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The American Media Should Not Be Trusted

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1 hour ago, Doc said:


Yeah.  They just believed the un-American lie that he colluded with Russia, and did Putin's work for him.

Along with the belief that American "Patriots" or anyone expressing nationalist tendencies were a dangerous collective of subversive extremists that needed to be squashed and silenced.  Add in mind-boggling efforts like the Military "weeding out" extremists thinking among rank-and-file personnel.  Most of which are the most battle-ready and battle-hardened soldiers on the planet.  And replace them with 90 lb. vegan women's studies graduates that are experts on understanding the roots of oppression that based on Hollywood illusions of strength and courage will have no trouble in hand-to-hand close combat situations with Russian Spetsnaz units. 

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The Press Quieted Down on Texas Voting Rights Suppression as the Conflicting Results Came In



For a law that was supposed to trample minority voting rights, Texas minority candidates did rather well in the Texas primary.


It is a constant seen in the media cycles. Hysterical claims are made for a lengthy period, and as those get proven out by data or by direct evidence — by reality — the hysterics evaporate and so does the story. There is no flood of follow-up pieces on par with the tsunami of dire consequences in articles and columns. The journos simply move on to the next promised nefarious event. This is now playing out regarding the voting rights said to have been trampled in recent months.





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They knew their cries of racism were bull####.  They just wanted to make sure they could keep cheating in elections.  Now they need to focus on getting ID for people who don't have it.

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-Ghost of Kyiv


-Snake Island 


-Holocaust Memorial was destroyed


-Nuclear Plant was hit by Russian artillery


All stories have turned out to be entirely, or mostly, false.  

-All reporting is sourcing unverified Ukrainian officials 


-Zero discussion aside from Tucker, Mehdi Hasan over how America/NATO is partly responsible for stringing Ukraine along while provoking Russia. 

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1 hour ago, SCBills said:

-Ghost of Kyiv


-Snake Island 


-Holocaust Memorial was destroyed


-Nuclear Plant was hit by Russian artillery


All stories have turned out to be entirely, or mostly, false.  

-All reporting is sourcing unverified Ukrainian officials 


-Zero discussion aside from Tucker, Mehdi Hasan over how America/NATO is partly responsible for stringing Ukraine along while provoking Russia. 

First three are typical war time propaganda, take anything of the sort with a large dose of skepticism. The nuclear plant being in the middle of a fire fight is scary and I want to know about it. As for NATO, I have no idea what is doing because there is little logic to the long term plan 

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