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Everything posted by mrags

  1. That’s it. 2 F-ups in a week. Someone end this man
  2. That’s it. I’m leaving this place again for the next 3 years. joke all you want jerks, my absence brought the Josh Allen era.
  3. Your buddies daughter using weed to calm her seizures is one thing. Using weed as a recreational drug is completely different. My argument isn’t and has never been about medicinal cases. It’s about people using it as a recreational drug. Working high. Driving while high. Etc. even though it is illegal to do, and highly (pun intended) frowned upon, it happens. And it’s just as bad as driving under any other influential drug. let’s get real about obesity. It’s not just soda. It’s candy. Cheeseburgers. Overeating in general. The US is the most obese nation on the planet. So what. I’d much rather walk by a bunch of fat people eating candy bars and downing mountain dews on the corner than 2-3 people smoking joints. Bothering me with their disgustingly stinky crap. what is even more comical is that smoking is so frowned upon in the last 20 or so years. They’ve taken the ability to smoke cigarettes away from just about everyone, just about everywhere (which I’m also glad about) but smoking weed on the streets is acceptable. It’s a joke. I’m not saying you are, but most people that are so defensive about marijuana being legal are just potheads.
  4. I’m not getting into an argument with anyone about the legality of MJ. I think it’s wrong and that’s all their is to it. comparing weed to coffee, tea, and soda is comical. If that’s how you want to feel about it. So be it. Just don’t bother me anymore about it.
  5. This. Miss will be gone. Hopefully traded for a late round pick out r something. He was supposed to be a bit beefier than Motor, yet he hasn’t really shown any of that. Ford will get his shot with the new OL coach. He might actually work out enough to hang in for another year as a backup. Epenessa will get his shot also. But I don’t expect anything from him. Huge disappointment imo. Lost too much weight since college and gets pushed around.
  6. I will hilariously throw it into the street while cars are driving by.
  7. Well. I disagree with much of what you said. I’ll accept comparing alcohol and calling it a drug because it is mind altering. Caffeine is comical imo. there’s plenty of things that can be classified as drugs. Technically they are. But they don’t compare to things like heroin, cocaine, etc. And I can’t even get into an argument about weed because there is no winning the argument. It’s accepted in society now. I think this is absolute bull$”!t. It shouldn’t be and no one will ever change my opinion on this.
  8. Caffeine and alcohol are drugs is the weakest argument I’ve ever heard in my life. But if you want to go with that. Whatever. All drugs are bad imo. They are doing nothing but degrading society, and these days, at incredible rates. There was once a war on drugs. (maybe some of it was political) but it was beneficial at the time, for many years.
  9. Yeah no. All drugs. I don’t believe in doing any drugs. I don’t agree that so much is acceptable now.
  10. Moral of the story. Don’t do drugs
  11. I believe poyer will get a 2 year extension added onto the end of his current contract. I also believe Hyde will then get 1 year added to the end of his. Keeping the best safety tandem in the league paired up for the next 3 seasons. At that point, that’ll be it for those 2.
  12. The fans expecting the superbowl has zero bearing on how the team plays. Was she recommended by Desaun Watson?
  13. No, we will just wait until next year and pick up Darnold to back up Josh.
  14. Still upset about that. Mcnabb crumbling under pressure when TO was out there playing on a broken leg
  15. Yeah, he was still hungover from a long night of drinking, Cocaine, and hookers.
  16. This. Screw the game. Give me skills comps. 40yard races. 100yard races. QB power, distance, accuracy. WR catch radius comps. id much rather watch any of this stuff than that useless game.
  17. I’ll be there. I’m sure you knew that. Just reserving now
  18. Happy bday to the best player I’ve ever watched. The soon to be best Buffalo Bill of all time. Possibly one of the best of all time, Period. Enjoy some cake
  19. Technically as a STH for the Packers you do own part of the team. Just sayin
  20. This is exactly what I was thinking about as I heard that fat tub of goo talk about no attitude. Allen was an absolute monster that game.
  21. I didn’t vote because my only determining factor is not listed. #3 could be considered but too broad. Of course it means us losing. But if we have more epic breakdowns when it means the most like Tennessee last year, or the .13 I’d be ok with him being replaced. I also would be fine with keeping him depending on the situation as well. But utter collapse and it being all on the decision making of McD and I’d be ok with moving on. We should have a Lombardi trophy right now but his decision making screwed that up. Just MO.
  22. It’s great you gave me benefit of the doubt that I know what’s going on. My wife would disagree with you 100%. yeah I wasn’t sure of the rule. Thought something changed recently. Honestly, based on the article I linked it states it’s been done a while which I’m sure is similar to the one you linked as well. I swear something more recent was put in place. I obviously don’t follow up as closely to changes like this. Nor do I really care that much. End of the day Araiza will win the job. Will be just fine.
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