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[Entertainment] LOST discussion thread


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I saw a mistake in this episode.  When Walt was playing his GAMEBOY, I recognized the game.  It was Cabelas Big Game Hunter 2005, but the music for the game was Pac Man.  I was disappointed.  Oh well, great show.



Damn it! Damn it all to hell! I am crushed beyond words! :blink:


Good catch, actually.

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I saw it. It was fluff. There was a reason it was cut.


It was a scene with Clarie and Charlie and she revealed why she never named the baby...it was because she knew the "others" would come back for it.


It was maybe 2 min long.



Obviously not critical, or even complementary, to the storyline. Fluff indeed.

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Hey, some good news (IMHO) regarding next season. It was announced last week that the show would be starting at 9 pm next season. For me, with kids, that works out so much better.

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Hey, some good news (IMHO) regarding next season.  It was announced last week that the show would be starting at 9 pm next season.  For me, with kids, that works out so much better.




Yeah, and I think the new ABC show INVASION (aliens) will be on at 8:00.

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I see that ABC is remaking the Night Stalker. I have mixed feelings about it. The old one is great because its so campy. I'm don't that that would play now and if they make it too serious it may come off as an X-Files ripoff.


All that said, I will be looking forward to the pilot.

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Yeah, and I think the new ABC show INVASION (aliens) will be on at 8:00.



hopefully they keep it on wednesdays and not try and do something stupid like pitting it up against CSI on thursdays...

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I see that ABC is remaking the Night Stalker.  I have mixed feelings about it. The old one is great because its so campy.  I'm don't that that would play now and if they make it too serious it may come off as an X-Files ripoff. 


All that said, I will be looking forward to the pilot.


Care to tell a little about the original night stalker? I dont recall it at all.

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Darrin McGavin was a gum shoe reporter who worked for rag paper in Chicago. He would always get mixed up in cases where there was some supernatural event or cause. Vampires, Golums, homicidal robots, you name it, he found it and fought it.


It's great fun. It came out in the late seventies and there was nothing like it on TV (I think it came out after the original Salem's Lot with David Soul). It had moments where it was (to a 9 year old anyway) kinda' frightening. Of course now it seems kinda silly. They still show it on TRIO network as part of the "Brillant but Cancelled" series.

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Darrin McGavin was a gum shoe reporter who worked for rag paper in Chicago.  He would always get mixed up in cases where there was some supernatural event or cause.  Vampires, Golums, homicidal robots, you name it, he found it and fought it. 


It's great fun.  It came out in the late seventies and there was nothing like it on TV (I think it came out after the original Salem's Lot with David Soul).  It had moments where it was (to a 9 year old anyway) kinda' frightening.  Of course now it seems kinda silly.  They still show it on TRIO network as part of the "Brillant but Cancelled" series.




Is this a remake of the Stephen King story? About the vampire who flys around in an airplane???

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Is this a remake of the Stephen King story? About the vampire who flys around in an airplane???




I think that movie was called the "Night Flyer". That's the one with Miguel Ferrer, right? The one where the vampire was killing people at an airport.

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when they saw the blip on the radar, and shot the flare i immediately thought that maybe they are attacting someone/something they didnt want to...

then when i saw the boat, i knew it had to be the "others" tho...walt being the chosen one was a hell of a twist tho :blink:





I knew shooting the the flare was a mistake. Not a waste, but I thought that whatever showed up would be hostile.

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is this show even remotely realistic?









But! There are parts of it that are extremely accurate. Airplanes do crash, and there are islands in the Pacific!

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Did anybody see the "extra scene" on Good Morning America? I DVR'd it and watched it during lunch. It was only an extended scene with Claire and Charlie and it turns out that Clair didn't name her baby for fear of losing it. And Charlie talked some more about how weird Rousseou was. Didn't miss much.

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