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Say what you want about JP...but


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He is in attendance at the first day of workouts. Look at all the !@#$s out there who are unhappy with their situation and use the media to bargain and leverage their no-shows as a badge of some display of courage. JP is not divisive..he is a team guy. In my mind this only enhances his trade value if that's the route we go and it shows me that he will be okay if we keep him.


We can trash him all we want for his play on the field...but he constantly shows me he is a mature, team-oriented player...I am glad he is still a Bill.


From Chris Brown:




LOSMAN IN ATTENDANCE: Buffalobills.com confirmed that QB J.P. Losman was in the building for the start of Buffalo's offseason program and did attend position meetings.



I think that this is a great post and to me personally it has great meaning. This isn't about JP's playing ability, it's about character and his specifically. I'm proud that he's a part of my favorite and but not too happy about his overall on field play and decision making. How much of his decision making is his responsibility and how much is the coaching staff's is something that I truly don't know but what I do know is that it doesn't look and I sure don't enjoy watching it, especially those short passes. I will say that I place the responsibility of those failed short passes squarely on JP's shoulders.


that's only because he's not good enough to hold out. when he starts establishing himself like Chad Johnson, etc... then he has some kind of leverage to do so. the last i saw, he's still under contract with the Bills so he has no choice. he NEEDS the practice anyways since he couldn't beat out a rookie last year. he just needs to keep his mouth shut, practice, and hope that he can perform well to beat out a second year player.


While I won't disagree with this theory I have to weigh up all of what JP has done, on and especially off the field, and said during his tenure here and draw a conclusion from that. I have to give JP the benefit of the doubt and say that even if he succeeded more on the field I still feel that he would carry himself pretty much the same way that he is now exemplifying. I remeber reading he would enjoy discussing philosophies with one of his professors hours on end and believe that mental outlook on things in life is far superior to most players and civilians.



team player and an asset in the community. The guy took to the city of Buffalo and this board kicks him in the balls every chance it gets. I always used to tell my friends how great Bills fans are. Well after seeing how poorly JP is treated I no longer brag about what great fans the Bills are. Keep running good guys out of town- then don't cry to me when the team bolts. If you can't support your team and it's players you do not deserve a team


I couldn't agree with you more. I'm older now and have seen through the years what I once perceived as die hard loyal, bluecollar fanbase to alot of bitter what have you done for us now lynch mob and I must say, it's very unbecoming and even makes me ashame of some of our behavior. If a player sucked but was loyal and grateful in his time spent on the roster then I always pull for him in his future endeavors. On the other hand when a player is great but is a selfish me me, @$$hole (Bruce Smith), then I put up with him while he is playing for us and is producing but when he's done I don't really give two sh--s about him. And then there's Darryl Talley. They broke the mold after him. Man do I miss that guy!


No matter what happens to JP or where he goes I hope this guy enjoys a great day in the sun. He deserves it. What I would really love to see happen is that he continues to work hard, keep his mouth shut and if and when he gets an opportunity, he explodes and leads this team to great success. I don't expect for this to happen but that's what I would like to see.

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Because that's the type of offense Fairchild (and Jauron?) wanted to run. Trent does it to a T. It fits his type of play (NOT a knock on Trent).


JP was drafted as a mobile QB with a strong arm and we took him and told him to stand still and throw short.


Jauron is so frickin risk averse, I wouldn't be surprised if he started wearing full body condoms on gameday.

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I think that this is a great post and to me personally it has great meaning. This isn't about JP's playing ability, it's about character and his specifically. I'm proud that he's a part of my favorite and but not too happy about his overall on field play and decision making. How much of his decision making is his responsibility and how much is the coaching staff's is something that I truly don't know but what I do know is that it doesn't look and I sure don't enjoy watching it, especially those short passes. I will say that I place the responsibility of those failed short passes squarely on JP's shoulders.


While I won't disagree with this theory I have to weigh up all of what JP has done, on and especially off the field, and said during his tenure here and draw a conclusion from that. I have to give JP the benefit of the doubt and say that even if he succeeded more on the field I still feel that he would carry himself pretty much the same way that he is now exemplifying. I remeber reading he would enjoy discussing philosophies with one of his professors hours on end and believe that mental outlook on things in life is far superior to most players and civilians.


I couldn't agree with you more. I'm older now and have seen through the years what I once perceived as die hard loyal, bluecollar fanbase to alot of bitter what have you done for us now lynch mob and I must say, it's very unbecoming and even makes me ashame of some of our behavior. If a player sucked but was loyal and grateful in his time spent on the roster then I always pull for him in his future endeavors. On the other hand when a player is great but is a selfish me me, @$$hole (Bruce Smith), then I put up with him while he is playing for us and is producing but when he's done I don't really give two sh--s about him. And then there's Darryl Talley. They broke the mold after him. Man do I miss that guy!


No matter what happens to JP or where he goes I hope this guy enjoys a great day in the sun. He deserves it. What I would really love to see happen is that he continues to work hard, keep his mouth shut and if and when he gets an opportunity, he explodes and leads this team to great success. I don't expect for this to happen but that's what I would like to see.

I bet you can remember 2-14 years. Many 2-14 years. I can't even remember how many(nor want to)- but we were 2-14 a lot. One of my favorite parts of being a fan is when the Bills begin to turn it around after being bad for awhile. It happened in the early 80's. It happened in the late 80's. And I can feel it happening now. Winning changes everything. I am pumped for this year's Bill's team!

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Good for JP that he showed up. Honestly, it takes some character to do that, no matter that he makes millions. That said this debate with Trent and JP is making me puke. I'm sick of it beyond the level in which I vomit in my own mouth. Most of us don't have jobs in which excuses are relevant, justified or not. He had his chances, he didn't take advantage of them to the point he needed to. We have a new QB who may or may not work out, who certainly will have an entire fan base waiting to say I told you so if he doesn't. Can we just drop this BS and support our team, no matter who our QB is?

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Good for JP. He may not be what we wanted, but I certainly can't fault him for being less than a man and owning up to his obligations. For whatever reason it didn't work out, I wish him the best in the rest of his career.


Edwards appears to be our future. I saw lots of positives in the few games I managed to catch. I am hopeful for his future as Buffalo's is linked to his.


Dahlia please post more often.


Bill from NYC:Due to the anguish it will cause you, I hope that the Bills draft a CB at 11. (Assuming of course the Senator's yearly prediction is correct)

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Thanks for the well thought out response. I love intelligent discourse. If he is the QB that will take us to the next level- that is up for debate, and I probably concur with you. But the personal insults and the out and out hate- for a back up QB that was good to the city of Buffalo- I will never fathom. Once JP is run out of town (like many other predecessors), you can bet there will be a new whipping boy. It reminds of of the Sartre rebel versus the revoloutionary philosophy. The rebel is a fraud- they actually embrace whatever it is they are rebelling against. It is their whole existence. They are nothing without whatever they are rebelling against. Where as the revoloutionary truly wants change. What would some post if it wasn't JP hate? Perhaps they have nothing else interesting to say


Should I take this to mean that you have changed Pete, because wrt Drew Bledsoe, you were relentless and even hateful. Do you seriously not remember this? There were a couple worse mind you (well, at least 1), but you were an active player in the Bledsoe lynch mob, and yes, it got personal.


Yesterday, I was not bubbly about JP attending a voluntary camp, and this is what you post? :) So, have you have experienced a dramatic change? If so, that is of course OK, maybe even good but even at that, why the shock and outrage?

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I love having both JP and Trent. You need two good QB's in today's game and we are rich in that regard. Too bad it is RJ/Flutie all over again. What should be a strength "fans" want to tear apart.


What has either guy done that proves to you that they are a good qb? Neither one has accomplished anything in this league yet. Unfortunately, picking up garbage in buffalo does not translate to success on the field. I have high hopes for Edwards, but he has to prove it on the field first, which he did not do last year.

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LOSMAN IN ATTENDANCE: Buffalobills.com confirmed that QB J.P. Losman was in the building for the start of Buffalo's offseason program and did attend position meetings.



Shouldn't he be out doing some spring cleaning?

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Here is my shortened opinion I hope..It felt that he just didnt get it..I would sit there and watch an obvious blitz coming at him and he would look at the blitzer pre snap and then sit back in the pocket and get nailed for a loss..Common sense tells you to get rid of the ball quick or run..He would do neither on a way too consistent basis to have any success on offense..He would hit the long one and make things ok for awhile but he didnt do enough for me on a consistent basis to keep any momentum going..Maybe he needed more time to be groomed but when they drafted Edwards his groom time halted..I was actually beginning to like the way he played until the last game against Tenn 2 yrs ago..That last drive we had a chance to win and he totally messed up the time management and he looked like he just stepped on the field for the first time..Utter confusion is all I saw..A 4 yr pro just shouldnt play like that..


I can go on and explain I just dont like the way he plays..I dont hate him or dislike him..I just dont trust him as my favorite teams starting qb..Doesnt meen I am right just my opionion poorly stated and spelled I am sure...LOL

Not saying that JP couldn't have done better, but you do realize that the Bills offensive system the last 2 years was a poor man's variant of the Mike Martz offense, right? The Martz offense, due to its control freak creator I assume, has NO audible system at all; the team executes the plays the coach calls and that's it. The Martz offense also puts a premium on great pass pro; Kurt Warner didn't look the same after getting the stuffing knocked out of him, did he? It requires multiple receiving threats from multiple positions and speed. The difference between a Shaud Williams and a Marshall Faulk are ginormous. The Bills WR corps, other than Evans, was woefully inadequate to the task.


Sure, JP may suck. But, to think he had everything breaking his way is laughable.

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Not saying that JP couldn't have done better, but you do realize that the Bills offensive system the last 2 years was a poor man's variant of the Mike Martz offense, right? The Martz offense, due to its control freak creator I assume, has NO audible system at all; the team executes the plays the coach calls and that's it. The Martz offense also puts a premium on great pass pro; Kurt Warner didn't look the same after getting the stuffing knocked out of him, did he? It requires multiple receiving threats from multiple positions and speed. The difference between a Shaud Williams and a Marshall Faulk are ginormous. The Bills WR corps, other than Evans, was woefully inadequate to the task.


Sure, JP may suck. But, to think he had everything breaking his way is laughable.

Did I say he had everything break his way??? He is an NFL QB..NFL players are suppose to be able to adapt..They are the cream of the crop....He didnt overcome..He didnt think and he didnt react..What else do you want to see? I give you the offensive gameplan looked bad..But so did the qb...They both sucked..And if Trent sucks get him oughta here too..I want a Qb that can read a defense and make plays....Simple...JP didnt do either very well..And the jury is out on Trent..We will see..

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Did I say he had everything break his way??? He is an NFL QB..NFL players are suppose to be able to adapt..They are the cream of the crop....He didnt overcome..He didnt think and he didnt react..What else do you want to see? I give you the offensive gameplan looked bad..But so did the qb...They both sucked..And if Trent sucks get him oughta here too..I want a Qb that can read a defense and make plays....Simple...JP didnt do either very well..And the jury is out on Trent..We will see..



Another fact is many QB's in the NFL spend 4- 6 +++ years in the league before things start to click better. Not all get it from day 1... Those that do are very special, most take years...


Trent is our starter, and it is up to Trent to keep his job and not lose it. I'm 100% in support of Trent, but I fail to see why anyone wants to hate on JP for any reason. Yes he has flaws, he doesn't read D's very well, has acccuracy lapses and he doesn't have many touch passes, but when he is on he definitely has the tools... but he still doens't deserve ANY of the vile hate some of you throw at him.. and those that do are an embarssment to everythign Buffalo Bills.

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Another fact is many QB's in the NFL spend 4- 6 +++ years in the league before things start to click better. Not all get it from day 1... Those that do are very special, most take years...


Trent is our starter, and it is up to Trent to keep his job and not lose it. I'm 100% in support of Trent, but I fail to see why anyone wants to hate on JP for any reason. Yes he has flaws, he doesn't read D's very well, has acccuracy lapses and he doesn't have many touch passes, but when he is on he definitely has the tools... but he still doens't deserve ANY of the vile hate some of you throw at him.. and those that do are an embarssment to everythign Buffalo Bills.

Where in any of my posts do you see vile hate..LOL...Nowhere...As a matter of fact I see a couple smartass comments in this thread but where is the hate all of you keep tossing around..Its like you are insinuating if you dont like JP you want him and his future seed burned at the stake..LOL..WTF..I dont want him as a qb on my favorite football team..End of story..I think maybe a few of you still really hate the fact he isnt going to be the starting qb going into the season and it is eating at your inner brain beyond its capacity..


Embarassment to the Buffalo Bills would be a fan throwing Batteries at an opposing player ( Bryan Cox) or horking Lugies at Don SHula in the tunnell..Thats an embarassment not putting your feelings down on a message board..LOL...

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You are probably correct. What is worse is when posters blast our starting quarterback. You know, I thought it was stupid to get rid of Bledsoe and hand Losman the job. The thing is, I was cheering for him. The number of people pining away for this subpar player is nauseating.


Seriously, Trent is the starter. He looked good for a rookie. We need to hope for good things from him if we truly want the Bills to win. I would rather do that than play that same, tired serenade for a kid who, for whatever reason, failed to play well for the Buffalo Bills.


Brother, does this even make a shred of sense to you? :P

I was never happy over the way they handed the job to JP either. I don't think they did him any favors by making him the starter after he spent a year hobbling around with a clip board on the sidelines. That and the awful coaching staff he worked with doomed him that first year as the starter. I think he came along pretty well the year after that. Last year we had the worst offense in the history of the franchise and JP had a hand in that, as did Trent by the way. That is why I am not very excited over Trent nor am I beating a drum to give JP another chance. It is best for all concerned that he try his luck elsewhere but I don't know if we can afford to lose him until we get a plan B guy on the roster. We are starting an unproven rookie who has spent a large chunk of his college and pro career riding the pine due to injuries. It would be ludicrous for us not to give some serious consideration to having a good back up. Until we have one, JP will have to serve that role.


Trent is "the guy" but only for as long as his play on the field justifies it. As for JP, it costs his fans and his detractors nothing to wish him well at this point to acknowledge the obvious, that he is a class act.


The thought that keeps me up at night: Worst offense in the history of the franchise. Offensive FA upgrades = 0 Hmmm.....

Upon what are we to pin our hopes on that the offense will improve enough for us to be a playoff team? I know that a good defense can cover a multitude of offensive sins but we aren't talking about a mediocre offense, a sputtering offense or even an inconsistent one. We are talking about the worst offense in the history of a franchise that has produced some legendarily bad offenses. Am I the only one who recalls the misery of the late 60s, the mid to late 70's and the mid 80's?

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Here is my shortened opinion I hope..It felt that he just didnt get it..I would sit there and watch an obvious blitz coming at him and he would look at the blitzer pre snap and then sit back in the pocket and get nailed for a loss..Common sense tells you to get rid of the ball quick or run..He would do neither on a way too consistent basis to have any success on offense..He would hit the long one and make things ok for awhile but he didnt do enough for me on a consistent basis to keep any momentum going..Maybe he needed more time to be groomed but when they drafted Edwards his groom time halted..I was actually beginning to like the way he played until the last game against Tenn 2 yrs ago..That last drive we had a chance to win and he totally messed up the time management and he looked like he just stepped on the field for the first time..Utter confusion is all I saw..A 4 yr pro just shouldnt play like that..


I can go on and explain I just dont like the way he plays..I dont hate him or dislike him..I just dont trust him as my favorite teams starting qb..Doesnt meen I am right just my opionion poorly stated and spelled I am sure...LOL

That would be the Tennessee game where Evans took a pitch from JP and hit Royal in the endzone and he somehow managed to practially leap out of bounds costing us a TD? The one where that final drive was into a wicked wind so bad we couldn't even consider kicking FG's from any appreciable distance? That would be the same game the defense gave up 10 points in the 4th quarter including a seven minute drive for the go ahead FG.


The offense put up 29 points, it would have been 33 if not for Royal's screw up. He moved us on our last poss. to the Titan 28 yard line which was still too far for a FG given the wind conditions. It was 4th down when he was intercepted in the endzone, he had narrowly avoided a sack before he threw it. We still had 41 seconds left on the clock so his time management wasn't a problem at all.


JP had some stinker games, for sure, more than his share even but not that one. Hang that one on Royal.

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