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Billy in 4C

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Everything posted by Billy in 4C

  1. I can see the Jets making a move for Flynn
  2. The bigger news is this means Chan isn't going anywhere if he's allowed offseason moves. I like Chan as a man, but he lost this team and I feel we are in a worse position then last year at this time when at least we had some momentum. As a fan, we all knew Edwards was going to suck. The inside linebackers coach of the freakin dolphins? Give me a break. We could see this a mile away.
  3. I would be shocked if either were still on the board. IMO you can't lose with either guy. These are my top 2 best available picks if either fall. RG3 might be better than Vick. One step behind as a runner but two steps ahead as a passer. Blackmon is going to be similar to Megatron, just a step slower. A top 15 receiver nonetheless.
  4. Agree with everything. I would add that we might not be able to retain Stevie with #2 money, especially if he gets his back to back 1,000 yard seasons. We need to retain him, even at #1 money. Linebacker should be the focus on the draft, unless their is a WR or QB that you simply cannot pass on.
  5. Last week the Bills have the ball 3rd and short on Denver's 5 yard line. They pull out Stevie, Nelson and Spiller and put in the package of Choice, one of our unknown TEs and one of the receivers we picked up the last few weeks (I think Hagan). Denver then proceeds to stack the box. Fitz drops back, runs around and throws the ball errant to the backup TE incomplete. Raynor's FG is good! Bills fans cheer! What a joke.
  6. Yep. That's what I assumed - stick with Fitz. Blackmon is a beast. Hopefully it is pairing him with Stevie and not replacing him. What is disconcerting is that Ralph seems content with this team and is blaming it on injuries. Injuries are part of the problem, but IMO not the main reason they lost 7 straight.
  7. Those are exceptions, not the rule. Yes, if you build HOF calliber defenses, you can win with a below average quarterback. Let's start by going from one of the worst defenses in the league to average or above average first.
  8. I'm talking first 2 drafts. I'd agree with you on Williams. All others I would say would be backups. Sheppard and Searcy have been bad. Hairston has suprised but is coming off 3 bad games in a row. Rodgers has looked good but was sitting on the couch a few weeks back. I don't think he's a legit starter. Remember we have had extra draft picks and it looks like we've only found 3 good starters in 2 drafts. IMO, that's not enough.
  9. Besides Dareus and Spiller, who will be a legit starter on the team in 3 years?
  10. Yes, obviously the Bills don't have the talent of the Packers. That was my point. There are teams out there that are built with talent and depth that can sustain injuries. The Bills have been built with some above average players, but most are average or below. When any player goes down they are instantly replaced by a below average player. Add in poor coaching and there's no way we can overcome that. This year the Bills lost their RB, OL, DL, LB and defensive backs. Last year the Packers lost their RB (3), OL, DL, LB and defensive backs and won the super bowl. Yes Aaron Rodgers is the best. But we have our $10 million/year quarterback as well. It shows how how bad our front office is that we don't have talent or depth. We reward and hire mediocrity. We can't draft. And we don't aquire enough depth to be successful when the injury bug comes around. Nix has done a poor job in building a complete roster.
  11. The OP is right. Look at the Green Bay Packers last year who lost the equivalent players that we did this year around the same time. They limped in the playoffs but had enough depth/talent/coaching to win the super bowl. We lost 7 straight (about to be 9). We weren't built to finish the season
  12. I like Chan. He answers questions like a man. He is a football junkie. His team was at least more fun to watch than Jaurons. But it's hard to say he hasn't lost the team. We knew this was a rebuilding process but he keeps bring him "his guys" and Georgia Tech cast-offs because his offense is so complicated to learn. It doesn't seem so difficult to me... Dink and dunk. Throw short on 3rd and long. Throw long and 3rd and short. Defense is a disaster. Buddy and Chan aren't the guys to build a super bowl winner. Get a Mike Tomlin tough guy in here.
  13. There's no link... It's obvious the way Stevie throws his hands in the air after Fitz misses him by 10 yards. His body language against the Dolphins on Sunday said it all. He doesn't have elite speed or strength, so he has to work his butt off to get open on each play. When he does and Fitz misses his by a mile he outwardly expresses his frustration. Ok, yes Beebe and Lofton were great. That was 20+ years ago. I don't get the argument of why $8 million is okay but not $9.5 million or whatever. It's Ralph's freakin money and we are WAY under the cap. He's a good player - pay him.
  14. Name receivers the Bills have had better than him in 20 years... Reed, Moulds and that's it. Maybe Evans. Just because we got him with a 7th rounder doesn't mean we can pick a 7th rounder and expect the same results. I agree with your last paragraph. My original post was that Stevie is getting frustrated with Fitz openly because it is taking money out of his pocket. If Fitz hits Stevie when he is open like yesterday, he has 150 yards. Those yards = money and leverage. Fitz is costing Stevie directly and I can't imagine he will want to return under that scenario. He never got paid as a 7th rounder and will want to get his "due". Who knows what number of millions he has in his head. Yes he has dropped some big passes. No excuses there. He also has had some big games and has made some great catches. The guy can play. He is better than any receiver on our roster and we will miss him if he's gone. Replacing him with a late round pick isn't an option. So we would either need to pony up and pay someone, spend a high pick or ignore the position.
  15. #24 in receptions still puts him ahead of 8 other teams #1's. I also didn't say he's the best receiver in the league - far from it. However, he's the best on our team and it will take either a #1 pick, a pick later in the draft where we outsmart another NFL team (unlikely) or $9-10 million per year for a free agent to replace him. That's pretty substantial - his replacement cost is high. On most weeks he is still one of our top 2 or 3 offensive players. Agreed. To clarify - I meant that either we won't take one of those QBs or Stevie will bolt to a proven QB's team.
  16. No what's even better is that he says he won't trade up because he doesn't understand the draft value board.
  17. Exactly. Its amazing that the second we sign a guy he instantly sucks. Today was his worse game as a Bill.
  18. Stevie is gone. He was clearly frustrated with Fitz and would have had 150 yards easily if a capable quarterback was throwing the ball. He was open downfield on a number of occasions where Fitz missed by 10 yards. There is no way he is coming back for more seasons like this. If they want to keep him, the Bills only chance is to franchise tag him for 1 year, draft a QB this year, and hope this new QB shows enough in the 1st year to convince Stevie to come back. I doubt that happens.
  19. Blacking out the game today was the NFL's Christmas gift to Bills fans - so they didn't have to see the disaster
  20. Good point. Usually it gets ugly at the end of the season when we are out of it. I was suprised how mild the atmosphere was - mild tailgating, drinking, cheering, fighting.
  21. Tebow is going to shred our D. Teams now have to keep a OLB spy on him. Corners are isolated. Defense has to stop the run and open field tackle. We can't do any of those things. It's like the perfect matchup for them. Who is going to be our spy? Spencer Johnson? Kelvin Shepard? Batten? This is going to be ugly.
  22. Stupid article. But, last week's tailgate was pretty depressing. It was by far the least amped up fans have been all year for a game. Not as much drunkenness and fights like we would typically have when we are out of it and play a bad game. People just stood there and didn't cheer - pretty weak overall. No emotion. Let's hope the fans show up for the Miami game. I hate this team the most in the NFL from our rivalry back in the Marino days.
  23. He got beat bad on a few counter runs the last two weeks. When matched up on the TE he is getting worked in pass coverage. His speed isn't bad and he is tackling fairly well when he gets in front of the guy. He's not a guy I want starting next year.
  24. If the plan it to stick with Fitz, then you HAVE to sign Stevie, and add another WR and OL depth. Without him, we are looking at 3-4 wins next year tops. If you were looking to buy a jersey, who would you be compelled to buy? Freddie (possibly gone in one year), Stevie (probably gone in 3 games), Fitz (nope). The only above average player I can think of that will absolutely be on the team in 3 years is Dareus. That's sad.
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