to give in. Multiple people were also sneaking to avoid being searched - I saw at least 25 people get in, none were caught, which completely negates the whole screening process to begin with. Parking - if you park in the stadium lots you are directed as to where you park, moreso than in years past. You can choose which side you want, but once in the lot you no longer determine where you park. If you want to meet with friends you need to be immediately behind eachother. The lots are also lined so to grill out, have space you have to go to the back lots or park outside the stadium. It appears they are trying to further minimize the tailgating.
  5. The fans were terrible last night. I'm in my twenties and I was embarrassed how immature the fan base was last night. People sneaking in past security going in, multiple people puking in the stands in front of me, ahole redskins fans throwing punches in the men's room, multiple fights/racial slurs constantly happening in the endzone. It was honestly terrible (in addition to the game itself). I have season tickets and I am honestly considering not going to any more games this year. I grew up going to every game since I was 4 years old and there's no chance I ever bring a child to a game anymore. Not even for a preseason kids day!! Just embarrassing.
  6. The Bills landing in the 6th seed is justified in my opinion. On paper we might be better than that. The problem is that we still don't know how good Fitz is and Gailey was out-coached a lot last year. In a playoff type setting, you need a QB and coach and those are both question marks.
  7. Good post - contrary to the options of others that commented. I feel the same way as you do for 2012, which I feel is a pretty realistic look at the team. The only thing I would add is that it feels like there is some momentum behind this group, which is a feeling I haven't had about this team in a long long time, probably the early Bledsoe years when we had a good defense and playmakers. I think that's why people are so optimistic. A little too optimistic for 2012 in my opinion, but well justified for 2013 and beyond.
  8. For those that remember, it was early in his career but when he came to Buffalo he absolutely shredded us here. If we get him I just hope he has some of that killer instinct left.
  9. Two guys that will most likely be out of the league in 2-3 years
  10. Yes - exactly my thoughts. The way lineman on our team go down we need big time depth. We'd then have 4 solid tackles and 5 solid interior OL. The only problem is we need linebackers big time
  11. Guys - stop mentioning Byrd. He plays FS, Barron plays SS. If you watch Alabama, Barron plays right on the line of scrimmage, not 20-30 yards out - completely different. Barron would immediately start at nickel CB - that's his impact. He'd be on the field 2-3 out of every 3 plays immediately. Transition to SS in 1-2 years over George Wilson. The guy is a ballshark and was the go-to safety blitzer. This fits Buddy's definition of immediate starter and playmaker.
  12. Yeah we should finish strong. I just worry that we'll start weak on the road against good teams and finish strong to get us to 7-9, 8-8 and a 15th draft pick. If we're not geared to go deep in the playoffs I would prefer more home games early in the season when we still have a chance and it's nice out as opposed to an empty stadium in a cold throw-away game. And don't give me a hard time for cold games - I go to every one of them. Our "primetime" game against the Dolphins is a joke. I don't think were going to get Sunday/Monday night games anymore because of the drinking so the NFL throws it on a weekday for us now when nobody is watching.
  13. I don't get the whole "waterfront" concept. If you are building a dome/retractable, you don't see the water anyways, the land is expensive and parking is terrible. Waterfront for baseball is fine because you can actually see it. The Bengals stadium is on the water and everything I mentioned above is terrible. It would be like the Sabres - they park under bridges, don't tailgate as a group and just walk in. It would ruin all sense of tradition and the Buffalo-feel of the game.
  14. Over. Mario (top 15), Fred (middle) , Stevie, Senator (bottom quarter).
  15. Agreed that he identified the top positions of need, but he butchered his analysis of the OLB. Merriman isn't a OLB anymore according to Nix, he plays DE with his hand down. He failed to mention Sheppard, Morrison and Moats, which will probably be the guys. Plus I'm not sure he knows what position Barnett plays. There have been plenty of public discussions where Nix and Gailey describe this, and Walker must not be paying attention.
  16. Disagree- you are right the first two years was BPA, and I agree with the philosophy to do this. However, this year I think they are focused on winning now. They spent the first two years re-tooling the roster. Now they feel they can build an immediate contender. If BPA is a DE or QB or another position they don't feel is a priorty, they won't take it because they already have their guys. Look for BPA of the positions in need - OL, WR, LB, CB
  17. Drafting DeCastro is actually what I am hoping for. We'd have a solid G, C, G with Levitre, Wood and DeCastro. That would be pretty nasty. Then you've got Urbik, Brown and Reinhart as backups when we start losing guys.
  18. Fred Jackson and #10 pick for RG3. Would that be enough to get it done?
  19. ... whatever position we did not re-sign. If Bell goes, we draft LT. If Stevie goes, we draft WR. If McKelvin/McGee go, we draft CB. This is our strategy for building through the draft.
  20. Andre is broke. The HOF is his ticket back to some sort of financial respect. Not to hate on Andre - he has been my favorite player, but its reality.
  21. Not necessarily. Fred would be cheap next year and could produce like a top back like last year. If he leaves via Free Agency, he could be a Tier 1 player and could ultimately get us a 3rd or 4th rounder as a compensatory pick.
  22. They are two wins away from being Super Bowl champions. I don't think they are that good, but that's reality. We are light years away from being two wins from Super Bowl champions - that's the difference.
  23. The obsession with Bills players is to evaluate whether it was a smart front office move to let the player walk or whether we benefitted from the trade. There aren't many other ways to judge this.
  24. We went defense - they went offense. Both good draft picks in the top 2 rounds. Theirs may have higher upsides.
  25. I would absolutely start Brady Quinn this week. If the Bills and KC can make Tebow one-dimensional, Pittsburgh definitely can...
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