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Endzone Animal

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  1. This is one hapless, pathetic excuse for a football team. The optimist in me says they will go 2-14.
  2. Free duty...my avatar thinks this is an excellent idea.
  3. Just bought a 6-pack of Sam Adams Porter...can't wait to give it a test drive when I get home.
  4. I've lately been enjoying an occasional Smithwicks at a local pub. It's a very bold, deep amber with very light carbonation that goes down smooth. As far as Warsteiner goes, I'd have to disagree on the sour analysis. I think it's a very mild, very smooth and very nice lager.
  5. Sorry if I came across snobby. Beer tastes are relative and everyone has different preferences. If you like Stella I have no problem with that.
  6. Honestly, as far as Cream Ale's go Genny's is one of the better ones. Of course, you have to like a sweeter, creamier tasting beer to find that appealing, but I would happily take one over a Stella or crap like Amstel Light any day. Genny and Genny light, however, are dog****.
  7. Yeah, Stella is crap in my book, too. If I'm going to drink blonde lagers I'll take a Canadien or a Blue, or even a Genny Cream, over a Stella any day.
  8. Macallan is an excellent scotch, though at $50+ per bottle it's hard to drink recreationally. A little known fact to share: Chivas, at roughly $22 per bottle, is blended with MaCallan, and is easily the best scotch in its price bracket. Don't let the fact that it's blended scare you into thinking it's just another Cutty Sark, either. Anyway, just my tip o'the day.
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