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  2. 1927 Yankees has to be one of if not the most dominant team. The collection of players though might be early Celtics. Havlicek, Russell, KC Jones, Sam Jones...
  3. DJ Chark, that's your answer? Was he gonna play over Gabe or on Special teams? He put up 35 catches as their #1 WR. They tried. He wanted too much money.
  4. We don’t know if he did or didn’t try. What we do know is he didn’t. I’m just answering the questions mang.
  5. I'd hazard to guess they were idiot fishermen? They have no restricted waters! The world is their personal playground... It's where the fish are! 😏 Fixed it. NO! Really??
  6. I don’t want to shock you with this news, but every once in a while people in boats can be idiots. It’s true.
  7. But then where do you want to put the money? The Bills will have a dirt cheap RB room, moderate to low priced OL, high priced QB, and dirt cheap WRs too? Just look around our division, that's not what the Jets are doing (Aaron/Keenan/G Wilson even Lazard). Dolphins will soon have Tua/Tyreek/Waddle. I would like one more good WR to move the Hollins/MVS/Claypool group further down the bench never to see a significant role during game time. Maybe not a $30M guy but an outside WR with reliable hands, good separation, and a track record.
  8. "Gee boat, weren't you a little hard on the Beaver?" Here's a breakdown. Nose up on the beaver. Floats down. Pilot had limited view. Seems the boat is in the wrong. The boat was in restricted water. They got all that room and they need to be right by the float plane docks?? Nothing like slamming a good beaver!
  9. I did not know him personally, but possibly Jim Morrison.
  10. More likely than not but look at you man - you can’t help yourself - defending this behavior is NOT normal. ETTD
  11. That's what you are implying, Sparky. You leftoids think blacks are too stupid to do anything on their own. FACT. You idiots call everyone else racist, when in fact, you mor0ns are the TRUE racists. FACT.
  12. He’s been trying to reply to this thread but he’s still typing
  13. Almost like changing generational poverty will take more than a few years If that’s what you get from what I said, you’re not worth the effort
  14. Let me ask you a different question...do you think the Ravens should fire John Harbaugh? Should the Steelers fire Mike Tomlin? In general, should only OCs be head coaches? I get they have both won SBs, but they were both over a decade ago. I remember when I was in college, people said the same things about Bill Cowher that we are saying now. And fans in NE said the same about BB when he lost to Rex and the Jets. Would you rather be the Ravens over the last 10 years, or the Bucaneers? We are so outcome focused sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees.
  15. Something like 13,000 people were arrested but conservatives seem to memory hole that because it’s inconvenient to the narrative.
  16. Do we know that he didn’t try and trade up for Addison? Or would the GM who traded up for a different pass catcher decide it would be smarter to keep that information close to the vest. Talking about failed trade ups isn't usually a consideration
  17. So, you are saying that the 10 year old black kid is going to grow up and be too stupid to put in the work necessary to make something out of his life. Ok, got it.
  18. Or we only win by 10 points and run the ball too much ha ha Or McDermott claps too much on the sideline!
  19. It’s time for the Senate to start subpoenaing people.
  20. With your logic, every kid from Williamsville will automatically be successful and none on Doat Street will. It doesn't work that way. Sorry.
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