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Everything posted by DrPJax

  1. It just proves how poor of a strategy it was for US. They had beaten us the first game as we did that , and we all knew/ know our d line never caused pressure alone in any game last year. The games we blitzed a lot in , we got pressure ( like Denver), so using no blitzes against kc was literally doing the same thing again but expecting different results. Made zero sense. Our d line and lbs are no where close to the bucs so we have huge work ahead. Also they pressed and played physical with kc while just rushing 4. We let crossing routes, backs, and Kelce come off the line without ever contesting them. White is twice the lb right now that Edmunds is! He was all over the field. He got a pick against Kelce near the end zone in a superbowl , edmunds has 3 total in three years! So while on the surface the strategy seemed similar , it was a total fail by Frazier who knew his d line had not gotten pressure all year without sending more people. Colossal fail twice against KC by our coaching staff. With the cap issues , poor results from our free agents on the d line, we need a lot of work. Also with the likely departure of Milano , our Lb depth needs work. Tb has everybody coming back I believe , and Kc has a run game, mahomes, and a better d line. It’s not like they are going to be standing still while just the Bills address issues. Great season, but wasted by poor coaching along both lines in the AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME. Also , mahomes gets better protection if his regular tackles played last night. Allen is our one ace, but he needs a run gsme just like Manning, Elway, Brady, and Mahomes all have had to win the Super Bowl.
  2. Spot on! Hab been saying for weeks to watch the lbs, esp white. He is aggressive, fast, plays pass and run well. Hey, he can even make big plays like an int he took away from Kelce in the endzone. Compare his play to edmunds , who is at least one year aged of white experience wise in the NFL, and you see how disappointing Edmunds really is. White makes plays all over the field and hits hard; Edmunds usually makes plays all over the field, but it’s usually in our defensive backfield or.after a 20-30 yard play given up on third and 15 as the opposition gets a first down. Can’t shake the multiple Images of him getting blown out of plays as he is so upright , hitting wrong gaps, standing in the end zone after getting driven back on run plays inside our 5 , and.he is such a “ pretty boy” adjusting his uniform ( brusshing himself off , adjusting a towel, guy never looks dirty cuz he never drives anyone to the ground, he places them down gently😂)diving to grab an ARM tackle that most backs break ( Man, you know all this is true and you can usually see all of that in just one game,,maybe even one drive on a good day!😂😈!), and then looks to slap 5 with a near buddy who also didn’t make the tackle until they had given up the fist down on a third and long play! Your point is spot on too about getting to mahomes with just 4 down lineman, as he was running for his life all night ! Spinning and turning his back to the LOS , running 20-30 yards backwards as kc was trapping him. ( he is a little better than josh at not ticking a sack tho and had some amazing off balance throws last night to avoid losses). He was missing two starting tackles I believe , but our d line looked so slow at times this year, who thinks we pressure mahomes like TB DID? NO TDS VS US GIVING UP A TD ON ALL BUT ONE POSSESSION ! I will say this, I am even more impressed now. after seeing a truly good TB defense, that somehow Mcd managed 15 WINS given the lack of impact players, good edge rushers on this roster! So the blueprint to defeat KC, who had been unstoppable, is not trying to out score them or lessen the damage with soft drop back zones while mahomes sits back with no pressure picking you apart! Who knew!? It’s the old get pressure in his face, make him uncomfortable, hitting Kelce and hill and the others with physical db, safety , LB play , AND have a BALANCED O with good, timely runs that set up your play action ( which Josh just so happens is amazing at) ! This drove home how we were so OUT COACHED in the AFC CHAMPIONSHIP game; we did NONE OF THOSE THINGS ( relied on soft d, went the entire season with Daboll NEVER consistently developing a run game), and it proved the SAME game plan employed in SB 25 by Parcels, worked again against the best O in football 30 years later in the same city ! Thank God we lost 2 weeks prior , or we would have been humiliated once again by BRADY en route to a 5 th SB LOSS! Love Mcd as a human, great, genuine man, but we have a huge talent gap in our front D 7 , that needs addressed before we can be SERIOUS SB contenders. TB did it with BA in 2 years; next year is year 5 ( time speeding by!) with Mcd , so I hope he and his staff went to school last night!
  3. Not sure about this arriving sooner than expected. Too many teams , like TB , have shown with the right moves you can turn things around in a season. I mean the browns , fins , both made great progress this season. The browns look better on D and they have a better running game than we do. We have josh, diggs who bailed us out. Beane has been a master on the O with finding our QB, good receivers in FA & the draft. However , he has also missed on tight end , our rbs appear avg at best , our interior o line was a mess except for Morse who was still solid. Beane has missed significantly on the d ( Murphy, Addison, really all the FA on d. Norman ? Wallace as our second corner. Epenesa is marginal, esp given rushing the qb is supposedly an easy thing for rookies to pick up , Our lbs looked best when Klein got hot , but then he was benched and never used appropriately after Milano got back. ). and look how we got beaten by KC and how TB beat them; pressure on the qb and stopping the run while also pressing the tight ends and receivers from KC. We play 7-8 yards off receivers all year except against Denver and Pittsburgh I believe. TB managed with pressure and also playing physical to neutralize Kelce and hill and mahomes had his worst game as a pro. Beane and Mcd better learn from this blueprint. Need to run more next year , just like TB did to keep the d s honest. Get out of zones dropping corners so far off and dropping the lbs ( esp edmunds who almost always drops 7-9 yards off the Los on any passing down ) so we quit giving up unimpeded routes to tight ends and crossing Wes and backs. The d scheme tonight for TB was amazing. Tb didn’t panic when they didn’t score right away either. Stuck to mixing in the run. It wasn’t even a gsme tomignt just like the afc championship game. We can turn this around tho with good draft , better coaching along the lines , and fixing the run game while we begin rebuilding our d front 7.
  4. With our current D and philosophy, no way we beat Tampa. Brady has always had the Bills number and hE would have known this d scheme inside and out. Plus they are big on the o line , ran the ball really well , and would have killed us running the ball. We have no rush to get to Brady so the exact same thing would have happened to us as what did to KC. We may have scored a little more only because we had our starting tackles. But even that is iffy as we were so one dimensional. TB woukd have been blitzing josh all night and we have no consistent backs or tight ends to use as outlets for josh. We are not close to these teams yet and our only hope next year is to fix the o with a running gsme and get a productive tight end. The d fix will be a two year process. Need edge rushers, better backers and second corner. We will have a tough year if our O doesn’t continue to improve because Mcd tends to stick with this soft zone stuff, and you see how kc manhandled us on both LOS, but especially their O line as they scored on almost every possession.
  5. Cornelius Bennett, Darryl Talley, Chris Spielman, Spikes were all just as fast , covered backs and TEs pretty well , but they also made impact plays that were memorable. How many of those memories do we have from Edmunds? Mine are mostly seeing him being pushed ten yards downfield by a tight end, hitting wrong gaps, rarely hitting a back for a loss or causing a fumble hitting a back just a he gets a hand off, watching O lineman get their hands on him and he never disengages until after the whistle , dropping back in third and long coverage deeper than the first down marker and then having guys catch routes in front of him and he tackles them after they get the yardage needed for the first down. I could go on. He has had a few Pbus, 3 ints so far , 5 sacks in three years for a 6 ‘ 5” supposed athletic freak. I would take any of those guys I mentioned over this “ potential”. ( Hey Chase Young is just out of college , not quite as big , yet he plays with aggression and was the defensive rookie of the year, so maybe we are waiting to long for this potential? This coverage LB is adequate at that but that doesn’t make up for deficiencies in run stopping and I don’t see him elevating the other players like Talley , Bennett, Spielman all did. I think he needs to be moved to OLB , maybe take some of the defensive alignment calls off his back and see if he plays up,to his potential if he is allowed to play free, get the QB, and not have to think so much. But if you can’t separate him from this d, this scheme , then he is what he is and that’s not enough to get us to be the team we want to be , a team that can beat KC. Watch TB linebackers today. I would love white over edmunds any day. As a quick tag as I am watching the pre game Super Bowl stuff, I have to say I am so over the NFL shoving race down my throat all day. I have turned the Channel several times and when I come back , it’s still more “ woke advice “ that has be being preached all year by social justice warriors. I have seen the worst of race being used as a qualification. Med schools I applied too ( late 70’S, early 80’s) had certain quotoas forced on them for funding; I literally saw students given places in Med school that , GOD AS MY WITNESS, could not write complete sentences in their shared note taking responsibilities. They got held back but not dismissed as money had been “ invested “ in them being there. Worse they took the place of More qualified people just to artificially try to solve a more complicated issues. I watched today as the yearly Goodell interview was done and he “ promised” the NFL would do better, not just with coaches but with GMs and owners! Really ? What chance do I have or ever had to be an owner of an NFL franchise or get paid millions of dollars to coach a game? 70% o the nfl are minority players who are paid millions and are among some of the most “privileged” people in our country. That’s ok cuz it’s about talent , they earned their way on the field. I doubt any player was given his position just because of his skin color , not in this time , not now in this country. Nfl, quit lying to me, quit telling me life should be fair or made more fair based on skin color. That just creates victims, victimhood, and takes away from those who earned their success. Today, and this season, this focus has not been a good look. Hey how many coal miners or sons of coal miners or steel workers will be getting their NFL franchise Roger?🤔😉😇 ( normally i would not say anything political on here but this was football related , and all day “ experts “ on addiction have been posting on here related to the tragedy involving the reid family and the family whose car was hurt)
  6. Without commenting specifically, some might opine its “:selfish” to post / make judgements unless that opinion comes from a perfect person; one who has never made any mistake , made an error, etc. For example, it could be opined that driving while sleepy is selfish, or driving after taking medicine, or driving immediately after a vaccine or injection , or driving while angry or upset, or going threw a yellow light, not fulling stopping at a stop sign , texting while driving , being distracted in conversation or talking On a phone while driving, interacting with children or a pet , all of theses might be selfish. They probably are! Hmm, maybe it’s more compassionate or empathetic to try to understand the human condition and that we have probably all been imperfect. I know you weren’t commenting on Reid because that’s what you said and why would anyone feel the need to comment on such low hanging fruit? Yes ,,,,many things impair driving , many much more so than “ one” drink. That’s just based on pharmacokinetics. I’m glad you have never done anything selfish and can comment from elevated ground. It IS tragic if something happens related to alcohol. In fact ANY ACCIDENT is tragic! It’s also tragic when a person ( not commenting on anyone specifically) has no self awareness that they, too, are human and most likely, imperfect. 😇🤔
  7. He was there with manning predominantly I think , maybe some with luck as well, but he retired prior to his contract being up to do his YouTube career path. Funny , crazy, manic guy ! . He was the punter , vinateri was fg kicker.
  8. Great points. After watching the issues they pointed out , it just seemed like so. Much of that was related mistakes that proper coaching should have corrected. They did do well in a couple of games , yet there are times when guys aren’t even making full efforts and were just whiffing or standing after whiffing and not looking for someone to hit. If it was all talent based , you would think the effort would consistently be there. But when basic footwork is bad, the effort is bad, they had to go away from trap plays completely as the players looked like they were lost , it seems that comes down to consistent coaching. In medicine, once you learn a procedure and do it once or so, it’s not like suddenly you then forget how to do it later. These guys are at the pinnacle of talent supposedly , yet they could not execute basic run schemes. To me that means they are not being taught proper technique, not being held accountable , or they might not belong on the line in the first place. I just thought it might come down to $ and be easier to see if you can get more with different or a better o line coach , especially since it was a drop off from 2019 with the same talent. Regarding rbs, I can see where moss has issues due to inexperience. Harder to explain Devins regression , and as the film showed , it wasn’t all on the o line. Several times he had open holes and misread the blocking angles and cut into being tackled. Doesn’t that come down to being accountable and coaching ? He actually was better last year so o Line issues were an issue, but when you see him reading angles poorly that in my eye should be corrected by coaching and why would he lose those skills just cuz they focus one week more on the passing gsme? It’s a chicken/ egg thing I guess! 😀. Great breakdown by those guys tho !
  9. Yep, it’s like the pressure of not winning prior playoff games made him clutch it a little tighter ! That attitude finally caught up with him and showed in the tight play of the team and Josh in the KC GAME. Doing things , making choices they had not done while winning getting to that point. It’s obvious a learning issue and makes it appear you need to lose a few playoff games before you are ready to make the final step. That s why we have seasoned coaches on bing sides this year , and why mahomes was able to do so well even at Auchincloss a young age; Reid had been there and lost the SB before so he was a calming experience. Hopefully Mcd does learn from this , as I believe he will , and has the courage to make some needed coaching staff changes. Our line play on bing sides was terrible most of the time , and Mcd needs a better stsfff there to make the final super bowl step. Hopefully he doesn’t have to lose his first one after getting there to finally bring one home !
  10. This breakdown is excellent and the I just recommended it to Gunnerbill. Very eye opening. We need a new o line coach, perhaps new RB coach , and we need one back with power and speed enough to hit the holes when they are there for the taking. Huge amount of line issues exposed tho and guard play, Williams , Knox were abysmal at run blocking in the zone scheme. Morse who is great at gap blocking still had a good year but was misused in this zone scheme. At one point they mention they quit breaking down simple trap plays cuz the line was so lost trying to do them. Not like the days of Kelly, Thurman , Hull, House Ballard etc. So not sure if these guys were just “ dim” or the o line coaching was that atrocious! Great watch tho.
  11. Gunner , sorry I couldn’t do a link for some reason ( using an iPad and sometimes things just don’t work like with windows) , but the video by Cover1 is : THE FILM ROOM : THE BILLS GLARING RUN GAME ISSUES. [Edit: here's the link -Hap] It was just done by Eric turner and another great young guy. They broke down line play, snap counts, different personnel through the year ( like having quinton Spain as a starter etc) , they used extensive diagramming of all 22 film and broke down expected assignments and shows how terrible those basic assignments were missed. Some times as a long time but casual fan I am not sure aboit dual or combo blocks , how footwork should be done etc and these guys break it down with actual plays from games and it was so informative and really eye opening! I can’t recommend it enough. It’s on their YouTube cover 1 channel so just search you tube for that title and it will come up. Man , after watching that I am convinced we have a huge line coaching issue because of the drop off from the prior year. Morse get so much criticism on year yet when you see how good he is when used properly , we need to hold onto him. The guards tho were terrible and even Dawkins had issues with run blocking. Williams was flat ou terrible win run blocking Andy his effort at times, or lack of it was surprising. Honestly, after seeing that , it’s not all a coaching issue ( largely tho!) and so if he moves on it won’t be a huge loss. We have to have so,e vis one run game or our passing gsme will eventually not work. We really need to get this fixed. I am concerned about Mcd and his loyalty to a fault. He probably needs to get a new o line and even new RB COACH ( see the stats on these backs , Devin declined , and it seems it’s not all on the backs yet at times they make inexplainable terrible reads on blocking and how to follow their blocks ), question is will Mcd have the balls to make the changes. This is a great watch to really show why we had no run gsme and imho , we were lucky to get as far as we did in the playoffs. It was a great example of how far we are behind KC! Worth your time , about an hour, but it’s never boring and I learned a ton from it. Hope you enjoy it! Let me know your thoughts. We can prob fix a lot of issues without spending huge $ , by getting competent coaching on the lines, but it is obvious we need a speedy powerful back to hit holes that are gone quickly. However at times the o line opened massive lanes and the rbs just blew the reads , fumbled , etc. Really eye opening and you will feel you have actual answers and solitons after watching their detailed breakdown. Beat wishes, Randy.
  12. I was wondering since you used the term “ light boxes”if you had seen the season review of our running game done on COVER 1 , as they used that term extensively. If you haven’t seen it , please take the time as it’s well worth watching them break down the run gsme with film over the entire year. After seeing it , it is amazing to think we won so many games while being abysmal ( esp compared to previous year) in the run game. It was a total switch in scheme from gap based to zone based running and we had to g there because of the horrid blocking along the line. In particular, our guards were terrible, Williams was also astonishing bad and whiffed outright so many times it was laughable. Even Dawkins technically had a mediocre year. Aftery watching the run blocking you will most likely come to another conclusion aboit the resigning Williams! Our interior line , mostly the guards were horrible. Morse , who is better at gap blocking actually had a great year but because of the other players issues requiring a shift in scheme ( actually a coaching or intelligence issue as these guys could not run simple trap plays, they were lost) was being misused running the zone scheme. To top things off both backs contributed to poor running as well. They were both terrible in light boxes ( 6 or less in the box, which we face often with Josh in shotgun and being a spread offense)and missed huge opportunities when the line did manage to hit their targets. They were both bad at breaking tackles. Also they are both slow ( spending Time behind the line before hitting a hole) with Devin ranking 52 / 55 qualifying backs with 2.96 sec avg time behind the line. Moss was also poor at 2.76 seconds, placing him in th 40 range compared to other backs. When you see them miss holes , break the wrong way in reference to how a blocker had turned or had leverage over his target, it becomes obvious why we got handled in the playoffs from a running game point. So it comes down to three things; 1 ) terrible o line coaching and also most likely bad RB coaching , resulting in terrible results compared o to 2019 2) Our backs are inexperienced, slow , are not good at breaking tackles , did not hit holes when the scheme did work. 3) our interior lineman , mostly the guards had a terrible year and their effort at times was hard to believe. They missed assignments, then would stand in the way rather than looking for someone to hit! Williams technically was also terrible in the run game. Take the time to check the review of the all 22 and you will see we have work to do on the interior line! We probably need a new o line coach , and we need a back who can hit the holes quickly with power. Will influence how you view our draft , coaching after you see a years worth of film evaluated. I am not affiliated with cover 1 at all; be open minded and give it a look. Your own eyes won’t lie to you and the run game issues are multi factorial. We have to solve the issue tho as 70% of runs came from the shotgun formation, something Josh thrives in, so our offensive success depends on fixing these issues ! (Addendum ; sorry for typos as this was done late night on an iPad which for some reason puts in its own creative words and punctuation at times!!)
  13. From Ohio originally , big Ohio state fan. Watch all the games. Werner is ok but why get another smallish Lb who will be pushed around by NFL size OL’ s and TE’s ? He seems more like a finesse player to me. After watching the Bills weaknesses exposed in their few losses, even with. Some of their wins, it’s clear they need someone with size and speed. Just speed alone as a lb won’t cut it in the nfl. Edmunds has speed, but he is not an aggressive hitter. People keep saying he is so yoing and will develop but some guys play nasty and like contact and some are more finesse. Edmunds is finesse and I wish they would allow him outside more, rushing the QB. How many picks does he have as he is supposedly great in coverage,,,,,oh that’s right , 3 for his entire career. 5.5 sacks. For a high pic , such size , supposedly leading the defense , those are very pedestrian numbers. Werner will be good in the right scheme , but I am not sure I trust this defensive staff to figure out how to make him great as imho, they have had their lb use/ misuse exposed by tight ends and the running game all year. I wish they would use someone who produces TFL. Watch Tampa’s lb play with white. I bet kc / Kelce don’t have near the production against. Tampa as they did against us. The one Ohio state player I really wish they would get is sermon the RB ,as they missed on getting dobbins last year and during the draft I hoped that mistake wouldn’t haunt them. He has more talent than Our rbs, tho watching film analysis / breakdown of the OL run blocking , I am not sure any RB will do well with tight ends whiffing , and interior lineman getting blown by. They did well in PASS pro most of the year , so still have hope. That rb has power and break away speed and can catch. Would take him over Werner. Would also stay away from buckeye cbs this year. Indiana and Alabama torched all of them. 😉
  14. Nothing personal, I didn’t like the drop either and in fact this was the second game he dropped a wide open screen pass. He had a sure td in Tenn he dropped as well. However, how bout we wait to see if Moss recovers, what happens to Yeldon, the draft, free agency and perhaps other injuries. People are calling for cuts all over and we don’t know how the draft plays out etc. may very well happen but until we have valid replacements, and a plan , all this CUT talk seems fruitless at best. Not picking on you , many threads like this after one bad AFC Championship loss. With covid tho change msy happen slowly or we may lose people we don’t want to. Just saying let’s sit back, maybe let the season finish and go thru an off seaso perhaps with a retraining camp. I doubt anyone believed we would be in the AFC CHAMPIONSHIP game at beginning of tgeseason, so I doubt many oif us are qualified to already fill next years roster. . If you want to read a lot if funny projections, go to epenesa s fan Val’s after he was picked. So many were saying what a great pick it was, he was going to be such a stud rushing and causing TFL S! Even knowing we needed to score more, Beane still chose DL over dobbins! So, my point is who knows, all this cut talk make look as foolish as last years epenesa praise! When something happens like rams/ lions, then all the talk will be at least fact based! 😊😉
  15. Ding ding ding! Bingo! Josh doesn’t take underneath things. Been an issue with him all year. Chris sims pointed it out several times. I blame this on Josh and I heap more blame on Daboll. He has this great friendship with josh. Well that ok but sometimes a coach needs to get in a players ear and chew them a new one. There was stuff open underneath all night and Jon’s keeps holding the ball as guys cross in front of him and then finally gets the ball out too late IF HE THROWS underneath I the area they are giving him open receivers. He does not trust them to make YAC. Maybe it’s somewhat justified cuz all Daboll gives him underneath is Devin or Knox usually , sending the wrs on deeper routes. Except for Beasley , who josh will go to but most of the time he hits Beasley late and makes it s mor difficult pass or it takes away Beasley s ability to cut after catching the ball. This is mostly o. Josh and his coaches letting him get away with this. Watch mahomes. Same talented arm strength , but he is not afraid to flip the ball out quickly , underhanded , sidearm , anything of the guys are open. Rarely do you see him siting back there debating. You rarely see him take 25 yard sacks like moss does almost once a game. Hey , love Josh as a competitor, he is tough and great fit for Buffalo. But he still has flaws he keeps saying “ I can’t do that . , yet he repeats the same decision flaws over and over. He has corrected mechanical flaws. He has not corrected hero ball , holding the ball too long looking for the big plays way to often. If he woiod just check Down 10% more , the d woiod have to come up more and get out of those deep drops that blanket joshes preferred throwing routes. Needs coaches to hammer this ; hey if Belichick can give Brady ***** after 20 years , josh can grow a little and take some valid criticism and teaching still. He still has a ways to go to be on a level with mahomes , Rodgers , Brady who were part of the final 4. Brady and mahomes rarely make huge negative plays and to take the next step , Josh needs to ,once and for all learn it’s ok to take what’s there. Still young , still much room to grow.
  16. So typical of the Nfl, it doesn’t matter that they finally corrected a bad call, let’s focus on our arbitrary rule that this past is “ not reviewable”. Rather than look as it as an opportunity to improve I. The future , let’s dwell on an incorrect call millions saw and we shoikd have let the incorrect call stand. Does that make sense in any other business or place in life? Hey we corrected an obvious error but that was the wrong thing to do, even tho it eventually had no impact in the outcome anyhow. They are so caught up in their rules and process that an error is more valid / valued than the fact they actually corrected a easily fixable mistake. Now you know why the fumble the week before we all saw and knew happened , had to be denied because they didn’t initiate the process. Mcd had to call a time out, THEN THEY REVIEWED the call. So correcting it would confirm they missed stopping play to review it as they should have. To the NFL , PERCEPTION , HOW THEY LOOK, is the end game , not actually getting thr calls correct. Don’t let people perceive we actually make mistakes even with all those cameras and all those rules in place. They have to sell to Vegas and gamblers the perception there will never be an error so keep throwing all those millions down and we guarantee our outcomes are legitimate. It’s about perception and looks, not true results.
  17. Per Beasley it was “partially” broken , implying cracked as you stated. Would have a callous of fibrous tissue , calcium being laid down within a couple weeks. The fibula is a NON-WEIGHT bearing bone. So with some padding, taping by the great trainers available , it is definitely an injury you could run with. Main risk is getting hit right there again, however , with the callous formation it’s likely that area would be as strong or stronger than areas proximal/ distal to it. Also it would be anc area you could do a local block with a long acting anesthetic that might last 4-6 hours or so. Would explain how he was able to look so good in the game. Not taking anything away from him as I think other than diggs,he was by far our next best receiver. If there is a fracture you could still play with ( non- displaced , probable hairline fracture) a fracture of the non weight bearing fibula is one you could play with after a week or two of healing depending on pain tolerance. . Gutsy thing to do but not likely to do any further damage running on it ( had to be medically cleared to be out there ). in contrast to moss injury involving the soft tissue tear between fibula/tibia that is responsible for stability of the ankle. Just an example of how some soft tissue injuries can be more debilitating than a clean, partial bone fracture. Just explaining how Beas could play and why moss.had his season ended. 😊
  18. The great 90’s teams wen thru this incremental experience process. They also lost an afc championship before moving on.the following year. Josh look underprepared today. Mahomes was confident having gone farther and the difference in confidence was obvious. If josh can improve half as much as he did going from his 2 Nd to third year, with the right talent around him , and hopefully a different d coordinator or at least diff scheme, we should at least be competitive in the afc championship! Big step to win that afc game. Next year josh will have been exposed to more and let’s hope they get a run game and a aggressive D coordinator. Building blocks are there but csnt win without offensive-balance ( elway and Marino are examples each way). Big issue that 90s team never dealt with was salary cap tho. So Beane will have to do his manic again. Bad thing is we can never reverse trading that 10 th pick to Kc! Looks like that will haunt us yet another year ! Lol! Love josh but just like wide right , mahomes may haunt us like Brady. Hey , but josh is a great guy and has raised big$ for the children’s hospital there so some things are bigger than football. If you get down , after covid, go volunteer some time in that pedi unit and you will realize seeing a child smile or recover will always top a fake thing like a SB TROPHY! Real lives matter to those parents and some kids will get a chance to grow up, go to a prom, go to college , all because of josh and his grandmother getting money donated. That is true and lasting joy and pride for Bills fans, Bills Mafia, and Buffalo! 😉😇😊👏
  19. JA will learn like Kelly did. He does have to stop that terrible habit of while in the grasp, continuing to run backwards, or turn his back to the LOS. SEVERAL times in his career he has taken massive losses that could have been minimized and they kill drives or knock us out if fg position. He keeps saying he can’t do that yet he can’t seem to use good judgement when under duress. Been a weakness for 3 years. Fixed his accuracy so why this hasn’t been coached out of him by now is hard to fathom. Daboll may be too soft, maybe josh needs some tough love as I can’t see Belichick letting that habit go on so long. This was a lost opportunity as.Davis was not 100% , and as a rookie I am disappointed Mcd didn’t have the guts to try stills Probably would have produced more than 0 catches. Also not bringing up Williams after his play against the fins , esp with moss out , is a Mcd d classic move. Yeldon did ok so again why did he see snaps in only 2 games this year ? That’s what frustrates me so much. Not guaranteed to get back;here , and squandered trying something;b different when the other backs had been poor all year. Reid td guys in places to be successful and not afraid to shift guys in/ out of lineup. Mcd was out coached again , and Daboll / Frazier both had two of their worst game plans of the year. Someone needs to stand up to Mcd about Edmunds. Use him outside. We are wasting a talent. Get a real mlb like white from Tampa. Moving edmunds to sm inside lb position has failed. He can rush from the edge, cover outside on one side of the field. But he is lost in gaps as a mlb and he can’t rush up the middle. Again white has 9 sacks before today’s game. Edmunds has like what , 3-4. Plus he arm tackles and is driven backwards most times on short yardage plays. Just being misused. Milano is good but undersized. I would retain him but only at the right price. Tre had an off year as well. On deep passes qbs had a 107 rating against him according to nfl network today pregame. His deep ball awareness needs worked on. Maybe many things were from no camp but all other clubs faces the same. Finally, we either need to go to a base 4-3 to match up better with tight ends or find our own honeybadger to match up with tight ends. Our d was exposed in lots of areas. I think Tampa, Gb, possibly Cleveland all were playing balanced and could have beaten us. We got lucky playing two other mostly one dimensional teams. After the score became 14-9 , we never mounted any serious threats so we can’t look thru rose colored glasses, it was not as close as final score considering we recovered an onside kick and a muffed fumble at the three. We stopped them on exactly ONE DRIVE. Last year Beane noted we needed to score more. Now we need balance with a run gsme, need some pass rush, need a MLB who can get tackles for loss, stop the run, and be able to disengage from blockers., and either a rusher or second premier cb if we can’t get sacks. Year 5 for Mcd. Needs to get back to conference championship or better. The cess needs to proceed, and I believe he needs some new defensive input as the d has stagnated. O still showing growth. , keep dabs. it will be interesting to see how quickly urban Myer turns around Jax. Will it take him 4 years to reach afc title game? Great measuring stick! Myer is huge process guy , ABOVE THE LINE CREED HE COACHES AND LIVES BY Good book to read. Can’t wait to see!
  20. So it took two losses and a full season to figure out KC had speed, after they were dropping safeties 20 yards of Los the first game. Watching them last year win the SB was not a key to their speed? Speed didn’t blitz josh. Speed didn’t shut down the offense or make us a horrible running team. Lots more needed than speed to compete with Kc. Need some way to pressure qb, some way to handle blitzes, Backs that can pass protect and catch for example. Lol! Gotta laugh cuz if it took this to know KC had a lot of speed , our process needs to learn how to speed read! 😀😉
  21. I agree with all your points but question the need to not hold Frazier accountable. This was a game coming in where the previous game kelce had dropped two tds on us. To let him come off the line untouched, catch 10 balls in the first half, NEVER FORCE MORE THAN A SINGLE PUNT OR STOP MORE THAN ONE DRIVE WITHOUT GIVING SOME POINTS, is being terribly out coached. Look at KCS D, they were very aggressive against the #1 qb supposedly against the blitz. Pressure killed josh once more( at least two huge yardage loss sacks, an int, an intentional grounding, two other balls that barely missed being picked ) and I wish Frazier / Mcd would coach that way. I know PM is good, but getting 0 sacks, almost no pressure , no deflected passes etc, was a path to a second essential blow out. This reminded me of Mcd being owned by Belichick until this year. Reid owned / owns him now. Our o improved , Allen improved dramatically while our d looked quite bad in all our losses. Frazier had no answer for kc or the titans , barely got by the colts only because Frank left 10 points on the field, and we got by the pats with a fumble . I also believe edmunds is being misused. Please move him outside, where he could be another bisquit! Get a real MLB like white from Tampa! I wish we would get a more Aggressive D coordinator to influence McD. I hope Frazier gets the Texas job as I don’t see Mcd ever having the strength to make a change unless forced on him by an o UPWARD move for a coordinator. This is one time his culture may hold him back. Sometimes you need to move on. With you on everything else but this game was my last straw of support for quiet, passive Frazier. Nice, great ,man. Avg at best DC. I don’t think it was a huge talent gap, just that our talent now is being misused.
  22. Also neeD another good db. Maybe Jackson is one. But I would even like him in the nickle position cuz he is physical! So speed needed outside necessary. We could have an elite Rusher if they just quit the failed experiment of edmunds as mlb. WaTch a great lb , white from Tampa, who covers, tackles, makes sacks((9 so far) , while we have our MLB dropping in coverage way too much. Move edmunds and get a line backer which might be there around #30 in the draft. Plus edmunds could hit kelce more easily from olb than mlb position. But as it stands , we have no answer for good tight ends. Kasicie ( sp) killed us as well. Going to have to find a way to match up with him and kelce. Maybe look for nickle who is very physical, or get another lb larger than Milano who can match up. But the bar is set. We can’t keep getting killed by tight ends and we have to get a rb that is better than singletary, who also blew pass blitz pickup and got josh nailed on one play. It’s obvious Devin is not a quality nfl back. Poor after contact, prone to drops in big games( did same drop when wide open in Tenn game) and can’t pass protect. Beane has his work cut out. Murphy will be gone. Gaines and Starr already on roster as they opted out this year! So drafting around 30, I think it’s easier to get quality LB than ant premier rusher. Plus we just drafted our impressive epenesa last year early. They look to be better qualified at evaluating LBS than dl’s. About the wr’s. Let’s see how off season goes. Prefer to get another vet than draft. Plus we will have KENNY STILLS already. What frustrates me is Davis was obviously not100%, yet Mcd refused to take a chance on stills. Also we saw Yeldon for 2 Nd gsme only and he was better in both games ( tho both losses) than Devin. Yet Mcd refused to use him all season. Mcd needs to learn like Reid to not be afraid to try changes. He refuses, with another example being Williams vs Miami. Why not bring him up when Devin is avg less than 3.5 yards a Carry? Not like sitting Devin is like sitting Thurman. I just don’t get mcds reticence to try new things when run game was poor and Davis , a rookie, was not 100%. Some of these things make you scratch your head. Mcd struggles being aggressive, even admitted he prob should have not kicked the second fg, but should have gone for it. Draft all the talent you want, but if you are afraid to try using it , the process sure gets frustrating At times. There is no guarantee we will be back here next year. Think we wasted a chance, got out classed, out coached, so hope the coaches do learn ( yet our coordinators have Super Bowl experience already) !
  23. Let’s see how he does during off-season. Would not be surprised if both he and Beas get scoped. Plus who replaces that speed? Better have solution before cutting people. How bout we get a running game so dbs and safeties have to worry about the run. Now they never need to even think of looking in backfield. Let’s fix run game, then see how receivers do. We are the passing version of the Ravens. Browns played them better cuz they are balanced. This was coming as we were lucky to beat colts with 10. Min. TOP DEFICIT !
  24. Just asking , not being argumentative. So if that’s not working do you keep sitting w same scheme? What do you have to lose when two receivers have over ten catches. Also Kelce with 2 tds again like week 6 , so I guess no lessons learned!? At what point do you just change , send people and see what happens? A few times under pressure he made errant throws, but I think we had 0 sacks, so we were satisfied with him moving or just sitting back there. Strange plan again and we were beaten worse than first game. Shows you have to be balanced on offense as we became one dimensional Baltimorethis week. We were never back in gsme when it became 14-9. I think both coordinators had poor performances. Reid is creative and what a contrast Real contrast was on d tho. Josh was contained , and once again confused by blitzing. Keeps sAying “ I can’t do that,,,,,,so& so” for three years but again takes two huge negative sacks, almost a third when he barely got pass off while OOB, and I think had another intentional grounding. Maybe he will learn. This level looked too big for him and mahomes experience put him miles ahead. Hopefully it’s one more learinh step. I sure wish he would quit taking 25 yard drive, scoring drive. Mostly I blame on Daboll tho. Knew blitzes were coming and gave josh no answers. Or perhaps he is too close to josh and avoids chewing him out a little , like hard love. Had one pick and almost two others. Pressure does that. Why do other teams get that but Frazier / Mcd refuse to accept it. Frustrating game plan. Out schemed on both sides of the ball. Special teams tho did well ! 😀
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