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  2. I just assumed 13 seconds was burned into all of our collective soulsšŸ¤£
  3. I will admit to myself being triggered by anyone who commits sexual abuse when I write about perps here at TBD. It's a very ugly crime. But I would never wish him harm. But I don't have to wish him good either I'm glad his act is exposed and everyone knows who he is and what he did. And now starts for the Browns. Boooooooo . So anyway after saying that life moves forward and I leave hating to the bitter. he to me is a criminal rat of the most slimy sort. tainted franchise. Period.
  4. Valid. I guess Iā€™m just thinking they are definitely 6x the number of casual fans who would never pay $350 (remember, all of us here are football junkies) but would happily pay $50. But I guess thereā€™s no way to prove that out. I absolutely see your point though.
  5. It's like 1 in 4 UFL players land with an NFL team after the season, but most then get cut during preseason. I think only a few have stayed in the NFL since last season. Someone said "I like football as much as the next guy, but I won't watch this league" and I told them "then you literally don't like football as much as the next guy"... Maybe you're thinking about that, Idk. It's funny that some people like to go into the UFL thread just to disparage it, but if you honestly love football why wouldn't you want more football in the off-season?
  6. This is all normal, well, and good because diversity makes us stronger. Also, F those women if they canā€™t compete.
  7. Good thing this site was more or less free of complaining, during the drought years! šŸ‘
  8. They would lose a lot of money. Like you said many people really just want one team but a lot of those people are paying the $350 even if they are not super happy about it. For your scenario to work, they would need to pick up 6 new subscribers for every subscriber that downgrades from the full package to the single team package. That isn't going to happen.
  9. Let's be honest, if you are adding new men to the house, would she really want ANOTHER Draconator?
  10. After someone proves himself beyond a scintilla of doubt to be purposely deceitful, why would someone with firing synapses feel the need to read what they write in an investigative way, or any other way? The dude is a liar. Liarā€™s lie. Itā€™s a simple concept. Also, erasing part of what I wrote while quoting me doesnā€™t change what I actually wrote. It may help a weak mind feel stronger but thatā€™s what is known as a false positive.
  11. I know there are plenty of detractors out there regarding our current group of weapons around Josh, but man, I am amped for this group and this guy Shakir is one the reasons. I really can't wait to see what him, Keon, and Kincaid look like this year. And if Claypool rises out the corpse of his career into the potential he showed his first 2 seasons, this offense will be wicked.
  12. But thatā€™s my point. How many people balk at $350, therefore the revenue is zero, but would happily pony up $50 for their team? My point isnā€™t to reduce revenue of course. But my strong guess is that thousands of more people so are currently spending zero would happily spend $50 to watch their team?
  13. $30-50 for an out of towner to watch a Bills game is sorta a bargain. Attending a game is $200+ for two tix. Another $30 for Uber or parking. Pregame or tailgate another $100. add in flight, rental car, hotel, and folding table and youā€™re near $1000 for two people. All in it $600+ per person if youā€™re from 6+ hrs away.
  14. Thereā€™s a difference between the company you keep and the family youā€™re born into. Canā€™t very well get rid of family. Well some might but generally speaking youā€™re kinda stuck with them.
  15. I didn't know that there was a lawsuit. It wouldn't matter, because the NFL would offer a single team package at 90% of the full package, however ,if the NBA and NHL are required to offer single team packages why isn't the NFL also required?
  16. Remember when CTE was going to "break the NFL"? And then it was the move out of St Louis and the subsequent lawsuit to the city? it's a strange suit. What are the damages for the NFL selling access to its proprietary product to willing consumers who understand the price and pay it? Individual teams cannot broadcast their games to fans through a regional sports network (or their own network)--so why is this suit claiming otherwise? Also, screaming "antitrust" at the NFL has never gotten anyone anywhere, because their status is protected by law.
  17. Uniform blandness triggers uniform blindness. šŸ˜
  18. 100% agree! Guardians are 20 games over 0.500 and this stupid town is talking more about OTAs and a sexual predator's shoulder. Worst trade in NFL history and they just gave the GM an extension.
  19. Yesterday
  20. Loved me some back up safeties for Bills over the years Jeff Nixon 1979 Rod Kush early 80s Dwight Drane late 80s early 90s Kurt Schultz Matt Stevens
  21. What are you on about? Your writing skills are not up to snuff.
  22. Itā€™s actually misspelled in the article itself. Tells you quite a bit about the legal scholarship going on at that site.
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