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Today I un-did what I previously did.

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Reading all the negative stuff in this thread one would think most of you would just yawn if the Bills left Buffalo.


Yeh right. I know that's not true. If you weren't diehards you wouldn't be here.


I renewed my club seats right away. I needed to call this morning to update my credit card info for the monthly payment plan and had to wait quite a while on hold. I asked the agent if they were flooded with calls after the TO signing and he said "my God yes".


So...is it a ploy by Ralph to sell tickets? Or a real move to win games? Who's to say. My prediction is that TO will be as flamboyant as TO is but that you won't see the problems like he's had elsewhere.


Unless, of course, Jauron decides to continue last year's practice of having Edwards throw those stupid short dink-and-dunk passes. Shoot, if that happens TO won't be the ONLY one complaining that TO doesn't get the ball.



Winning games sells tickets... they go hand in hand

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Winning games sells tickets... they go hand in hand

My ticket rep said that before the TO signing that he was at about 41% of his accounts that re-upped. As with the online payment plan from Saturday and Sunday and people calling him today as of noon, he's now at 86% and a good bit of new calls!



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You sit just a few rows away from where my Mom's season tickets are. I'm stationed overseas and don't get to many games in OP, but recognize at least your section as the same. I'm coming home in Oct for my sister's wedding. If I'm home for a game I'll send you a PM.

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You sit just a few rows away from where my Mom's season tickets are. I'm stationed overseas and don't get to many games in OP, but recognize at least your section as the same. I'm coming home in Oct for my sister's wedding. If I'm home for a game I'll send you a PM.

Cool, if you are overseas representing the USA, I think I'll owe you a beer at that game. If you aren't a drinker, food of your choice!

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It may take some time, but this, in my opinon, is the only way the front office will take notice. they can say what they want, but if fans keep buying tickets and merchandise, why should they change the product? They still feel they do well in the marketplace, so why change the team?


I am a diehard Bills fan and always will be, but I salute your decision. Let them take notice. if they continue to lose season ticket holders, maybe then they'll wake up and say, "Wow, we really need to do something." Until then, they don't care.

Nice name, I live in Pennsylvania, an my buddy from Florida always refers to our state as Pennsyltucky.

No offense taken, I am originally from Buffalo. Just thought that I would pass that along.

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My ticket rep said that before the TO signing that he was at about 41% of his accounts that re-upped. As with the online payment plan from Saturday and Sunday and people calling him today as of noon, he's now at 86% and a good bit of new calls!




welcome back!

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Just did it. Just called and I'm back in the stadium. My ticket rep laughed at me! This makes my trip worth it again. Win or lose, bicker or not bicker, we aren't boring anymore.


Anyone else renew?


Section 137, Seats 9-10, Row 32



good move - you would find recumbent cycling a boring way to spend your sundays...



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Even though you cancelled and then came back, did you keep your original seats?

Yeah, he said there were a few calls that they expected some people to renew although they cancelled. He also said that even though some people cancelled that they would have been calling back at some point to re-consider anyway. But obviously, this was their best weapon in selling tickets. They would be struggling if not for this though.

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Just did it. Just called and I'm back in the stadium. My ticket rep laughed at me! This makes my trip worth it again. Win or lose, bicker or not bicker, we aren't boring anymore.


Anyone else renew?


Section 137, Seats 9-10, Row 32




I re-upped for my 20th season last night. I wasn't going to renew (for all the reasons stated in this thread, with DJ being the last straw) and actually had thought the deadline passed. If nothing else TO brings some excitement that has been lacking for a loooong time.


section 312 row 10

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good move - you would find recumbent cycling a boring way to spend your sundays...





I feel that. Remember, I'm not one who was gonna dis-own the Bills, just not be there as much. But yeah, without the trip north I guess Sunday mornings and afternoons would have been recumbent cycling. Yikes!



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Yeah, he said there were a few calls that they expected some people to renew although they cancelled. He also said that even though some people cancelled that they would have been calling back at some point to re-consider anyway. But obviously, this was their best weapon in selling tickets. They would be struggling if not for this though.


Cool. I renewed mine last week anyway. I'm actually pissed now because I thought I had a real good chance to move down this year. This'll be my third year, so I don't have much seniority. I was sort of banking on people not renewing so I could slide down to the lower bowl. :lol:

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I have changed my position somewhat. I am not willing to bear the entire cost but I am willing to split with someone. Here is my link in the TBD Trading Post.


Great seats: Sec 113, row 6, aisle seats 1-2


I am only able to attend a few games a year due to my schedule. I am sure I can work out something amenable to someone...but it has to be done quickly as time is running out.

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So, after a long time thinking about it, I cancelled my season tickets today. I've had them for 11 years. Before that, I was in college and high school and used to make as many games as possible. I'm still a Bills fan. And I will still have Direct TV's Sunday Ticket so I can watch every game. So, I'm not one of these dingbats that are saying that they are no longer Bills fans and such. I'm still a Bills fan true and true. However, my money will no longer be going for seats in the stadium.


I do have to say, however, that this choice is a little easier for me as I live in Richmond VA. 9 Hours each way. I'll probably still go to the opener and that may be about it. Who knows.


But I digress. The Bills finally broke me. I'm sick of the crap that has been spewing from their mouths over the last couple of years, and the product on the field, sidelines, and front office is, at best, amatuer. We are all here on this message board for a reason, the love of the Bills, so I don't have to point out that we've done absolutely nothing this offseason while the rest of division continues to get better. I don't have to point out Jauron, the "Toronto Series", or any other jackass thing this organization does. But they finally broke me. Today, my money won't be spent in Buffalo this fall and winter. I won't frequent their hotels, restaurants, bars or the Ralph, and it saddens me. Money has nothing to do with my decision as my wife and I lived a blessed life in that aspect. However, the crap that is put on the field year after year has gotten old for me.


I played college baseball, and even coached in college when I was done. I used to have a partial season ticket plan for the Pittsburgh Pirates and went to every playoff game....home and away.......in the 90's when I was in college. Then, they became irrelevant. They busted apart their team from the early 90's and became nothing. They then built the best ballpark in baseball and we were told that would help get players to Pittsburgh and help keep thier own stars there. It didn't happen. Apathy set it, and slowly but surely, I stopped caring. I read a box score every now and then just to make fun of them, but largely baseball has become non-existent in my life. They are run much like our current Buffalo Bills.


I tell that story, because I hope that never happens to me with the Bills. But I will say this, I never thought I'd cancel my season tickets, but I did. I'm just so sick and fuggin tired of sucking every year, and them not doing anything about it. Not holding front office people (modrak and guy) responsible for doing horrible jobs. I've had enough. Same thing happened to me with the Pirates. And folks, it does happen. The city of Pittsburgh is so apathetic about baseball, you most of the time wouldn't know it existed if it weren't for PNC Park. I hope the Bills don't get like that, but I think it's getting to that point.


I still can't wait til opening day. Hell, I still can't wait for the draft. I somewhat look forward to signing more table scraps and them telling us how good these backups from other teams actually are. But instead, this fall and winter, I will sink my own money into my own gameroon opr some other project around the house, and not into Ralph's pockets!!!


I'll probably regret it, but damn, this is just pure misery anymore. Scott Norwood missing that FG in SB wasn't nearly as bad as the state of our team is in right now.




Before I get all wined up , Glad you got your tickets . I will buy you a wine if you come to the tailgate party opener .

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