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  2. Beetleguise..Beetleguise ..Shhh 🤫! Don't get him started again please 😑
  3. I'm in need of a printable Bills schedule for this season. For the first time in years, and years, I could not find one on the internet anywhere that included the start time of the game as of eastern standard time. Anybody got one or know where I can go search for one that has this? It's kind of a fun "tradition" my wife and I like to do as the season goes along. I would be very grateful for any assistance. Thank you and GO BILLS!!!!
  4. It was, sort of, in the olden days when Yolo posted a lot.
  5. I'm told this was not a big deal because they didn't have guns, they weren't successful, and they eventually left. No biggie j6.
  6. And he could have sued him for defamation - like he did George Stephanopoulos - but didn't.
  7. As it should! Because the Bills never have an even, upward trajectory. They can FUBAR a trip to an AFC in… 13 seconds!
  8. Happy birthday Kim !! BTW, I think you're a hottie !!
  9. I'm still expecting an excuse for Hiden. He'll prob get a case of the sniffles and have to bow out.
  10. Have a Happy Birthday to a wonderful woman!
  11. Bolton. He neither said it nor was on the receiving end of it, but was there and denied it.
  12. The debates are going to be so bad for Biden. They're going to have to hide him for a week to get him ready.
  13. BREAKING NEWS: For the first time, Trump tells his supporters the truth.
  14. LOL! Yes, jailing political opponents using trumped-up charges usually never goes well. But by all means, jail him.
  15. He seems scared... and yes this thread makes the most sense.
  16. True Samuel isn't making a lot, but it's significantly more than the other guys. Hence he's a lock. And true about MVS' per-season production. The difference there is he's played with some of the top QBs in the league. And as such I don't expect him to become significantly more productive now that he's with Josh. And his post-season production isn't amazing, it's just one of the reasons why I think he's a lock to make the team.
  17. Forums…especially Sports Forums have fans (fanatics). Most fanatics are fans because… they have strong opinions about sports and/or the team. e.g. I tend to believe OBD couldn't find their arse with both hands-for most of the Millennium. Since the Allen era,bit has been very mixed with very few slam dunk Draft picks. To be charitable, I’m usually disappointed on Draft Day. In particular, this penchant to select RBs throughout the reign of error,but even this year… is wrong, wrong and wrong. They are a dime a dozen. Could care less whether anyone else agrees with me. When they go to Canton… let me know. Like that…
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