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  2. There is no sense ranking these guys in the traditional sense because the Bills plan appears to use WR by commitee (i.e Chiefs). None of these guys are going to command double teams or extra attention. I love Shakir but he is super clunky. Hes a guy that Josh is going to look for when the play breaks down. Coleman has some developing to do before he becomes a true #1. In fact i wouldnt be shocked if his playing time to start the year is really limited. So the FA’s we signed are going to be important.
  3. I was the opposite on Coleman coming out. I did not like him as a prospect (at all really). He doesn’t separate. With that being said, I wouldn’t read too much into him getting locked up by Ingram/Elam/etc. Coleman isn’t a guy that is going to look great in shorts. He wins with body control and physicality. That doesn’t really translate to practice. The guys that win in shorts tend to be guys that create space (like Beasley). We won’t know Coleman’s impact until the regular season imo.
  4. They haven’t prioritized the position in the draft so it is a little unique to them. How many total receivers have been drafted since Beane got here? Coleman, Shakir, Davis, Shorter, Hodgins, McCloud and Proehl is the answer (I think). Prior to Coleman it was a 5th, 4th, 5th, 6th, 6th & 7th (if that list is right). They haven’t invested prime assets in the position. That’s why you get this group, which on paper is bottom 3 in the NFL.
  5. I’ve done LA and NY so I kind of double count them. There are 30 stadiums total. I haven’t seen the Bills play at the Giants or at the Chargers but I count it still. What’s your list? Mine is: Buffalo, Atlanta, New Orleans, Cleveland, Houston, Jacksonville, Tennessee, New York, New England, Miami, Los Angeles, Detroit, Carolina, & Dallas.
  6. That's a person? My first thought is a baddie from a horror film.
  7. I always said this is where these ***** are heading. Also it's not maga...it's uppitity whites these turds are really talking about.
  8. Dems use minorities for their benefit to stay in power. Pathetic. Everyone sees that now. F Joe Biden. Evil. What a mess.
  9. This thread inspired me. Booked LA this morning.
  10. Yet, your view put you in the minority. Ironically, your view now puts you in the pro-Rosen camp in that comparison this time. Wrong. That is how you get just more OPINIONS from less informed and less qualified football fans who turned their fanhood into a website to make some money. They do not have remotely close the "research" that the Bills scouting department does nor do they have even a fraction of the time scouting them. Doesn't mean that they can never be right, just means the info they provide is not better info than professional scouts who have more data, more time, more skills, and more experience. So I guess that means 70% of this board are pro-scout level analysts because they too thought EJ Manuel was a bad pick and was gonna suck. Second of all, It is fine that you have a different opinion of Keon, but don't start making up false facts to sell your opinion...you have literally no idea what insights pro-scouts had on Manuel because the NFL and their pro-scouts do not share their notes publicly. So to say they produced insights that "no pro scout produced" is a totally baseless claim. Personally, I feel like most often the people who feel the need to prove an unproven rookie who has never stepped on the field won't be good are doing so more so because they are more vested in being right and want to say "see I told you so". And of course, they never bring up all the other rookies they were wrong about either, they just like to revel in the guesses that they guessed right on. We will see what Coleman does or doesn't do this season...but for me, there is nothing anyone has put in writing today, good or bad, that I trust to predict this kids future. Trying to come up with a conclusive decision of how good or bad he can be today before he has played one snap of NFL football is a fools game. And no matter how down you want to be on a player because of something you read on some website, there is still a lot of positives analysis on him and potential you are choosing to ignore instead of just looking forward to seeing what he can do.
  11. Today
  12. My vote: Founding Fathers. Located downtown Buffalo. Small dive littered with presidential history. If you catch the owner behind the bar, he’ll rattle off some random trivia for you. Free nacho bar and popcorn. https://www.visitbuffaloniagara.com/businesses/founding-fathers-pub/
  13. What would your mama think Pretty Peggy-O What would your mama think Pretty Peggy-O What would your mama think if she heard my guineas clink Saw me riding at the head of my soldiers-O If ever I return Pretty Peggy-O If ever I return Pretty Peggy-O If ever I return, all your cities I will burn Destroy all the people in the area-O
  14. What doesn't work is bringing in 10 million illegals and letting them jump the line in front of American citizens in need of assistance while lavishing the new arrivals with generous accommodations and assistance denied to poor citizens. Putting up illegals in hotels while America's homeless live in the streets for example.
  15. Correct. I watched them in my 20s. The year you mentioned, they had a 60-8-12 Regular Season with 387 GF & 171 GA. The first time, a team had scored more than twice as many as they gave up! They won the Stanley Cup 4-0, 4-2, 4-0! Their 1950s team was the NHL’s greatest. 5 consecutive years, featuring numerous HOFers from 1955- 1960.
  16. When they cut OJ Howard and ate $2.6m in dead camp my thinking about the importance of contract/guarantees when it came to roster spots. I agree with your list but am not ruling out a surprise cut of Hollins or MVS.
  17. I have 3 goals for Bills’ WRs: 1) Catch balls; 2) Catch balls deep; 3) Catch contested balls. NO projects! NO learning curves! Get on the field and do it.. consistently! Who does it? Could care less. JUST DO IT! The meter is running.
  18. Daequan Hardy was almost exclusively Drafted as a Kick Returner. And if you're arguing lack of production as a reason to not keep Hollins, I haven't the foggiest how you can say Hamler should be a bigger consideration. Hollins had 690 yards two seasons ago. Yes, last season, it was 251. But he was also playing on a PUTRID passing offense with a terrible QB and was hurt 4 games. You point to Hollins only going over 251 once. But Hamler? He hasn't had 251 yards total *combined* in the last 3 seasons. He didn't play a single snap last season, put up 165 yards in 2022, 74 yards in 2021, and 381 yards in 2020. Hell, if you combine ALL of Hamler's yards since entering the league in 2020 - it's less than what Hollins did in 2022 alone. Mack Hollins was signed within the first couple days of Free Agency with a specific role in mind. He's often one of the first names Beane brings up when talking about the WR core. I think if you're hoping for Mack Hollins to be cut (for whatever reason), you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
  19. They’re still poor? Who is “they”, exactly? The people that keep being told to pull themselves up by their bootstraps but were denied boots?
  20. It's possible but they also have Ty Johnson and maybe will have Curtis Samuel return kickoffs with the new rules in place.
  21. His own words ignored while sycophants trumpsplain. Glorious. Just like the people who call the confederacy their heritage while ignoring Alexander Stephen’s words about white supremacy. Same people.
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