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Things You Don't See (or Hear) Anymore

Chef Jim

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A busy signal.

Only when I'm dialing overseas and there's no more available lines.


Common courtesy and manners.

Still have them, still use them.


A real phone ring

I've heard people's cell phone ringers set to this.


Veterans selling poppies on Memorial and Veteran's Days.

I still make donations for these every M and V day. There are always vets out in front of the local Walmart.



My motorcycle has one. I've had it apart numerous times.


A handwritten letter

I haven't written one in years. I still make my kids write thank you letters/cards by hand.


My contributions:


The am/fm clock radio with the flip clock. Haven't had one of those in years. Or the old windup "heartattack" alarm clock.


The coupons at the bottom of the peanut butter cup candy. Saving them to get prizes.


S&H greenstamps.


A mailman with the cart on wheels walking through the neighborhood, delivering to the mailbox hanging on the house.


Milk delivery.


Diaper delivery.


"CAR!" ... "GAME ON!"


With the exception of a coach or a baseball player, how unusual it was to see a grownup wearing a baseball cap.


Cars that didn't have seatbelts in the backseat. Seeing anyone use the seatbelts in the front seat.


Ok, old enough this is too easy and could go on forever. It's fun, though.

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Thank you for giving me this ticket officer.

I've said that before. Of course I'm pissed off, but I don't blame the cop. And I appreciate it when cops are friendly pr even just matter of fact instead of condescending or sarcastic. Though it's been years since I've been pulled over, so maybe I would be less pleasant these days.


S&H greenstamps

Long ago, my father opened up a grocery store in NY. Over the first year, they almost went out of business because they couldn't win over the customers from the other grocery store in the area. His store was generally considered the better of two; more stock, managed better, centrally located. As things were looking bleak, he started giving away greenstamps. The other store was out of business (if I'm remembering the story correctly) about a year and half. Never underestimate people's love for free stuff!

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Ooooh, Mallo Cups. I remember now. Wow, what a long time ago.


I would save the Mallo Cup points/play money on the cup tray and send them in for free Mallo Cups.






A fresh Mallo Cup is pretty damn good. Seems most I have had as an adult have been stale.

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Real earmuffs


Old school parkas




Pixie sticks


Those flying saucer candies with the little hard candy inside the flying saucer shaped wafers


wax teeth and wax "soda bottles"

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