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Working Hard in the Off-Season…Aaron Rodgers Style (Spinning Conspiracy Yarns to Pass the Time)

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Aaron Rodgers, Bwahahahahaha, 🤣😂😆

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11 hours ago, Mister Defense said:


Had not read this previously..


Rodgers gets more and more nuts with each passing day, it seems.


Cannot wait for his sorry kiester to step onto the field at the Ralph on December 29th.


The fans will be ready.


But again, I have confidence this nut will not be playing by that time, injured again--or in a padded room, and in a straight jacket, in Bellevue. Or both.





To be fair be fair the way he lists people and then that "..." that implies he just kept going so they skipped ahead, it sounds like he was high as hell.


Which isn't exactly a great look either.

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Posted (edited)
On 4/13/2024 at 3:17 PM, dollars 2 donuts said:


I won’t say much, because people in glass houses should not throw stones.


Due to the fact that I honestly believed for the last two years HUDS has been slowly poisoning me in my Swanson Hungry Man Lasagnas.


Why didn’t I stop if I thought this was the case?


They are just so yummy and I realize I have a problem. 

Go Bills.







After a month I just realized (after someone reacted to this accusation which is worthy on its merits) I had a typo in the third last line.  


I wrote "was case" instead of "was the case."


...I gotta tell you NOW I feel like a complete idiot.


Correction made.  Thank you, Board, for not letting it go viral before I had the chance to fix it...you guys are the best.







Edited by dollars 2 donuts
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3 hours ago, dollars 2 donuts said:




After a month I just realized (after someone reacted to this accusation which is worthy on its merits) I had a typo in the third last line.  


I wrote "was case" instead of "was the case."


...I gotta tell you NOW I feel like a complete idiot.


Correction made.  Thank you, Board, for not letting it go viral before I had the chance to fix it...you guys are the best.








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