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  2. I found out that Buffalo had a football team when they drafted OJ Simpson. I started following then on my transistor radio during the 1973 season with OJ and the Electric Company during the 1973 Season. I watched the Van Miller Saturday afternoon Bills Football show religiously and will always remember, "OJ to the right for 4 yards, OJ to the left for 4 yards, OJ up the middle for 3 yards and a first down." I really started to follow the Bills during their 1980 season and went to my first home game that year vs the Raiders. It was as crazy as any rock concert (Summer Jam) I went to when Rich Stadium first opened. From then on I was hooked. I bought my first TV (13" Color Zenith) just so that I could watch the Bills in the playoffs.
  3. It is when this is considered a "lack of evidence". "Freeman also hinted that alcohol may have been involved, saying that under Minnesota’s current laws on intoxication and a victim’s ability to give consent, his office was restricted in how it could bring charges in the case. In neighboring Wisconsin, Freeman said, prosecutors have broad discretion to charge suspects who know or should know that someone’s alcohol consumption can impair his or her ability to give consent. He said he and others have pushed Minnesota lawmakers to pass similar legislation but have been unsuccessful so far."
  4. Same IPSOS poll has 10 percent of Republicans less likely support Trump now. Another HUGE blow: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/one-10-republicans-less-likely-vote-trump-after-guilty-verdict-reutersipsos-poll-2024-05-31/
  5. Trevor joins a long list of highly anticipated collegiate QBs who have underwhelmed in the NFL. I think Andrew Luck came the closest to actually being the "savior" he was predicted to be. I think "lose out for Luck" might have been the slogan, and certainly Indy was accused by some fans of tanking the 2011 season in order to get Luck. Unfortunately, injuries short-circuited his career, so he didn't really work out long term. If you look at the careers of the QBs taken #1 overall since 2000 -- Michael Vick, David Carr, Carson Palmer, Eli Manning, Alex Smith, JaMarcus Russell, Matthew Stafford, Sam Bradford, Cam Newton, Andrew Luck, Jameis Winston, Jared Goff, Baker Mayfield, Kyler Murray, Joe Burrow, Trevor Lawrence, and Bryce Young -- most have been underwhelming as NFL QBs compared to what was expected of them.
  6. The fact that YOU went digging for this so YOU could post it certainly said something about someone.
  7. Things that make you go… in all seriousness, there’s a lot of time. That’s why I don’t mind Allen takes time off in the off season. Less chances for an injury.
  8. Reminiscent of the claims from ultra leftist genius Paul Krugman. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/projects/cp/opinion/election-night-2016/paul-krugman-the-economic-fallout Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.
  9. to add more context. the last Harris poll May 15/16 had Trump +8, +5, +6. iPsos released 5/30, 5/31, same dates as the new Ipsos has Biden +2. The prior IPSos had Trump +2 or them even. so on the 2 newest polls Trump has lost significant ground.
  10. I agree. I think its better for these NFL guys to rent a place early on. Now if they get a nice extension, then you can go buy a place.
  11. So based on the responses, we can conclude (1) There is a lot of older people on this board (at least the ones that responded to this thread). (2) Surprisingly large number of folks with PhDs and/or work in R&D.
  12. Today
  13. I don’t have a NY Times subscription so can’t read it, but I’m assuming he’s underwhelmed. If anyone has context with more detail, meaning a summary of the comments is appreciated.
  14. Not at all, he was 3rd last year , almost 2nd
  15. Oh, many of us would disagree. Rogers is an absolute space cadet. Good QB but can't stand the man, the diva, the.......
  16. well if dan bongino says it, it must be true....you guys go the most impressive experts for your news.
  17. Nine less turnovers in one less game under Brady and about five more minutes of time per possession. Every other metric (ppg, ypg, yards per drive, etc. were pretty much identical in the 10 games under Dorsey and nine games under Brady). We just had more yards passing under Dorsey and more yards running under Brady. I'll leave it to somebody smarter than me to tell me why we were so much better at securing the ball under Brady than Dorsey. I'll also leave it to somebody smarter than me to explain why the drop % was so much higher under Brady than Dorsey. Was it Kincaid wearing the wrong gloves in the rain? Was Diggs secretly forcing his way out of Buffalo? Was Cook too focused on his backflip on the two dropped TD's? I demand answers.
  18. I’m glad we’re trying him out. Never underestimate a top notch wrestler. I was when young and you have to have incredible balance, and excellent hand maneuvers. Power is a bi-product. He might make the PS, but so what. Of he turns into something, maybe in 1-2 years he makes the starting roster.
  19. Considering the rest of the 2021 QBs and who was available in 2022, tanking for Trevor worked out a lot better than the other 1st round options.
  20. Don't take investment advice from Fox or Breitbart. Don't take any advice from them: https://www.mediaite.com/tv/dow-gains-nearly-600-points-after-fox-business-guest-predicted-crash-after-trump-conviction/
  21. That is exactly why the teams with rookie QBs value those mid tier WR2s. Because you need certainty. It doesn't stop you drafting one as well. Indeed that is how the Bills got Gabe. John Brown was their #2 for their 3rd year QB and they took a shot at a drafted guy too. I don't see that market changing. Teams with QBs on rookie deals will continue to sign established vet WR2s to mid tier deals unless something drastic happens to disrupt the model (CBA changes and/or modifications to the way the cap / free agency works).
  22. Trump’s not going to jail in New York. He’s a first-time offender and no one lost money because of his actions - like in the Madoff case. The humiliation is palpable, though.
  23. It's also a squirrel for us to chase, considering we've just spent 10 pages discussing a player unlikely to make the final roster. Let's say you were to take the brain of an elite DL, and put it into Steveson's body. How well do you think he'd do? If you like the answer to that question, then ask yourself this: does Steveson have time to learn a sufficient amount of that elite DL's skill set, before he washes out of the NFL? Probably not? Okay, well in that case what can be done to shorten his learning curve? Undersized, athletic DL. So you think, situational pass rusher. Great. If he can focus 90% of his learning just on that one thing, maybe he shows enough to at least make the practice squad. That keeps his NFL career alive, and gives him the time he needs to keep learning the position.
  24. Well, OK, let's suppose we say probably so despite any lack of evidence in our "Diggs lost a step" world. How does that support the narrative that the O played better under Brady, clearly otherwise unsupported? Keep in mind, it's not merely a nominal drop, it's a drop near to near league worst in two key metrics that are far from what typical playoff QBs demonstrate. It's at least somewhat more complex than having a single reason no doubt, but at the heart of it and from where I sit, it's largely due to the notion that Allen was forced to play an aspect of the game that is a weakness for him, not a strength. ... which BTW also led to his having twice as carries in running the ball as well. We'll find out more this coming season to be sure. Unless Brady entirely changes his offense, from what it was under him that is, there's little reason to expect much more than more of the same. Anyone then thinking that we're going to win the division by winning games on D/STs TDs or by barely beating teams with poor Ds like the Chargers on top of that may be heavily disappointed. I have my strongest of suspicions otherwise, but I'll keep those to myself for now.
  25. Awwww Awwww Awwww Is Alvin Bragg running for Federal office? Did Joe Biden personally direct state prosecutors to charge Trump with crimes, himself? Awwww Awwww Awwww ”It’s so UNFAIR. Nothing like this has EVER occurred before in our COUNTRY.” Awwww Awwww Awwww So SAD!
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