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  2. This incredibly stupid post says everything you need to know about the "new" or "alt" or Trump right. Two things that have absolutely nothing to do with each other. A Christian conservative football player gave a speech espousing traditional Christian values at a Catholic college. As far as I know, he has never beaten up anyone, much less a girlfriend/wife. But meanwhile: a video of an aging hip hop artist beating up his girlfriend c. 2016 was released. As far as I know, aging hip hop artist did not say anything espousing Christian values or condemning Christian values. They have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Nothing. But the low IQ AI machines will still find something to say. It follows the format: "You called out [A] for doing/saying [B], but you didn't call out [X] for doing/saying [Y]." How illuminating.
  3. But KC's depth behind Kelce and Rice was Justin Watson and MVS who may not even make the Bills. Pacheco was their best RB. Our 3rd and 4th option and RB are all better players. That KC won with defense and really only 2 consistent options catching the ball is a true testament to Reid and Mahomes.
  4. I’m sorry, I swore to myself that we’d just agree to disagree, but calling the WR position pathetic based on just one desired player is way over the top.
  5. Didn't the drooling vegetable call Peter Doocy a dumb son of a b!tch on a hot mic?
  6. Upper level, first row Than you can jump when the Bills lose
  7. or a grown man crying about a former press secretary lying. enjoy your social security and retirement
  8. 7 quick posts in the first 12 minutes Billstime returned. Someone woke up from their nap cranky 🍼
  9. Always looks like nobody is seating, Terry could just not put seats in the new place and buy a roof
  10. If Milano and Bernard are back healthy and will start week one I think our D will be fine
  11. Ha! My wife and I sit down close to field level in 102 for one game every season, and with running plays I have a VERY hard time figuring out how much the play went for. Especially if the offense is going towards the tunnel EZ.
  12. This. we should accept that Allen can make better reads pre and post snap. Find the open guys and just roll down the field Hoping Brady coaches him up for full field scans and Kromers gives him enough time
  13. He is a bully That Joe Biden in private is a bully (in stark contrast to his huggy-folksy public persona) is old news in Washington. During his 2020 campaign for the White House, a citizen had the temerity to question Biden about his selling "access." Whereupon Biden -- voice raised -- advanced upon the man in a threatening manner, addressing him as "Jack," and loudly denied what we now all know to be true. https://database39.com/Videos/BidenCallsVoterLiar.mp4 This is standard operating procedure for Biden. Whenever he is faced with a question or accusation he doesn't like, he attacks! He yells, screams, and belittles the questioner -- usually with the aggressive finger in the face. Joe Biden also got in the face of a Michigan Construction worker, yelling at him and saying that he was “full of *****”, and threatened to slap him when the union-worker challenged Biden's position on "assault rifles.". Joe's increasing bullying behavior is more evidence that his dementia is progressing. Watch for this behavior in the upcoming Trump-Biden debates. You will see a lot of it. https://database39.com/BadGuyBiden.php .
  14. Sure pal, whatever you say. Let the voters decide come November and if Trump wins, I will laugh my arse off as what is left of your brain will completely melt. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  15. Nothing says Zappa like Gen Z angst delivered wholly absent of wit. Good luck out there. You’ll eventually do fine.
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