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Everything posted by billsfan714

  1. Aaron Donald and Von Miller say high from the conference championship.
  2. It really was, everything was setup for us, win this. home game then the Rams or Jimmy G 9ers. This was epic coaching failure that wasted a near perfect game by a QB.
  3. Leslie's bend but dont break works against the crap offenses. Odds are they will get a penalty, or miss a throw or turn the ball over, but against the better teams like the Chiefs it doesnt work.
  4. Were losing Hughes, Addison, Butler, Philips is a FA, Zimmer isnt signed. Epenesa is practice squad material. Beane needs to use trades and draft picks to upgrade the DL. If AJ, Boogie are backups fine, theyre on cheap rookie contracts. If you expect a different end to the season next year with a starting front 4 of Rousseau, Star, Oliver and Boogie/AJ, well good luck with that.
  5. Maybe its because I live in Steeler country and have seen championships. But seems to me, Steelers won with D, not like they had some unstoppable offense. Or the Giants won with their front 4 applying pressure against the goat with Randy Moss. Patriots D would handle Manning and the high flying Colts offense more often than not. Or the Ravens with Dilfer, or Manning with the Bronco's D, the legion of boom in Seattle, etc. The front 5 on D(including Edmunds) are the liability that needs fixed. They are the ones keeping us from the promised land.
  6. Well then, I guess we just shouldnt scout DL and just give up, we cant do it. This is a team game, Josh just had one of the greatest games in the playoffs and it still wasnt enough. But please do more Josh, because we cant find DL. I look foward to AJ Epenesa and his yearly 1.5 sacks starting next year at DE, that should scare Mahomes.
  7. Well if I have a weak unit, yeah I would be looking to improve it. I sure as heck wouldnt ignore it.
  8. I hope you enjoy losing to KC again next year. Maybe our strategy will be to never punt and score every possession, thats doable in some fantasy world. Here Josh, just score 47 every week and never punt, thats all were asking.
  9. Ill keep drafting DL until I find some who can make plays. Kind of like how the Cards didnt hesitate to dump Rosen and use another no.1 on a qb. Hell were losing about 4-5 of them next year, yes you have to replace them. If Epenesa doesnt show major improvement next year, I would cut him in a NY minute. You are either going to produce or get replaced.
  10. Feliciano I could care less, Williams at G is fine, hes not making 20 million. Fine draft a C in round 3-5 if Morse retires. Every other pick including the first 2 go to D. If I could get a 2nd for him I would take it in a heartbeat.
  11. I swear if I read one more post about drafting OL when we just scored 36 on the road Im gonna explode. If you cant see the DL and Tre I dont make plays Edmunds are the problem then please quit posting, because you dont know what you are talking about. Its really that simple. KC 600 yards and 30 first downs were the problem, not some friggin guard.
  12. It really did. No doubt. It was 13 seconds of doing everything you dont want to do with a lead and kicking off with 13 seconds. If Payton takes a year off, I would be all over him in 23 if McD doesnt get it done next year. Coaches be lining up to coach Josh.
  13. No D is going to be elite with 4-5 sack guys. Those are anybody off the street numbers if I gave them the same playing time.
  14. Its inexcusable, it was the coaching equivalent of Leodis fumbling against NE. Here's what cant happen, Leodis whatever happens just get down, theyre going to try and strip the ball----then, bam fumble. This was squiib it, Jam and cover Hill and Kelce, nope were gonna play soft and let them run free. Will go down in infamy of bad coaching.
  15. Always have been, always will be in the camp under no circumstances sign this dude long term. There is no there, there. Your eyes see it. To me, it will tell me if Beane knows what hes doing outside of drafting Allen.
  16. Was 13 seconds of coaching malpractice by McD and Leslie, it just was. You cant argue any different.
  17. I dont understand how any casual fan knows to cover Kelce and Hill and your coaches dont, just let them run free in the final 13 seconds.....here, tie it up please.
  18. The coaching in the last 13 seconds was the equivalent of JPs play against the Jets. It was that bad. From the no squib, to the no jams at the line. It was the coaching staff finding a way to lose. Its a friggin shame with what Josh and the offense did. Cant feel confident with a lead and 13 seconds. Amazing.
  19. The more and more I think about this game it was just malpractice in the final 13 seconds.....did everything you shouldnt do.
  20. Leslie played scared all game and stopped nothing.....a no.1 D doesnt give up 600 yards and 30 first downs.
  21. Totally agree, there are only so many chances you get to go the bowl. Would of had the Bengals in Buffalo, with Tommy and Rodgers out in the NFC. It was there for the taking and 2 defensive minds, McD and Frazier cant prevent of FG with 13 seconds left.
  22. Beane better make a move for some proven DL talent, it will doom this team to have a bunch of average guys out there sans Oliver.
  23. D wins championships.....I saw this in the SB years,,,,like when we couldnt stop the giants when it counted. Everyone with a functioning brain knows to cover Hill and Kelce and Leslie runs his soft BS and theyre running free
  24. I'll keep drafting them until I can find some who can play. AJ Epenesa, you better show something next year or I would cut you, dont care than you were a 2nd. Hughes gone. Star is a nothing burger. Addison good as gone, Butler gone. Yeah Ill take 4 new ones in rounds 1-4. Offense is pretty set, secondary pretty set, DL is just absolute garbage. Oh and dont extend Tre I dont make plays Edmunds.
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