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  2. This pre game hoopla is a bit much ***Meow**** lol more grrrrowlllll than meow lol The crowd is amped No shock there
  3. This post is great. Its something I wanted to say but just couldnt put it all together like this. The Bills have been in the mix and I feel that is worthy enough to have faith that it had pontential to happen. Not sure about next year. Hopefully it all clicks out the gate but I am a little worried about that. Ill worry about KC if things seem to be in order after a few games.
  4. They picked him because he’s the best wide receiver left over from last year’s roster and Josh’s favorite target in the playoffs, plus he made all the clutch catches against KC. He represents the most improved big play receiver on the team. He’s not a diva and just produces.
  5. I found this cool link regarding ex Sabres and the playoffs 🙂 https://thehockeywriters.com/ex-sabres-okposo-reinhart-2024-stanley-cup-final/ So Edmonton has ex Sabre Kane. I'm still staying with the team whose fans throw rats on the ice when they win . that''s freaking hilarious to me Go Cats 🙂
  6. That really is nicely done. You gotta stick with it for a while ...
  7. Yesterday
  8. The WNBA can't seem to get out of its own way. The Caitlin Clark phenomenon finally offered them a golden opportunity to move up a notch or three in the American spectator sports power rankings. They're saying a collective "no thanks." They'll get it in time, just as the old Detroit Pistons style gave way to MJ and the Bulls and ultimately to the new style of game.
  9. Did Aaron Maybin ever "get his head on straight"? Last we knew he was kicking it living the artists life in his studio. No regrets. Back in the 1995 the Bills drafted a guy named Corey Louchiey 98th overall to be their RT of the future. Really talented player with vines for arms and seen as a potential LT even. What the Bills and their fans didn't know is that he didn't want to play pro football. Hated it. He just wanted to get thru his rookie deal and sign a second contract with some guarantees and retire. He was very open about it to his friends. But people who just thought he needed some seasoning were still calling in to WGR drooling over the idea of his talent turning him into a solution to the post-House-Ballard struggles at RT. Lot's of NFL players don't like playing football. It's violent and it hurts and often has long term impact on their health. It's not necessarily illogical to want to avoid those results. There is no indication that Claypool actually wants to excel as an NFL player. Yeah he talks the "I'm the greatest" talk like Mayhem Maybin did. That was just part of the kayfabe with Maybin. The actions spoke much louder for Maybin and the vanishing act Claypool has pulled also tracks as "don't care". Maybe the Bills get lucky with him.........it's unlikely but there is a chance.........but if it doesn't happen it does not necessarily mean his head isn't on straight. His head might just be pointed in the direction of other things he prefers to do with the money he's made.
  10. Yeah…..their second team OL steamrolled our 2nd team DL. what’s systemic? Not winning a Super Bowl? Same goes for every team in the nfl not named KC and the rams atm.
  11. With luck, we can come together again, like we did in after the election in 2016.
  12. Before clicking on it, my immediate thought was the Edmonton Oilers. I still haven’t scrolled through responses, but it’s pretty good bet the 70s Steelers and the 50’s Yankees would be considered
  13. Thanks you Mupatisto, I appreciate the goodwill. Though, I must admit CKA calling me a dirty name came out of nowhere. Here I am just trying to have a discussion and presto-whamo the bad words fly. If you see her at the next girl meeting where you talk about French braids, Cindy Crawford moisturizer or other stuff, don’t tell her I’m angry, tell her I’m hurt. Then tell me what she tells you.
  14. If Claypool doesn't make the team, we're in bigger trouble than if Shakir isn't the "top WR". Believing if Shakir isn't the top dog, we're done for, is totally ridiculous. There's just too many possibilities for that to be true. You clearly know very very little about Samuel.
  15. True, but absolutely nothing like post 1967 - all they’ve done is cede land back to the Palestinians. The real issue no one talks about - because it could get resolved but Hamas isn’t interested in resolutions - is fresh water access. That and of course the few extremists left that want control of the Temple Mount.
  16. Teen girl hysteria setting in. Who would have guessed?
  17. There was a pantomime Princess Margaret, a pantomime goose, and a pantomime horse. There should have been a pantomime Queen Elizabeth II, too. 🤔
  18. They are definitely high up in the conversation. Tua's best team too. Guys like Mac and Harris bring it down because they've sucked as pro's but their reserves were actually more talented. Speaking of reserves, I've said it before but Frank Gore was a freshman on that 2001 team and was the best RB prospect I'd ever seen or have yet to see. He was like the 49ers version of Frank Gore crossed with Marshall Faulk in the open field. He was a threat to go to the house on every carry. 9.1 yards per carry so 562 on just 62 carries. The repeated knee injuries subsequently turned Gore into a relative plow horse and he's still going to be an NFL HOF'er.
  19. I can’t believe people are saying the wheel. It was invented by a friggin caveman. Ipsofatso, how great can it be? The only correct answer is Josh Allen.
  20. Hamas is pure evil. Israel is a good country that is doing some wrongs, too in taking land in West Bank. I watched part of, "In the Name of the Father" last night, and things were pretty bad in Northern Ireland with terrorism and such, that finally ended. Hopefully a miracle will take place here. But probably not
  21. Pretty sure Tom Brady wrote a travel book about best hotels in Buffalo kinda thing. It’s an easy read.
  22. When you watch his tape, Coleman feasted on college-level CBs that he could out muscle. That s%$* won't fly in the NFL. He's going to have a steep learning curve and will need to perfect his craft quickly, b/c his lack of speed will allow CBs to quickly recover from any initial moves. Claypool has the talent and measurables to succeed. He wasn't a 2nd round pick for nothing. He balled out his rookie year too, but it's the maturity and consistency which has since been a major issue. Which is stuff that will show up over the course of the season, not at your first OTA with a new team. However, If he gets his head on straight he could be due for a resurgence. It was a good flyer to take. But the fact he's the most consistent WR so far is just as damning of the other WRs. Either Claypool has really put it back together and is just excelling, or we're in for some growing pains.
  23. Because we’re not done arguing about *****
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