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Today I un-did what I previously did.

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I am working on a project and went to dinner with a group of people the other night. Long story short, though conversation, three of us realized we were all from Buffalo, even though none of us live there anymore (meeting was in Atlanta). After a few minutes' discussion on which high school we each went to, the conversation quickly shifted to the Bills.


Every one of us said that this past season was the season that broke us, and reading this thread I see there are many more devoted fans who feel exactly the same as we described to each other that night.


I'm still a Bills fan, I'm still excited about the draft, and I still check here every day for more free agent news. But...I just don't care as much anymore, and that's a real problem for the Bills, because if those of us posting in this thread who probably have had the most true passion for the team over the years stop caring, and become just casual fans, they are going to be in worse trouble than they're already in. They are going to notice less merchandise being purchased, seasons being canceled, and so on.


I hope the management starts to realize this and does something about it, but my confidence is low.

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It is OK to say that you can not afford the tickets .


Making it about the team is bull sh-- . IT IS THE BILLS . there are a lot of other teams that have not done as well as us .


I am telling you ThAT YOU ARE FULL OF sh-- blaming it on the team and orgganization . I f you are a true BILLS fan YOU will be at the games .


You people are full of it calling yourselfs FANS . YOU ARE NOT A FAN . YOU ARE A WANT A BE FAN . I am so sick of you people that call your selfs fans .


Go ahead, drink a little more.

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It is OK to say that you can not afford the tickets .


Making it about the team is bull sh-- . IT IS THE BILLS . there are a lot of other teams that have not done as well as us .


I am telling you ThAT YOU ARE FULL OF sh-- blaming it on the team and orgganization . I f you are a true BILLS fan YOU will be at the games .


You people are full of it calling yourselfs FANS . YOU ARE NOT A FAN . YOU ARE A WANT A BE FAN . I am so sick of you people that call your selfs fans .

This might be about the stupidest post I've ever seen. I'm not sure if you are drunk, or just high....but I'll call your bluff.


Here's the deal I have for you.........................Every week the Bills play at home, you drive to Richmond VA and then drive back, and I'll drive to the Bills game and drive back. That way, you'd be making the same committment as me. If you agree to drive here and back for every game I go to, which is usually 6-7 per year, I'll renew my tickets again.


So, are you going to put up or shut up??? Oh and one of the days, you also have to miss work. So, what'll it be?

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So, after a long time thinking about it, I cancelled my season tickets today. I've had them for 11 years. Before that, I was in college and high school and used to make as many games as possible. I'm still a Bills fan. And I will still have Direct TV's Sunday Ticket so I can watch every game. So, I'm not one of these dingbats that are saying that they are no longer Bills fans and such. I'm still a Bills fan true and true. However, my money will no longer be going for seats in the stadium.


I do have to say, however, that this choice is a little easier for me as I live in Richmond VA. 9 Hours each way. I'll probably still go to the opener and that may be about it. Who knows.


But I digress. The Bills finally broke me. I'm sick of the crap that has been spewing from their mouths over the last couple of years, and the product on the field, sidelines, and front office is, at best, amatuer. We are all here on this message board for a reason, the love of the Bills, so I don't have to point out that we've done absolutely nothing this offseason while the rest of division continues to get better. I don't have to point out Jauron, the "Toronto Series", or any other jackass thing this organization does. But they finally broke me. Today, my money won't be spent in Buffalo this fall and winter. I won't frequent their hotels, restaurants, bars or the Ralph, and it saddens me. Money has nothing to do with my decision as my wife and I lived a blessed life in that aspect. However, the crap that is put on the field year after year has gotten old for me.


I played college baseball, and even coached in college when I was done. I used to have a partial season ticket plan for the Pittsburgh Pirates and went to every playoff game....home and away.......in the 90's when I was in college. Then, they became irrelevant. They busted apart their team from the early 90's and became nothing. They then built the best ballpark in baseball and we were told that would help get players to Pittsburgh and help keep thier own stars there. It didn't happen. Apathy set it, and slowly but surely, I stopped caring. I read a box score every now and then just to make fun of them, but largely baseball has become non-existent in my life. They are run much like our current Buffalo Bills.


I tell that story, because I hope that never happens to me with the Bills. But I will say this, I never thought I'd cancel my season tickets, but I did. I'm just so sick and fuggin tired of sucking every year, and them not doing anything about it. Not holding front office people (modrak and guy) responsible for doing horrible jobs. I've had enough. Same thing happened to me with the Pirates. And folks, it does happen. The city of Pittsburgh is so apathetic about baseball, you most of the time wouldn't know it existed if it weren't for PNC Park. I hope the Bills don't get like that, but I think it's getting to that point.


I still can't wait til opening day. Hell, I still can't wait for the draft. I somewhat look forward to signing more table scraps and them telling us how good these backups from other teams actually are. But instead, this fall and winter, I will sink my own money into my own gameroon opr some other project around the house, and not into Ralph's pockets!!!


I'll probably regret it, but damn, this is just pure misery anymore. Scott Norwood missing that FG in SB wasn't nearly as bad as the state of our team is in right now.




Amen, my brother

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This might be about the stupidest post I've ever seen. I'm not sure if you are drunk, or just high....but I'll call your bluff.


Here's the deal I have for you.........................Every week the Bills play at home, you drive to Richmond VA and then drive back, and I'll drive to the Bills game and drive back. That way, you'd be making the same committment as me. If you agree to drive here and back for every game I go to, which is usually 6-7 per year, I'll renew my tickets again.


So, are you going to put up or shut up??? Oh and one of the days, you also have to miss work. So, what'll it be?


Some people don't understand what its like to travel into town for agame to travel back pissed off and frustrated as a fan. When you drop 250 on a plane ticket, or better yet spend 150 in gas, drive 16 hrs round trip, not to mention an extra 300 on a hotel etc etc, when the Bills come out and lay eggs, it gives you nothing to hang your hat on, and no positive reinforcement to do it again. i understand your pain as I have to drive/fly from South jersey.

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I don't understand why everyone has to be so dramatic. If you don't want to spend the money anyone don't.

It isn' t just about spending the money, but about getting a little value for your money and your time. Look at it his way-if you like to eat out at restaurants and have the money to do it, are you going to keep going if the food tastes like sh*t? I wouldn't, I would stay home and eat. That doesn't mean I don't want to spend the money, just that the product isn't worth my time or money.

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It is OK to say that you can not afford the tickets .


Making it about the team is bull sh-- . IT IS THE BILLS . there are a lot of other teams that have not done as well as us .


I am telling you ThAT YOU ARE FULL OF sh-- blaming it on the team and orgganization . I f you are a true BILLS fan YOU will be at the games .


You people are full of it calling yourselfs FANS . YOU ARE NOT A FAN . YOU ARE A WANT A BE FAN . I am so sick of you people that call your selfs fans .

Man, does your doctor know you are out by yourself? I hope he has you on some meds, that post is moronic, maybe more than any other thing I have ever seen.

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I am working on a project and went to dinner with a group of people the other night. Long story short, though conversation, three of us realized we were all from Buffalo, even though none of us live there anymore (meeting was in Atlanta). After a few minutes' discussion on which high school we each went to, the conversation quickly shifted to the Bills.


Every one of us said that this past season was the season that broke us, and reading this thread I see there are many more devoted fans who feel exactly the same as we described to each other that night.


I'm still a Bills fan, I'm still excited about the draft, and I still check here every day for more free agent news. But...I just don't care as much anymore, and that's a real problem for the Bills, because if those of us posting in this thread who probably have had the most true passion for the team over the years stop caring, and become just casual fans, they are going to be in worse trouble than they're already in. They are going to notice less merchandise being purchased, seasons being canceled, and so on.


I hope the management starts to realize this and does something about it, but my confidence is low.


Great post. I feel the same way. I check for free agent news and look forward to the draft (probably too much) but I have no belief whatsoever that this team will improve in 2009 and make the playoffs.


Maybe this is management's exit strategy for leaving the Buffalo area when RW eventually passes. I don't know, but it's clear the attempt to win now isn't there. If it were, RW would have fired DJ (he's fired coaches before for lesser reasons) and hired a real GM. As it stands, neither came to fruition and free agency hasn't inspired much.

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The intensity will drop quite a bit this year with the fan base...I did read they signed somebody named Garter Belt and Rory Fitzpatrick...and the waitress from Chasing Amy...Flo or is that the Progressive chick. I haven't followed much of this closely, just occasionally...and a general, growing disdain for the NFL is probably helping the level of ambivalence.


Maybe notes should be compared with Bob Irsay leaving Baltimore.

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I've had season tickets since 1987. I used to have 4 seats, but had to cut back to 2 several years ago. Most recently I've been splitting the tickets with someone else, but of course they're still in my name. I told my friend that the only way I would keep the seats this year would be if he paid for them. (of course I'd still pay for the games I went to) I'm just fed up. Between:

- no GM

- marginal front office

- mediocre coach

- marginal coaching staff

- Toronto

- gate fiascoes last season


there's probably more, but that's good enough. They've earned the right to no longer receive my money.

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It is OK to say that you can not afford the tickets .


Making it about the team is bull sh-- . IT IS THE BILLS . there are a lot of other teams that have not done as well as us .


I am telling you ThAT YOU ARE FULL OF sh-- blaming it on the team and orgganization . I f you are a true BILLS fan YOU will be at the games .


You people are full of it calling yourselfs FANS . YOU ARE NOT A FAN . YOU ARE A WANT A BE FAN . I am so sick of you people that call your selfs fans .



Mead I've always respected your posts but this one is off the mark. If the stadium continues to sell out game after game, year after year why do you think the situation will turn around? OBD needs to know that people still care about this franchise and will support it but putting a poor to mediocre team on the field is not acceptable. This franchise has not been competitive in a decade. We get a coaching staff back that is pathetic. The owner admitted talent was lacking and not much has happened to change this.


Being a fan also means sending a message to OBD that we do not accept a crap team.

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Whew, a lot of good stuff here. I think most of us share the emotion: we love the team, but after last year's second half (the putrid quality of the games), we were thirsting for some signal that the front office cared too. Their response was to hold a circle jerk in Detroit, and then Ralph comes out to say "Jauron is staying, AND IT WAS AN EASY DECISION". WOW, what a brilliant PR move THAT was! And now in FA, nothing. RW is 90 yrs old. He is not going to do the work, or spend the $, to make us competitive. And when he dies, I'm afraid our beloved Bills will be gone. I've been a fan for over 40 years. I travel from Tampa to games. I love this team. But I, like many of you, am totally deflated by what has gone on recently. And I STILL check this and other sites multiple times daily, hoping to see that the team has done SOMETHING to feel good about....Things be lookin' dark, my friends........

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I bought my season tickets just two days after the Bills signed Jim Kelly. Had them through the Super Bowl years (even though they didn't win). We gave them up after the 1993 season because of the business we had at that time. A year later we sold the business and moved to Florida.


Last year was hard because they started out winning and so completely fell apart. So many people posting here were touting Edwards as the next savior. He was going to lead us to greatness. I had people here in Florida tell me that Buffalo was a team to watch. Then he got injured and did not play well most of the rest of the season but people kept making excuses.


Jason Peters held out and when he came back he played terrible and never played to the caliber that he did the previous year. (The only player I ever saw who could hold out and still come back and play great was Bruce Smith.) Lynch had some good days and bad days and when he had bad days people called for him to be replaced by Freddie Jackson. Our defensive line never had a good, consistent pass rush, blitzes were called so sporadically that I felt they weren't in the Bills playbook.


We have no stars on who to build a team around like they did when they built a defense around Bruce Smith or after getting Kelly, they designed plays around his capabilities. You have to admit that Marchibroda's "no-huddle" suited him for a time. We had a running back in Thurman Thomas who led the league in total yards from scrimmage (for what, 5 years).


Maybe Wilson is getting too old, but I also remember before the early 1990's he was criticized for not spending money just as he is now. I do credit him with one very important thing in my mind. He has been the only owner that the Buffalo Bills have had and he has kept them in Buffalo for 50 years even though he is not from the area. Yes, there have been concessions over the years from the local government and tax payers, but the team has generated income to businesses in the Buffalo area over the year because of out-of-towners coming to see their teams play there and from the locals who went to the games, bought the souvenirs and apparel or even who went to the establishments like the one my husband and I owned to watch games on TV.


Sorry if I got of tangant from the main topic.

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Some people don't understand what its like to travel into town for agame to travel back pissed off and frustrated as a fan. When you drop 250 on a plane ticket, or better yet spend 150 in gas, drive 16 hrs round trip, not to mention an extra 300 on a hotel etc etc, when the Bills come out and lay eggs, it gives you nothing to hang your hat on, and no positive reinforcement to do it again. i understand your pain as I have to drive/fly from South jersey.

Yeah, and then you know what even makes it better? Drive through fuggin Pittsburgh on the way home, see all the Steeler schitt everywhere as you drive and see how happy they are. Year after year after year after year after year. And then hit the east coast and hear NY radio stations for the Giants, Jets, Eagles, Skins or Baltimore on your second leg home, and it gets even worse. Most of those guys B word because they don't look good while winning.


Oh no wait, listen to national radio and NEVER hear the Bills even mentioned. I mean, by the time I'm home, I have it on RawDog comedy on Sirius or the Sirius Playboy radio to try and escape the pain and anger that is the Buffalo Bills.


Pure Hell for about 10 years now.

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It isn' t just about spending the money, but about getting a little value for your money and your time. Look at it his way-if you like to eat out at restaurants and have the money to do it, are you going to keep going if the food tastes like sh*t? I wouldn't, I would stay home and eat. That doesn't mean I don't want to spend the money, just that the product isn't worth my time or money.

Bingo. Thanks, couldn't have said it better.

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I understand the Bills/Pirates comparison, I really do. I'm not there yet, but I get it.


BTW. I think the Pirates might surprise this year...really.

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I understand the Bills/Pirates comparison, I really do. I'm not there yet, but I get it.


BTW. I think the Pirates might surprise this year...really.

Dean stop it. Really. They have no chance. It will be their 16th season in a row with a losing record. The Bills will be the next NFL team to become the "Pirates". Oh well, at least I have the Penguins. They at least have stars, and make moves in free agency.


Translation: My sports life largely sucks.


But seriously, let's not kill this thread with Pittsburgh Pirates trash. They might be the only team on Earth more depressing than the Bills.

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Dean stop it. Really. They have no chance. It will be their 16th season in a row with a losing record. The Bills will be the next NFL team to become the "Pirates". Oh well, at least I have the Penguins. They at least have stars, and make moves in free agency.


Translation: My sports life largely sucks.


But seriously, let's not kill this thread with Pittsburgh Pirates trash. They might be the only team on Earth more depressing than the Bills.


I'm not kidding. I think the Pirates might be the surprise of the league, this year. Now, I'm not suggesting they will win the division...but I think they may actually be competitive.


The Pirates have started to mine India for ball players. That's a good strategy for them, IMO. The HAS to be talented athletes in India...there are over one BILLION people there.


Maybe the Bills have to consider that kind of ingenuity. :thumbdown:

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I'm not kidding. I think the Pirates might be the surprise of the league, this year. Now, I'm not suggesting they will win the division...but I think they may actually be competitive.


The Pirates have started to mine India for ball players. That's a good strategy for them, IMO. The HAS to be talented athletes in India...there are over one BILLION people there.


Maybe the Bills have to consider that kind of ingenuity. :thumbdown:

LMAO. Come on Deano. They are already eliminated from the playoffs and it's only March. They are well on the way to 100 losses again.


I'm not sure what your affiliation with Pittsburgh is, but focus on the Pens, they are now 7-1-1 under their new coach and are absolutely flying around. They will grab the 4th seed, after being in 10th place for most of about 3 months now. The Pens are back......the Pirates though.......well.......they are the "Bills" of MLB.

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