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Everything posted by billsfan714

  1. Actually my Steeler friends and their 6 superbowls said to me.....how do you lose a game with 13 seconds left? And that's the truth. I had no answer either.
  2. All defense, the schedule next year isnt a bunch of scrub QBs, going to be way more difficult. If Morse retires draft a C in rd 2-3.
  3. Amen to that, its a long off season, there will be posts about if our if long snapper is worth the money or our nutritionist. Never seen a post that bothers me. If it doesn't interest me, i go to another one.
  4. The execution line is total BS. That d was a soft zone designed to give up chunks of yardage. Edmunds was 15 yards from the line of scrimmage, the deep safety was 30 yards back. They knew they had 2 timeouts, sideline wasn't a factor. 35 yards and they were in FG range. They got 44. A high school QB could of completed the throw to Kelce, he was high school open, not pro open or even college open but HS open. I told a relative that the only thing that makes sense is that Leslie was having a mini stroke and thought the chiefs needed a TD instead of a FG. He doesn't want to discuss final 13 seconds, the kickoff. man-up and admit what happened, because it was gross incompetence. I've seen plenty of players let the team down over the years, from Harmon, to Norwood, to Stevie to McKelvin. It especially hurts when its the coaching staff not knowing what they are doing. These opportunities don't come around every year. Ask Dan Marino. Dont give me any so and so coach didn't win a superbowl until x year. They most likely didn't because they didn't have the team or the QB to do it. We have the QB, the game was over if properly coached, no if, ands or buts about.
  5. And as someone who lived through those SB games, Marv never out coached any of his opponents.
  6. Josh played fearless and attacked, the D in the final 13 seconds played scared and soft, simple as that.
  7. I look forward to his defenders down the road saying he's only 30, some guys just take time to develop.
  8. How 2 defensive minds, McD and Frazier came up with the D in the final 13 seconds and OT showed me they might not be that good.
  9. McD's coaching in the final 13 seconds and overtime were the situational awareness of Leodis McKelvin when he returned the kickoff against NE when we had the lead. Its was epic in how bad it was. How many teams have you seen in your life lose a game kicking off with the lead and 13 seconds?
  10. Yes get more offense, then instruct Josh when he scores the go ahead points it must be with sub 10 seconds left. That should be easy to implement. Some brain dead people on here.
  11. I give McD one more year, Rumor is Payton make take a year off in 22, If we fall short again in 22, I would hire him in a heartbeat.
  12. There are guys in Belarus who have never seen american football who probably have better instincts than Tremaine Edmunds. The 6-5 250 lber with 4.5 speed that you never see make a play and sure as crap could never cover Kelce.
  13. I think any practice squad player on any team gets the same stats with the same playing time as Epenesa. Hes that bad,
  14. Frazier must of thought they just didnt have to give up a TD not a FG because thats they type of D he played. As ballsy as McD was early by going for a 4th down near mid-field on the opening drive, Frazier played wuss ball in the final 13 seconds.
  15. They will show that D in the final 13 seconds as an example of what never to do in coaching clinics for generations.
  16. I dont get this give up because we havent found any. You keep doing it until you find the answer. The O is fine. The D needs improved.
  17. I pray somebody would do a sign and trade for a 2nd for Edmunds, take that in a heartbeat and give me 12 more million next year to find a impact defensive player. I get so tired of people trying to turn logic on its head and defend guys like Tre and Star, like their assignments are to never make plays. Like you are stupid for saying, ya know I never see these guys make many plays. Its the ultimate gaslighting. Tremaine is Mike Mamula with slightly more game, but not much. Got the measurables, not the game.
  18. I see no superior talent on the D line. Oliver is good, not superior, Addison has his moments. Rousseau I dont remember much after the Chiefs regular season game. Hughes is done. Star is absolutely nothing. Epenesa is the Zach Moss of DEs. He's slow and not overly strong. Boogie who knows. Its a team game, Josh cant do it all by himself.
  19. Here I thought the Buccaneers held them to under 20 when they won the superbowl. And they scored less than we did tonight, 33-31.
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