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Six year old suspended from school for 45 days


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that wasn't my point and it wasn't your point.....you said he probably thought it was cool and brought it in(or something to that effect)....what if the gun fell in the hands of some young miscreant....lets say a young Dean and he shivs some young mofo......


also, there is no reason whatsoever to bring your own utensils into school, they have plenty of utensils in schools for kids to use...


I am not saying i agree with this nonsense, but it is the hand we have been dealt, and unfortunately we need to abide by it or, make a case to get the rules changed....


Why does there have to be such a stubborn rule in the first place? Why not just deal with each incident on a case-by-case basis? In this case, I would sit the kid down and tell him that bringing his utensil to school is inappropriate even if he was just going to use it at lunch. If he gets caught using it again, suspend him for a few days.


If a kid brings in a big butcher's knife for no reason whatsoever, suspend him for the full 45 days and have child protective services visit his house.


Why does everything have to be so black and white?

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Or a kid in cub scouts. I had a pocket knife when i was 6 and in cub scouts.


Congrats. Fact of the matter is a 6 year old does not have the manual dexterity to handle a knife properly, especially on his own. If you are dumb enough to give a 6 year old a pocket knife, the likelihood of **** happening increases exponentially.

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way to spin that in the article....i have always called them swiss army knives, i guess calling it a folding camping utensil makes this a more appealing story....bring a jackknife to school and you should get suspended, especially in todays world....45 days, however, is a bit excessive


Oh for crying out loud. When I was a kid I always carried a jack knife to school and people weren't getting stabbed.

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Congrats. Fact of the matter is a 6 year old does not have the manual dexterity to handle a knife properly, especially on his own. If you are dumb enough to give a 6 year old a pocket knife, the likelihood of **** happening increases exponentially.


Bubble kids? :thumbsup:


You know how I learned to handle a knife? I cut myself a few times and said, "hmmm, I won't do it that way again."

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Local news is going wild over this. Just another example of the failure of zero-tolerance policies.



Side note...it's been 15-20 years since I was in elementary school, but its crazy how much things have changed. I remember my school having one of those Christmas shopping setups in the library where you could buy little presents for your parents. They used to sell pocketknives!! :thumbsup:

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That little 6-year-old tyke is clearly a menace to his schoolmates - and to society in general. Clearly a future recidivist, he was likely looking to shiv somenone - mayvbe even his teacher.


Quick question - have any of you folks who keep referring to the thing as a 'swiss army knife', or 'jack-knife'- even bothered to look at it on the embedded video in the link??? :thumbsup:



"Debbie Christie's son Zachary, a first-grader at Downes Elementary School in Newark, Del., was suspended for carrying a camping utensil that contained a spoon, fork, bottle opener and knife to school."



This clearly calls for 'tough-love' - kid should do hard time, just like this trouble-maker...


Expelled for Possession of a Butter Knife

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for all parents out there, what would your reaction be if some student brought in a pocket knife, the reporter called it that, the parents call it a folding camping tool, to me it looks like a swiss army knife. again i hate the zero tolerance rules in place, but they are in place and i abide by them with my kids.....i would really like to know if the parents knew this kid took the 'tool' into school....you just don't allow that, again, in todays world.....this isn't the 60's and 70's anymore....we can't do the same things we did back then, circumstances have led people to implement over the top rules...it sucks, but personally I am not going to put myself or my kids in a situation that could lead to something like this....

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Or a kid in cub scouts. I had a pocket knife when i was 6 and in cub scouts.


I don't know what the rule was then, but my son is in Scouts and the rule is age 8. He just got his 1st knife and achieved his whittling chip as laid out in the Bear Scout track. However, he was taught strict rules through the cub scouts, including the fact that the scout NEVER uses his knife w/o the knowledge of a parent or the Den leader.


The fact that they are using the cub scout angle in the article is for sheer reader manipulation.

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What kind of retard parent gives a 6 year old a pocket knife?


Back when I was in grade school, my retard parent.


It was a rare lad that didn't have a pocket knife and had it in his pocket at school. But somehow nobody stabbed another. Imagine that.


But that was in the times when the prevalent family unit wasn't an unmarried woman with court-ordered custody usually living on the taxpayer-paid dole. Back before the intrusion by government upon our population's innate morality.


Well, one of the many outcomes of the "Great Society" legislation in the mid-'60's...stay tuned...

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